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International Journal of Economics and Financial Research

Online ISSN: 2411-9407
Print ISSN: 2413-8533

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 2 Number 1 January 2016

Ahead in Competition through SWOT Model: Banking Industry Perspective

Authors: Mohammad Solaiman ; Mohammad Abul Kashem
Pages: 8-15
The degree of intense competition in banking industry of Bangladesh is going to manifold in the current decade. The competition goes not only to capture market share but also to differentiate in offerings and services. The paper has empirically examined the relationship between implementing SWOT analysis and achieving competitive advantage in the sample banks. The study covered six banks i.e., three govt. and three private commercial banks operating in Chittagong district of Bangladesh. The samples consisted of bank branch executives taking six executives of each branch of the study areas. The technique of purposive sampling was used to select the sample respondents where the questionnaire consisted of 12 items that measure the dimensions of competitive advantage and 13 items that represent the process of SWOT analysis. The result of study showed significant correlation between SWOT analysis and dimensions of competitive advantage i.e., speed, quality, flexibility, and cost-benefit. The Co-efficient of Correlation is 0.69. Again, the competitive advantage is a strategic goal and it is a dependent variable. The paper identified that the good performance of a bank was dependent on internal as well as external variables and it was related to achieve a competitive advantage in the sample banks. Thus, for achieving competitive advantage in competitive market, the sample banks may take care of carrying out SWOT analysis on a continuous basis for facing its threats and weaknesses as well as creating opportunities  and strengths. The study suggested some strategies for increasing its strengths, opening new opportunities, on one hand and overcoming weaknesses; and resisting threats through choosing areas of improvement like delivery of banking services to the customers at minimum cost, prompt one stop service, flexibility and adaptability in offering competitive banking products, IT based infra-structural facilities, building leadership skills and personality development of bank executives through training on a continuous basis, for sample banks in particular and banking industry of Bangladesh in general.

Credit Scoring of Turkey with Semiparametric Logit Models

Authors: Tugba Dayioglu
Pages: 1-7
The aim of this study is to determining the factors which could affect the credit scoring to reveal the relationship between economical policies implemented in Turkey and the credit ratings given by credit scoring agencies with econometrics method along with comparisons among countries. When the countries own resources are not enaugh to finance economical growth, countries are needed for foreign investments.These foreign investments are wanted by countries as direct foreign investments or financial investments. Both kinds want to have a trust on types of economies to invest on them. For this reason  it is needed to have a indicator for safety of a country to invest .The most important indicator developed for this  purpose is credit rate. Thus, figures of GDP, Current Account Balance, Foreign Borrowing and Inflation of Turkey in the year of the 2000-2015 using parametric and semiparametric logit models. The semiparametric methods best fitting models using best fitting smoothing methods when the combines that best features of the parametric and nonparametric approaches when the parametric model violated. We used the data of IMF World Economic Outlook Database and IMF Article IV countries reports, Moody’s,Standart&Poors and Fitch main reports on site.