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Volume 5 Number 6 June 2019

Marketing Metrics Based Performance for SMEs Business Strategy in Indonesia

Authors: Iha Haryani Hatta ; Endang Etty Merawati ; Edy Supriadi ; Nurul Hilmiyah
Pages: 1073-1078
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.1073.1078
The SMEs engaged in marine fish processing industry in Muara Angke, Jakarta have the potential to be better developed, considering that most of the entrepreneurs are young, experienced and well educated although most enterprises are not yet in the form of legal entities. This study aims to determine the level of performa nce achievement based on marketing metrics and business development strategy model as well as recommendations for SMEs in marine fish processing in Muara Angke, Jakarta. The study used 40 SMEs entrepreneurs involved in marine fish processing as random respondents. Data were analyzed based on SWOT and EFE-IFE analysis. The results of the study indicate that the marketing metrics-based performance achievement level of the enterprises is moderate. The model of enterprise development strategy of this business is W - O strategy, that is, the SMEs entrepreneurs first minimize the weaknesses in order to take advantage of opportunities. So the recommendation of strategy is to carry out a directed and more vigorous campaign by organizing, following, or sponsoring various events, promotion through printed media, and social networking media, and adding sales network.

Strategic Planning as the Success Key of Business Organizations

Authors: Jamal Ahmed Al-Doori ; Ahmad Yousef Areiqat
Pages: 1067-1072
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.1067.1072
This study aims to shed light on the role of strategic planning by utilizing the resource-based view (RBV) model to achieve an organization’s success. Through reviewing related literature it becomes necessary for organizations to prepare their financial or non-financial resources as success instigators. This applies mainly to tangible assets that can produce high-quality products and human resources and can attract potential customers to achieve competitive advantage. Hence, the ultimate finding articulates that using strategic planning through a resource-based view is the key to success. For future study there is a need to include more resources in a resource-based view like a relationship with key stakeholders that is also considered an essential asset.

Marriage Emigration of Russian Women: Causes, Trends, Effects

Authors: Sergey V. Ryazantsev ; Svetlana Yu. Sivoplyasova
Pages: 1060-1066
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.56.1060.1066
The article discusses the trends of female emigration from Russia after the collapse of the USSR. A comparative study with data from foreign statistics, opinion polls of experts show that the phenomenon of “Russian wives” has become a very common phenomenon on a global scale. The article analyzes the factors and causes of marital emigration of women from Russia. Factors contributing to the marital emigration of Russian women abroad were also highlighted. At the heart of emigration are “pushing” socio-economic and demographic factors of Russia. As attracting - to a greater extent subjective-psychological. On the basis of a comparative analysis of Russian and foreign statistics, an attempt was made to assess the scope and geography of the phenomenon of marital emigration from Russia. The key areas of emigration of Russian women after the collapse of the USSR, which include the USA, European countries, and Asian countries (Japan, Korea, China, Middle East countries) have become popular in recent years. The structure and institutions in Russia that contribute to the marriage emigration of women and their entry into the international marriage market have been determined. Also identified risks associated with the relocation of women abroad in order to enter into marriage, including involvement in traffic, sexual and labor exploitation, becoming addicted.

Microtargeting and Electoral Segmentation in Advertising and Political Communication Through Social Networks: Case Study

Authors: Rodrigo Elías Zambrano ; Milagros Expósito Barea ; Gloria Jiménez-Marín ; Irene García Medina
Pages: 1052-1059
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.56.1052.1059
Western political debate, like other areas, has entered the digital world. Political actors have had to adapt to new communication strategies linked to technology in general and to social networks in particular. A new debate has opened that has provoked changes in the traditional system of political communication with its different audiences. Thus, the configuration of negotiation and dominance in democratic systems is linked to technological change. This research aims to provide a descriptive interpretation of the role of social networks, specifically Facebook, by the Popular Party to win the elections of June 26, 2016 in Spain. How the strategies of microtargeting, data mining  and geolocation were hollowed out in order to capture the indecisive vote and thus obtain the seats necessary to expand the electoral advantage. To this end, a comparison will be made with Barack Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and especially 2012, which were also carried out by The Messina Group (TMG) and whose results were a great success. The results show that Facebook is one of the social networks more successfully used in the campaigns.

Corporate Reputation in Tourism: Customer’s Point of View

Authors: Oleksandr P. Krupskyi ; Maxym M. Kochevoi ; Olha B. Kolomina ; Iryna O. Steblianko
Pages: 1039-1051
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.56.1039.1051
Modern tourism is an industry which role in ensuring the economic development of individual states and the world economy as a whole cannot be overestimated. The success of tourism and travel enterprises often depends on their corporate reputation. This article is devoted to the study of the elements and their connection with the peculiarities of different segments behavior. To assess the consumer’s response to the corporative reputation the ranking methods were used in course of decrease of exponent importance; Likert five-grade scale. There were taken the constituent parts of corporate nature and the main elements of company reputation as the variables, which influence the consumer’s decision on buying the service.  Paper examines three issues: the possibility of a connection between the company’s nature and corporative reputation elements; the factors affecting the purchase decision of tourism service; and the corporative reputation’s place in the formation of consumer’s behavior of the tourism company client. During the research there was found the connection between the company’s nature and the corporate reputation elements, there were also found factors that effect the decision about buying the tourism product; the personal experience and the opinion of reference group turned out to be the most important. The essential influence of the corporate reputation on the client’s behavior was found. Nevertheless, the obtained results differ for different groups, which were formed according to gender, age, income rate, belonging to a profession and the typical consumer behavior. The obtained results may be used by the companies of tourism and travel industry for identifying the target audience and for the development of the PR-campaigns.

Myth and Reality in the Album of V.R. Tsoy "A Star Called the Sun"

Authors: Petrova Svetlana Andreevna
Pages: 1035-1038
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.56.1035.1038
The article deals with the poetry of V.R. Tsoy in the perspective of mythopoetics and intermediality. The interaction of two types of art - literature and music is being researched. There is a special inclusion of mythological elements in the structure of the album, which are endowed with cyclo-forming functions. The poet creates a special artistic world, using the myth of the dying and resurrecting divine principle, connecting the heliocentric and Christian systems of worldview. At the same time, the author also uses contemporary realities, showing the specifics of his modern mentality, touches on central philosophical problems and questions of the meaning of life in general.