Business, Management and Economics Research
Online ISSN: 2412-1770
Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 5 May 2018
Factors Affecting Women Involvement as Entrepreneur in SMEs Sector, Economic Development and Its Impact on Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh
Authors: Afzal Hossain ; Md. Zillur Rahman Siddique ; Md. Abdullah Al Jamil
Pages: 51-65
Bangladesh has enormous young women and productive workforce that will get an opportunity to involve in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector. This paper aims to investigate the factors that affect women involvement as entrepreneur in SMEs sector in Bangladesh. The study adopts the quantitative analysis of possible factors that may affect women involvement as entrepreneur in SMEs sector. By using Convenient Sampling Technique, the data has been collected from 300 respondents. Data are analyzed using frequency, mean, standard deviation and regression analysis. From the outcomes of descriptive statistics analysis, the study is found that business experience, business plan, practical knowledge, security, interest & hobby, others business house profits, adequate capital, business registration procedures, qualified leaders & trainers, and bank & financial institutions support are affected women involvement as entrepreneur in SMEs sector. From the results of regression analysis, this research is found that economical, psychological, knowledge & skills, family, and legal & administrative as the essential factors, which significantly affect women involvement as entrepreneur in SMEs sector in Bangladesh. The research is revealed that women entrepreneur, long-term business success and employment creation as the vital factors, which notably affect economic development. The study is also revealed that economic development as the critical factor, which considerably affects poverty reduction. This examination may contribute to these women entrepreneur issues. The results of this investigation can be applied by government and non-government organization, public institutions, rural development academy, policymakers and even researchers to inspire women involvement as entrepreneur in SMEs sector. The researchers strongly expect that this investigation creates value to the literature because it uses a theoretical framework to give explanation the factors that affect women involvement as entrepreneur in SMEs sector in Bangladesh.
Institutions and Financial Development in African Countries: An Empirical Analysis
Authors: S?raphin PRAO YAO ; Kamalan Eug?ne
Pages: 43-50
This study empirically investigates the impact of institutional variables on financial development in 29 African countries. The Pooled Mean Group estimation method was applied to annual data covering the 2000 to 2014 period. The results show that in the short run, economic freedom has a positive impact on financial development. In the long term, democracy has a negatve impact on financial development while corruption and economic freedom positively affect financial development. This suggests that promoting economic freedom is conducive to financial development. However, in African countries, democracy is not in favour of financial development.