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General information about authors is available here. Any specific and practical information for authors can be found on the respective journal web page. 

Submission Policy
Manuscripts submitted to ARPG must contain original material and not the plagiarism. Authors are responsible to submit the work that is not based on plagiarism and published in the other journals. The submitted manuscript, or any translation of it, must neither be published, nor be submitted for publication elsewhere. Violations of these rules will normally result in an immediate rejection of the submission without further review.

Contributions should be written in English and include a 100-250 words abstract. ARPG’s journals usually welcome the following types of contributions:

* Original research articles
* Review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a scientific topic

General Peer-Review Process: All submitted manuscripts are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed. The review process is single blind. If the manuscript is accepted for full review, it will be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers. 
Peer Review Process: All submitted manuscripts will undergo a detailed initial check including plagiarism in the editorial office. An editor, editor in chief or member of editorial board takes this responsibility of peer review process. In initial review the editor complete this process in no more 7 days.
Review Report: After completion of peer review process the editor collects the review reports from two reviewers and takes the decision based on the comments of the reviewers. This decision is about acceptance, rejection or revision. A decision letter is prepared and sent to the corresponding author. 
Revised Version of Manuscript: When the revised version of the manuscript is received it again undergoes peer review process (Whenever necessary).
Acceptance: When a manuscript is accepted after peer review process, an invoice is sent to the author to pay publication fee. After payment by the author the manuscript is forwarded for  further process for publication
Typesetting and Proofreading: The author is asked to format the manuscript according to ARPG’s template before it goes into typesetting and proofreading with the publisher. The author will receive the paper in PDF produced by ARPG for checking before it is published online.

If errors are found in a published manuscript author should report this to the editor or the publisher to retracting and correcting the manuscript.

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