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Volume 2 Number 5 May 2016

The Law on the Illicit Enrichment Crime and Financial Disclosure in Jordan: Issue of Effectiveness and Enforceability

Authors: Mohannad Ahmad Abu-Morad ; Zainal Amin Ayub ; Fauziah Mohammad Noor
Pages: 100-105
Traditional prosecution of corruption proved useless results, due to futility of proving methods and the secretive nature of corruption case. Therefore, the financial disclosure system had been created to be an important and effective tool to curb corruption through prevention of conflict of interests and prosecution of illicit enrichment.  Jordan adopted this system within the Illicit Enrichment Law aiming to prosecute illicit enrichment and deprive perpetrators and their accomplices from the proceeds of corruption. However, there are several problems inherent in the law that frustrates its objectives. Hence, this article discusses one of these issues, which is the relationship between the criminal liability of illicit enrichment and the obligation of submission the financial disclosure in accordance with the Jordan law, with some reference to the international standards. 

Informal Housing Options and Locations for Poor Urban Dwellers in Dar es Salaam City

Authors: Tatu Mtwangi Limbumba ; Neema Ngware
Pages: 93-99
Access to adequate urban housing in developing countries has been a challenge for the state and citizens alike because of rising urban population that is not matched with adequate affordable housing. The most visible manifestation of the lack of adequate housing is the proliferation of informal settlements in large cities. Dar es Salaam, the primate city in Tanzania, has over 70% of the population living in informal settlements. This paper draws from studies done in Dar es Salaam that indicate how the location decisions of households enable a variety of housing options in the informal housing sub-market. A qualitative approach was employed to collect information-rich data from purposefully selected respondents in two case study areas located in inner and peri-urban informal residential locations of Dar es Salaam city.  Findings suggested that, areas located in the inner, and peri-urban locations of the city; meet varying spatial and non-spatial needs. Informal social processes mediated by the community and other actors; combine to enable residents’ access reasonably affordable land and housing that meets diverse. The preference for informal housing areas sometimes supersedes that of planned areas because the formal market is not only limited but is out of reach of many poor urban dwellers. New planning areas are often times located in remote areas far from livelihood sources hence their lack of appeal. However with the threat of uncontrolled informal settlements’ growth and deteriorating urban environments; appropriate interventions are needed in order to guide housing development and simultaneously meet the diverse livelihood needs of urban dwellers.

Coaching Works! A Qualitative Study Exploring the Effects of Coaching In a Public Sector Organization

Authors: Joseph Edwards ; Michael Snowden ; Jamie P. Halsall
Pages: 88-92
Professional development has become an important tool in the development of individual working in a public sector organisation. A crucial part of professional development is mentoring and coaching employees. The aim of this paper was to investigate the effects of coaching in the workplace, specifically whether coaching or being a coach is related to job satisfaction and psychological empowerment and whether being in a culture of coaching is related to job satisfaction. The research was carried out by undertaking a series of qualitative structured interviews. It was found that coaching has a positive effect in a public sector organisation.