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International Journal of Economics and Financial Research

Online ISSN: 2411-9407
Print ISSN: 2413-8533

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 6 Number 5 May 2020

An Assessment of the Effect of World Oil Price Shocks on Uganda’s Official Development Assistance

Authors: Geoffrey Ogwang ; Tomson Odongo ; Dick N. Kamuganga
Pages: 96-110
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ijefr.65.96.110
This study assesses the effect of world oil price shocks on Uganda’s official development assis-tance using Structural Vector Autoregressive Model (SVAR). The results in this study show in-significant pass-through effect of world oil price shocks to Uganda’s Official Development As-sistance received in the period under the study. The policy implication in this study is that Offi-cial Development Assistance received by Uganda is independent of world oil price shocks.

The Effects of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Bangladesh: An Evidence from the ARDL Bound Testing Approach

Authors: Kazi Mezbah Uddin Ahamad ; Md. Mominul Islam
Pages: 87-95
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ijefr.65.87.95
Public debt is intended to bridge the gap between domestic savings and investment. This paper examines the effect of public debt on economic growth in Bangladesh using autoregressive distributed lag bound testing approach to cointegration. It finds a negative relationship between public debt and economic growth both in the short-run and the long-run. That is, a significant rise in the public debt in Bangladesh appears to be a burden for the economic growth controlling for other determinants of growth. The findings suggest that funds obtained through public debt are not utilized in the productive economic avenues which may improve the growth scenario in Bangladesh. Also, the adverse effect exerted by public debt may further be responsible for a reduction in investment and slower growth of capital stock, which eventually can hamper the labour productivity growth in the country in long run.

Liquidity Analysis of UAE Banks

Authors: Mukdad Ibrahim
Pages: 82-86
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ijefr.65.82.86
The aim of this paper is to analyze the liquidity levels of various banks in the UAE for the period 2005-2009. To understand the behavior of liquidity indicators especially during the financial crisis, the researcher will analyze the four liquidity indicators over the years 2005 to 2009.  The findings highlight how the banks in question have been impacted by the 2007-2008 crisis. This can most obviously be seen in the notable decline of each of the banks liquidity level in 2009. The effect of loans to total assets, loans to customers’ deposit, and investment to total assets ratios for the five banks was most notable in 2009. Two liquidity ratios were analyzed in order to determine the banks’ ability to honor its debt obligations, these being loans to total assets and loans to customers respectively. The third ratio was the total equity to total assets to assess the liquidity level in the capital structure, while the fourth ratio was the investment to total assets to measure the managing of liquidity. While Bank liquidity was affected by the crisis, bank performance remained relatively stable, as measured by coefficient of variation, since these banks were able to yield more control over cash flows in comparison to revenues and costs.