Business, Management and Economics Research
Online ISSN: 2412-1770
Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 5 Number 2 February 2019
Budget Management and Organizational Effectiveness in Nigeria
Authors: John Nkeobuna Nnah Ugoani
Pages: 33-39
The study examined the relationship between budget management and organizational effectiveness. Budget management is a useful mechanism for enhancing managerial behavior and necessary in motivating managers towards the achievement of organizational objectives. Organizational effectiveness is the reflection of how well resources are used by management that results to productivity and overall profitability. Budget management reinforces planning, coordination, motivation, communication as well as top management action. The exploratory research design was used for the study, and through data analysis, it was found that budget management has positive correlation with organizational effectiveness. The study suggests that management at all levels and times must ensure that deviations from budget are checked to avoid mismanagement and enterprise failure.
Attitudinal and Structural Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women
Authors: Kevin Banning ; Ravi Chinta
Pages: 26-32
Entrepreneurial intentions have been shown to be a good predictor of entrepreneurial activity, and consequently have attracted the attention of many scholars and policy makers. Because entrepreneurial activity provides an economic engine for job growth, it is crucial to identify what drives entrepreneurial intentions. Extant literature has focused on such factors as the availability of capital, governmental support, individual networks, and culture. This study empirically investigates the expected linkage between attitudinal and structural factors and the intensity of intention to start a business for women entrepreneurs in the southeastern United States. Results from a survey of 1200 women intending to start a business in reveal that significant attitudinal and structural barriers remain for women entrepreneurs. The paper concludes with implications for women entrepreneurs, policy makers, and for future research.