The Journal of Social Sciences Research
Online ISSN: 2411-9458
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 6 Number 9 September 2020
Service Quality and Passengers’ Satisfaction of Airline Operations in Nigeria
Authors: Christopher Adesola Wojuade ; Feyikemi Christianah Onatade
Pages: 865-873
The study evaluates passengers’ satisfaction with the service quality of international airlines at Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos, Nigeria. The study randomly selects 4 out of 27 international airlines operating at the airport for the survey. A purposive sampling technique was employed to select 100 respondents in each of the airlines since the study population could not be ascertained. A structured questionnaire was administered on the passengers when waiting to board the aircraft to elicit information on their travel characteristics and perceived satisfaction with the services rendered by the airlines using a five-point Likert scale. The data collected on passengers’ satisfaction with the airline’s service quality was analyzed using the servqual model while multiple regression model was used to predict the effect of service quality dimensions on passengers’ satisfaction with the airlines. The result of the servqual model shows that the passenger satisfaction rating of reliability dimension (0.66) is the highest followed by responsiveness (0.52), empathy (0.52), tangible (0.41), and assurance (0.36) has the least rating. Similarly, the result of regression model reveals that the coefficients of four dimensions reliability (β = 0.683; p ≤ 0.01), empathy (β = 0.656; p ≤ 0.01), responsiveness (β = 0.409; p ≤ 0.01) and tangible (β = 0.364; p ≤ 0.01) had statistically significant influence on passengers’ satisfaction of the airlines. The study concludes that service quality influences passengers’ satisfaction with international airline operations in Nigeria. The study recommends useful policy actions aimed at improving service quality to allow airlines to enjoy continuous loyalty and patronage by the passengers.
Principals’ Management of School Material Resources and Secondary Education Goal Attainment: A Case Study of Secondary School Managers in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Authors: James E. Okon ; Festus O. Arop ; Rosemary O. Osim ; Nse N. Ukpong
Pages: 856-864
The main thrust of this study was to examine principals’ resources management and goal attainment in public secondary schools. Three null hypotheses were formulated following the specific purposes of the study. This study was tailored to follow the ex-post facto research design. The population of this study consisted of 681 secondary school administrators (227 principals and 454 vice principals) distributed across 227 public secondary schools situated in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Census technique was adopted in studying the entire population. A self-structured and administered questionnaire titled, “Principals’ Resources Management and Goal Attainment Questionnaire (PRMEAQ)” was used as data collection instrument. The null hypotheses of the study were all tested at. 05 level of significance using the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Analysis. Findings of the study indicated that financial management, management of school libraries and school records management all have a partial significant relationship with goal attainment in secondary schools. In line with this finding, relevant policy implications were discussed. It is recommended, among others, that secondary school principals should effectively and prudently utilize available material resources as well as internally generated funds for judicious purposes.
Talent Management and Public Sector Performance: An Assessment of Lagos State Ministry of Education, Nigeria
Authors: Fatile Jacob Olufemi ; Salami I. Afegbua ; Emma Etim
Pages: 845-855
Nurturing talented workforce is becoming of increasing importance to both public and private sector organizations, as it is easier for an organization with a talented and well-managed workforce to achieve its short and long term aims and objectives than an organization without it. The thrust of this study is to examine the effects of talent management on performance in the public sector, using the resource-based theory (RBT) that clearly states how a valuable, non-substitutable, rare and difficult to imitate employee adds to the competitive advantage of an organization. This kind of employee helps position the organization for short and long-term successes. The survey design was used and data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The stated hypotheses were tested using Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient. Findings revealed that adequate talent management strategy is needed to enhance performance in public sector organizations as it will help in the maintenance of core competencies, employees’ retention, commitment, increase productivity, as well as lower recruitment costs. The study concludes that no matter the quality and quantity of resources spent on skills sharpening, career support, innovation, training, etc. if adequate strategies are not developed to manage talents within an organization, more resources will be spent on talent acquisition regularly without corresponding results. The study recommends that the process of having a talented workforce should begin from the acquisition (hiring) stage and should flow through the compensation and retention stages. Thus, public organizations should, at all times, identify areas that talent replacements are needed at present, as well as develop the skills and competencies of the employees to take up leadership roles in the future or when the need arises. With this, the organization will have suitable hands to fill in top managerial positions when a senior staff retires, dies, or whenever the need arises.
Factors Influencing Vehicle Operating Costs of Haulage Firms in a Developing Country
Authors: Christopher Adesola Wojuade ; Jubril Oladosu
Pages: 838-844
Vehicle operating cost is the cost that haulers incur in rendering freight services. This cost is influenced by operational, economic, fixed asset, and institutional factors. Haulage firms must take the right decision on these factors to minimize the vehicle operating cost and increase their profit. This study examines the factors determining the vehicle operating costs of haulage firms in Nigeria. The data for this study was obtained through the administration of structured questionnaires randomly on 337 respondents out of 2154 staff in the 8 selected registered haulage firms having their headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. The questionnaire was used to collect information on components of truck operation influencing vehicle operating costs. The result of the OLS multiple regression model shows that all the factors were significant and predict vehicle operating costs but to a varying extent. The coefficients of significant factors were wages (β = 0.324; p ≤ 0.01), empty running (β = 0.297; p ≤ 0.01), fleet size (β = 0.264; p ≤ 0.01), training (β = -0.201; p ≤ 0.01), weight of freight (β = 0.145; p ≤ 0.01), drivers experience (β = 0.132; p ≤ 0.01), vehicle age (β = 0.111; p ≤ 0.05), administrative fee (β = 0.100; p ≤ 0.05) and maintenance (β = 0.096; p ≤ 0.05) influence vehicle operating costs of haulage firms respectively. The study concluded that driver’s wages, empty running, fleet size, and training were important factors influencing the vehicle operating costs of the haulage firms. The study recommends useful policy decisions to improve the performance of haulage businesses in the study area.
Is Child Labor an Issue Today? Factors and Policy-Related
Authors: Shadiya Mohamed Baqutayan ; Sumaya Mohammed Bagotayan ; Hafiz Hussin ; Boniface Basin Anak Nyirob ; Faisal Ali Al Balushi
Pages: 826-837
The world has accomplished progress in human right and child education under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); the goal that comprises end modern slavery and human trafficking and secures the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labor in all its forms, nevertheless, child labor issues are continuing to spread to many countries in the world. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to address the issue of child labor and factor that help to eliminate child labor issues in Malaysia. Data were collected through an online survey; the participants included twenty-nine (29) Malaysian civil services. The finding of this research indicated that, although the cost for hiring the children is low compare to the adult as highlighted in supply and demand side, few factors preventing community to use the child as a laborer like religion, awareness/knowledge, humanity, ethic, and culture, therefore, there must be a child labor policy that eliminates all forms of child labor in Malaysia. This research is carried values to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in enhancing the policy to end child labor, reduce poverty and hunger, and improves the quality of education; thus, this research carries values to the minister of labor and social affairs in enhancing the policy on human resources development.
The Discourse of Gender and Power in Naomi Alderman’s The Power
Authors: Mojgan Abshavi ; Zaman Kargozari
Pages: 818-825
The Power is a 2016 science fiction novel by British writer Naomi Alderman. Its basic principle is that women develop the ability to release electric shocks from their fingers, causing them to become the dominant gender. This study tried to find the concepts of gender and power in this novel and analyze them. The Power describes how gender relations would be affected, how society would evolve if women developed the ability to deliver electric shocks. This speculative fiction explores the form of power in patriarchy by using a singular principle according to which the women of the planet obtain as an evolutionary accident a new organ in the clavicle - the skein - producing electric shocks. Obtaining this power allows women to challenge the power dynamics of patriarchy.
Assessing the Role of Maternal Health Care Knowledge and Practices in Postpartum Depression
Authors: Faiza Anjum ; Madieha Akram ; Raja Shaharyar ; Muhammad Yaseen ; Zahira Batool ; Asma Zafar
Pages: 811-817
The present study aims to access the role of maternal health care knowledge and practices in developing postpartum depressive symptoms among Pakistani women. The data was collected from 400 rural mothers, having a child up to one year of age in four rural towns of Faisalabad. An interview schedule approach was used for collection of data. Results showed that lack of education, income, maternal health care knowledge and health care practices were the most important predictors of postpartum depression. The values of chi-square (26.419) and (59.734) showed a highly significant association (P = 0.000) between lack of health care knowledge and postpartum depressive symptoms and health care practices as well as postpartum depressive symptoms, respectively. Additionally, the compulsion of social taboos (eat specific food, not allow to go outside home, infant care, spouse attachment) in the antenatal/postpartum period increased the level of emotional distress such as low mood, anxiety, poor concentration and stress. The study suggested that women’s consultancy with a health care professional to obtain postpartum instructions is beneficial for healthy mothers and their child.