Business, Management and Economics Research
Online ISSN: 2412-1770
Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Print ISSN: 2413-855X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 9 Number 1 June 2023
FinTech and Digital Finance: Foes or Friends after COVID-19 Pandemic?
Authors: Parul Mittal ; Sonal Gupta
Pages: 13-21
Purpose- In the recent years, there is a high decline in the financial intermediation cost all thanks to the increased competition and technological advancement. The aim of this research is to find the awareness level and frequency of using FinTech during and after COVID-19. We also study FinTech in the terms of geographical profile of respondents.
Design/methodology/approach- The data used in this research are both Primary and Secondary. Primary data was gathered from 143 respondents through online structured questionnaire. The survey was conducted in the State Haryana. The study is descriptive and exploratory in nature. Findings- The findings of the paper revealed that the frequency and the use of Digital financial services and FinTech increased after the pandemic. The needs of the people increase its demand. Further, the geographic profile of respondents has no influence on the use of FinTech but gender and annual income have significant influence on the frequency of using DFS on monthly basis. Practical implications- Based on the findings, the awareness level and frequency of using FinTech has been revealed. Suggestions and Recommendations have also been passed on how FinTech helps in accelerating financial inclusion and how the use of FinTech can be increased in the rural areas. Originality/value- The use of FinTech is increasing day by day, there is a need to analyse the use of FinTech amongst the section of population, especially those who are living in rural areas. This research also examines the role of FinTech in accelerating financial Inclusion. The motive of financial inclusion is also to provide financial services to each and every section of society including rural areas. Index Terms- FinTech, Digital Financial Services, Digital payments, Financial Inclusion, COVID-19, Digital Finance Paper type- Research paper.
Taxonomy of Organizational Design Models and Organizational Performance
Authors: John Nkeobuna Nnah Ugoani
Pages: 1-12
Organizational design irrespective of a particular operating model attempts to define the relationships among organizational people, jobs, and departments. It is therefore, a matter of grouping of jobs into functions and divisions. To this important extent, organizational structure is the vehicle through which managers can coordinate the activities of the various functions or divisions to fully exploit their skills and capabilities through integration. Organizational design in terms of structure, departmentalization, differentiation and function is central to organizational performance because when people who perform similar jobs are grouped together, they can learn from observing one another and thus become more specialized and can perform at a higher level in the organization. On the other hand, span of management is an important issue in managerial taxonomy because of the need for attention to the ability and capacity of both the physical, mental, psychological, and emotional requirements of both managers and subordinates in the drive for performance. Thus, effective organizational design goes beyond structures, functions or architecture to embrace the organizational culture and philosophy regarding employees and their job requirements. It involves selecting a combination of organizational system, suitable technology, and control mechanisms that are appropriate for an organization to pursue its strategy most effectively and leading to organizational performance, which means overall performance in terms of quality, profitability, employee and customer satisfaction. The literature review technique of the exploratory research design was adopted for this study, and a positive association was found between organizational design and organizational performance. This investigation was not exhaustive mainly due to lack of current relevant literature. Further study could therefore, examine the relationship between Weberian theory of bureaucracy and organizational performance in the changing management world. This study recommends that organizational leadership should encourage free flow of communication in their organizations to enhance organizational performance.