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International Journal of Economics and Financial Research

Online ISSN: 2411-9407
Print ISSN: 2413-8533

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 3 Number 3 March 2017

Comparing the Economic Structure and Carbon Dioxide Emission between China and Vietnam

Authors: Bui Trinh ; Pham Le Hoa
Pages: 31-38
The object of this study is to compare the economic structure through the intersectoral structure of the two economies, Vietnam and China. This research shows differences in levels of economic structure and induced impacts on output, value added, import, energy requirement and emissions of dioxin carbon in producing a final product unit. It also gives an overall picture of economy to help policy makers to make the best decisions for the economy and the environment. we find that on the surface, it seems that the economic structure of Vietnam and China have a lot of similarities, but when looking deeper into the economy, it shows diference between two economies, the economic structure of China has intersectoral linkage indexs better than these indexs of Vietnam, but Manufacturing industry in China has a high level of CO2 emission, which shows that the current technology cannot suffice for waste disposal. It also recommends that the countries attracting FDI from China should have a strict check for waste treatment.

Evaluation and Measurement of the Internal Performance of the Civil Regime of the Moroccan Pension Fund

Authors: Latifa Aitoutouhen ; Faris  Hamza
Pages: 19-30
The civil pension scheme of the Moroccan pension fund is ‘Bismarkian’, contributory and mandatory. This pay-as-you-go system finds its foundation in social justice and intergenerational equity. The evaluation of the sustainability and viability of this scheme can not be carried out solely by the financial component, even if this criterion is essential to ensure the confidence of the affiliates. It also requires consideration of other criteria to ensure its ability to meet its commitments and achieve its objectives. This paper proposes to analyze and evaluate the internal civil regime performance of the Moroccan Pension Fund (CMR) based on the identification and measurement of indicators of three main parameters: generosity, equity, and the inter and intra generational redistribution.