Business, Management and Economics Research
Online ISSN: 2412-1770
Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 3 Number 1 January 2017
Institutional Autonomy and Governance vis-à-vis the Management of Massification: A Case of Science-based Faculties at Gulu University in Northern Uganda
Authors: J. Lam-Lagoro
Pages: 1-7
The paper examines the case of massification in science-based faculties at Gulu University. It is argued that the boom in university education in Uganda resulted into the increase in students’ enrolment over time. This increase in enrolment resulted into situation of massification where the ratio of educational resources and class numbers became incompatible. Using qualitative and quantitative research paradigms, the survey, single-case and parallel cross-sectional designs, 294 respondents out of the 395 sampled population participated in the study. The findings underscored that Institutional Autonomy and Governance play a central role in the management of massification. The study finally concluded that although the organs of Council and Senate which constitute the hallmark of Institutional Autonomy and Governance were well established at Gulu University according to the Universities and Other Institutions Act (UOTIA), the University has met some challenges especially with regards to corporate governance practices. Finally the study recommended that Gulu University should encourage the corporate governance approach in all its management and administrative units with a view of promoting bottom-up planning in order to yield desired outputs and targeted outcomes as well as marshal the challenges posed by massification.