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Volume 5 Number 10 October 2019

The Extent of Applying Effective Teaching Skills in Teaching Physical Education

Authors: Mo’een Ahmad Oudat
Pages: 1507-1514
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1507.1514
This study aimed to identify to the extent of applying effective teaching skills in teaching physical education. The researcher employed the descriptive survey method, and the study population consisted of all the students in enrolled in physical education teaching methods course during the first semester of the academic year 2018/2019 (N=83). The study sample consisted of all the study population participants (100%). A 35-item questionnaire was constructed, specially designed for the effective teaching skills (classroom management, planning, teaching aids, implementation, and evaluation). The scientific coefficients of the study instruments were calculated through obtaining the content validity and reliability (0.91); the means, standard deviation, T-test and One Way ANOVA to obtain the differences of the means and answer the questions. The results showed statistically significant differences at the (P≤0.05) level in the means of the effective teaching skills by gender, in favor of the males. There were statistically significant differences in the effective teaching skills, by academic years, in favor of the first year, and second years, respectively. The results further showed statistically significant differences in the effective teaching skills by academic department, in favor of the sport rehabilitation department.

The Perceived Significance of Spirituality on Sri Lankan National Team Players’ Performance

Authors: Perera H. P. N. ; Jusoh M. ; Azam S. M. F. ; Sudasinghe S. R. S. N.
Pages: 1501-1506
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1501.1506
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationship between spirituality and perceived performance in team sports players. A standard spirituality questionnaire was used to assess the exogenous variable. The endogenous variable of the study was perceived performance and was measured through a questionnaire of a likert scale which was adopted from literature. Subjective performances of the players were derived opposed to objective performance. Data had been collected from Sri Lankan national team players who are engaged in team sports of football, basketball, Elle, volleyball, Hockey, Kabaddi, Netball, Rugby and Throw ball. The study population was 308 national team players and the universal sampling technique was used.  The study results reveal that there is a positive relationship between spirituality and performance of the players.

Russian Entrepreneurship in the Context of Socio-Economic Crisis: the Risks of Deprofessionalization

Authors: Konstantin V. Vodenko ; German A. Gribanov ; Kirill A. Chernov ; Kristina S. Mukhina
Pages: 1495-1500
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1495.1500
Purpose of the study:  The importance of sociological understanding of the risks of deprofessionalization of entrepreneurial activity in the context of a deep socio-economic crisis is determined by the peculiarities (crisis, illegal practices) of entrepreneurship in post-Soviet Russia which affected its modern development. Methodology: I. Schumpeter’s theoretical ideas create the methodological basis for the study of modern Russian entrepreneurship. Schumpeter defines an entrepreneur as the "main phenomenon" of economic development. The scientist associates entrepreneurship with innovation and introduction of new combinations of production factors. The neo-institutional approach is methodologically important for the study of Russian entrepreneurship. This approach states that any social institutional practices are determined by the specific institutional system, the system being a historical product of a particular era and society. The study of the risks of deprofessionalization of Russian entrepreneurship is carried out on the basis of theoretical ideas of Zh. T. Toshchenko, aimed at analysis of a new modern phenomenon - "effective managers", considered in the context of opportunistic behavior in the field of entrepreneurship. Results: The study concludes that the attitude to entrepreneurship in Russia has positively changed in the last decade. Despite this fact, Russia faces the risks of deprofessionalization. The risks are associated with both institutional formation factor and the modern conditions of professional training of entrepreneurs: the crisis of educational system and transformation of professional and labour values. Applications of this study: The results of this study facilitate navigation in the meanders of institutional transformations which take place in professional and labour spheres of the modern Russia, making it possible to predict the situation in social reproduction of the Russian community from the prospects of innovative development. That is possible because entrepreneurship acts as a generator and implementation entity of social innovations. Novelty/Originality of this study: The risks of Russian entrepreneurship deprofessionalization in the current social reality are determined by a set of institutional factors which create a crisis space for professionalization of entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs at all the stages, from the process of professional self-determination to professional self-realization. This situation lays the foundation for crisis reproduction of the entire socio-cultural system. It is difficult to change the situation in the short term, therefore, we are talking about long-term projects. The authors propose to turn to potential of the institute of education, designed not only to form a layer of knowledge, skills, and competencies of the future businessmen, but also to form a culture of entrepreneurship with a high level of professional responsibility as one of the main indicators of professionalism.

The Effects of Employee Mindset on Employee Innovativeness: A Comparative Study Between Professional and Non-Professional Groups among Government Staff in Putrajaya, Malaysia

Authors: Narehan Hassan ; Mohd Safwan Ramli ; Nur Athirah Sumardi ; Mazuin Mat Halif ; Abdul Kadir Othman ; Noor Zalina Zainal ; Rozilah Abdul Aziz
Pages: 1487-1494
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1487.1494
This comparative study was conducted to identify the effects of employee mindset on employee innovativeness among civil servants in two ministries and one government agency in Malaysia, enabling a deeper understanding on the contributing factors of employee innovativeness in civil service in Malaysia. The findings revealed that there were significant and positive relationships among and between all dimensions of employee mindset and employee innovativeness among professional grade employees but only three dimensions of employee mindset (cognitive complexity, boundary spanning and adaptability) were associated to employee innovativeness among the non-professional group. Two other dimensions of employee mindset (cosmopolitanism and entrepreneurial mindset) were not found to be related to employee innovativeness for this group. In addition, it was found that all dimensions of employee mindset influenced employee innovativeness among the professional group of employees while for the non-professional group, only three out of five dimensions of employee mindset had significant influence towards employee innovativeness. It is recommended that employees in the non-professional group should be guided and rewarded for any innovative ideas they presented. Also, for the management to reinvent work processes to serve the people better. In addition, all civil servants should be allowed to use their own creativity complete their work and not through the conventional, repetitive way of doing things.

Active Aging: Social Network of Community-Dwelling Thai Elderly

Authors: Panarat Satsanasupint ; Thanapauge Chamaratana
Pages: 1480-1486
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1480.1486
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between active aging, social network, and community-dwelling Thai elderly in Northeastern of Thailand. A total of 405 Thai elderly, we adopted a systematic random sampling was used for data collection, and conducted in 2018. This study shows that 63.5% were female, mean ± standard deviation (SD) age of study subjects was 68.9 ± 6.7 years. It has made up 66.4% that moderate levels of active aging. Health, participation, and security dimension most subjects had a moderate level at 72.9%, 61.2%, 67.7%. We found that a positive associated with personal factor, household factor, community factor, and social network factor. Our results also suggest that elderly service providers should pay more attention to group interaction, neighboring support, and facilitated in the community.

The Effect of Human Capital on Workers' Income in Western and Eastern Regions of Indonesia

Authors: Rahmi Fahmy ; Nasri Bachtiar ; Delfia Tanjung Sari ; Fajar Wisga Permana
Pages: 1463-1479
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1463.1479
This study examines the effect of human capital (HC) on three median (quintile) income, namely the low median income category (Q1 = 0.25), middle median income (Q2 = 0.5) and high median income (Q3 = 0, 75). for Indonesian workers in the west and east regions. Total respondents for this study were 51,210 workers, consisting of employers, workers and casual workers. All respondent data were recorded in the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) in 2016. The HC variables in this study were years of schooling, certified training, length of work and age. This study also discusses the interaction effect between (1) vocational education background and length of study, (2) participation in certified training and length of study (3) experience and participation in certified training. This study applies the Mincer model with quantitative regression analysis to break the effect of HC at a certain level of income. The results showed that the length of study had a positive and significant effect on the income of workers in both regions, especially for western Indonesia who graduated or continued their education at vocational schools. Meanwhile, workers in the eastern region who participated in certified training had a more significant influence on their income. It was also found that lower length of work reduced the effect of training participation especially for eastern workers. It is interesting that these results can be fully observed for workers with lower incomes. Therefore, the specific implications of this research must be developed, especially programs for vocational education and legal protection of workers’ careers to maintain optimal labor market outcomes in Indonesia.

The Challenge of the Enforcement of the Rule of Law and Governance in Palestine: The Tribal Justice System and the Rule of Power

Authors: Mahmoud M. Dodeen
Pages: 1455-1462
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1455.1462
The article addresses the system of tribal justice and the rule of power in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as two key obstacles to the enforcement of the rule of law and governance. The article presents the legal grounds for the involvement of tribesmen in resolving disputes among citizens outside the rule of law. It goes on to analyze the role and interest of the executive authority in encouraging the involvement of tribes while the authority continues to interfere in the affairs of the official judiciary in both functional and structural terms. It also explores a number of illegal legislative and regulatory interventions made by the president of the executive authority with the effect of undermining official institutions supporting good governance and transparency. The article finds that it is impossible to enforce the rule of law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as a result of existing practices that are difficult to change without renewing constitutional legitimacy by referring to the people as the source of authority for criminalizing any act contrary to or impeding the rule of law, or impeding or encroaching on the jurisdiction of the official judiciary.

Learnings and Motivations Related to Social Service and Volunteer Work in a Community Attention Program of Technological Literacy

Authors: Armenta-Zazueta Lizeth ; Quiroz-Campas Celia Yaneth
Pages: 1450-1454
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1450.1454
This article aims to explore the learnings and motivations of university students who participated in the realization of their social service and voluntarily, as instructors of technological literacy with a community group. The study involved 55 students from various disciplines, and was done through qualitative and quantitative tools. Through frequency measurement and analysis of participants responses, it was found that the main motivation to participate in the technology literacy program is related to desire to help people, along with a sense of personal satisfaction, in addition to the opportunities for coexistence that the program provides. Among the learnings, they highlighted with greater indexes, awareness of the needs of other people, teamwork, the role of the instructor and the management of diverse groups. It is concluded that it is important to continue these types of programs that promote the relationship of students with the community, considering the type of motivation that leads to this type of work. In addition to standardizing the work methodology, to expand its coverage.

The Imaginaries of Creativity in the Entrepreneurship Sector in Colombia: An Hermeneutic Approach

Authors: Sebastian Camilo Santisteban
Pages: 1442-1449
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1442.1449
Due to the complexities of the social, economic, and political context of Colombia, several authors have argued that Colombians tend to be very creative at an individual level, but that they face strong difficulties when trying to act collectively in a creative way. This article deepens in the concept of creativity through a literature review and then contrasts the defined concept with the vision and imaginaries of creativity of tech-entrepreneurs in the country. The main theoretical point is to contrast the empirical verification of the academic literature of creativity with the imaginaries of Colombian entrepreneurs in order to establish a more efficient and effective creative process.

Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Accessibility to Financing at Islamic Microfinance Institution in Indonesia

Authors: Metti Paramita ; Andri Brawijaya ; Wildan Munawar
Pages: 1435-1441
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1435.1441
Micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) role for a region is very strategic. MSMEs can support large industries, but there are many obstacles in MSMEs operations, one of which is capital. This study aims to determine the financing access that can be obtained by MSMEs on Islamic Microfinance Institution. Analytical techniques in this research is qualitative descriptive technique. The results of this study shows that MSMEs can possibly have access to financing from Islamic microfinance institution if it meets some specified criteria, such as business age, turnover and distance MSMEs.

The African Tradition and the Nexus Between Public Sector Ethics and Culture: A Critical Analysis

Authors: Daniel Chigudu
Pages: 1428-1434
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1428.1434
Globalisation of public service delivery practices must overcome cultural and ethical barriers in their diversity. The pervasive Christian gospel and Islamic religion are believed to be concerned more in spirituality and less concerned with governance and political systems. The objective of this study is to expound the dilemma facing an ethical public service delivery system and to suggest possible solutions. The research methodology is a qualitative approach employed through content analysis. Findings indicate that for African states, alternative public service delivery is a question of choice by those wielding power, authority and political will. The study provides ethical initiatives to accommodate such diversity in building public sector ethics and culture. Simply relaying public service delivery strategies deemed successful in other states may not necessarily translate into success due to some ethical and cultural variations. What obtains is that, states that claim to be faith based or to carry religious ethical practices sometimes lead way ahead of others in unethical administrative practices. The contribution of the study is an additional item to the list of factors militating against effective service delivery and lack of public sector cultural ethics. This phenomenon should be tackled head-on so that service delivery is not compromised.

Synchronous Mobile-Mediated Communication: An Analysis of Discourse Functions and the Nature of Negotiations

Authors: Mohammad Shariq Mohammad Aslam ; Atef Odeh AbuSa’aleek
Pages: 1419-1427
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1419.1427
Negotiating meaning and form has an important role in the development of a language. At the same time, written and audio output may also vary, which can lead to the generation of a variety of discourse functions and materialize in teaching methodologies and academic content used in the language teaching process. Since technology is increasingly becoming an indispensable and integral educational tool across the world, Saudi Arabia being no exception, language teachers are encouraged to integrate new technologies into their teaching methodology and practice to ensure they meet learners’ needs. WhatsApp Messenger, as a messaging and Voice over IP (VoIP) service that allows users to, among others, send text and voice messages and make voice and video calls, is investigated as a real-time language learning in this research. The current paper was conceived out of the researcher’s consistent observation of the positive impact of synchronous audio and written mobile-mediated communication tools, in particular WhatsApp, and the nature of negotiating meaning and form on the development of English as a foreign language for ESL and EFL learners. There has been previous similar research on WhatsApp as an educational tool but, in these studies, the language outcomes have largely been neglected. By analyzing audio and text negotiations and interactions conducted over WhatsApp, and comparing them with equivalent asynchronous computer-based exchanges, this study aims to investigate different types of discourse functions that are used in the negotiation of meaning via synchronous mobile-mediated communication. On a micro level, we compare Synchronous Audio Mobile-Mediated Communication (SAMMC) and Synchronous Written Mobile-Mediated Communication (SWMMC) modes of interaction, when applying discourse functions, to determine which mode offers a greater range of innovative language output. The language output of forty undergraduate EFL learners was studied over a five-week period and it was concluded that SAMMC outperformed SWMMC in terms of the scope of meaning and form.

Designing Model of the Human Resources Supply Chain (Thematic Analysis Method)

Authors: Hamed Dehghanan ; Saied Sehhat ; Sayed Mojtaba Mahmudzadeh ; Maryam Zarandi
Pages: 1396-1418
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1396.1418
Human resource was the fundamental capitals and the source of transformation and innovation in organizations. One of the most crucial ways for attracting and retaining human resource was to create a productive process and supply chain. The human resource supply chain was an integrated approach to planning, locating and controlling human resource in different businesses, from human resource’s suppliers to replacing them in relevant jobs. According to the lack of supply chain of human resource in organizations, the importance of this issue was clear to everybody. After considering the sources extracted from databases, 136 sources were obtained as samples. In this research, the design of the supply chain human resource model was done by the qualitative research method of thematic analysis, and by studying the theoretical foundations and thematic literature. The process of thematic analysis was done manually and using MAXQDA software. The results of this research show that the human resource supply chains could be summed up in six main themes of organizational needs assessment, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, human resource improvement, performance evaluation, and human resource management. By integrating these themes with the components of the supply chain, the supply chain of human resources derived from theoretical literature can be achieve. Based on the theoretical foundations of the supply chain and human resources management, the following model was present. For the amount of credibility of the human resources supply chain pattern, a model derived from theoretical literature among seven experts in the field of human resources was presented and using the Delphi technique to present the final pattern of the chain Provision of human resources.

Communication, Coordination, Logistics and the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) During Disaster in Malaysia

Authors: Haslinda A. ; Nazree Ismail ; Nur Hidayah Roslan ; Maimunah Omar
Pages: 1383-1395
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1383.1395
In times of crisis or disaster such as the recent floods of December 2014 in the northern and eastern Malaysian states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak and Kedah, non-governmental organizations played a significant role in assisting the authorities and government agencies in collecting and providing aid to victims. Under normal circumstances non-governmental organizations vary in what they do and would normally focus on specific issues such as environmental issues, health issues or social issues. However in times of crisis or disaster, these organizations expand their role by assisting authorities with relief efforts ranging from financial assistance to manpower to basic necessities such as food, water, clothing and even logistical assets such as lorries, helicopters and other types of vehicles. The available literature has suggested that individuals, groups and organizations such as non-governmental organizations innovate as seen by countless relief effort activities conducted by non-governmental organizations in times of crisis or disaster in the past. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between communication, coordination, and logistical factors toward the role of NGOs when faced with a crisis in Malaysia. The outcome of the study revealed that coordination and logistics are the main and significant factors contributing to the role of NGOs in times of crisis or disaster. With regard to communication, the findings revealed that this is a significant aspect however it does not contribute towards the role of NGOs in times of crisis. Finally, this study also found that preparation and training contributes to the successful role of NGOs in dealing with crisis or disaster situations, suggesting that more needs to be done in terms of planning, budgeting and training to prepare volunteers. The implications of this study on the surveyed respondents from various non-governmental organizations in terms of experience, requirements, support and issues are discussed.

Designing a Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem With the Earliness/Tardiness Penalty

Authors: Mir Hossein Seyyedi ; Amir Mohammad Fakoor Saghih ; Alireza Pooya ; Zahra Naji Azimi
Pages: 1375-1382
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.510.1375.1382
The scheduling of flexible job shop systems is one of the most important issues in the various fields of production and is currently being addressed by many researchers in the field of optimization issues. The present research includes flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSSP) with multi-objective, minimizing maximum completion time (makespan), maximum machine workload, total machines workload and also, earliness/tardiness penalty with different constraints. In this research, the researcher is looking to design a mathematical model that can cover all the constraints and assumptions related to the problem. Therefore, the mathematical model was designed with multi-objective and different constraints with exact details and different assumptions that are consistent with the actual situation of the problem and implemented at Comex Company. What that distinguishes this research from other similar researches is the approach of multi-objective with different constraints, which, at the same time, it raises the complexity of the problem but the problem gets closer to the actual situation, with less research done. Finally, the results of the study showed that this mathematical model designed, as well as in the real environment which has the flexible job shop system, can be implemented within a reasonable time with the highest efficiency before the implementation of the model.