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Business, Management and Economics Research

Online ISSN: 2412-1770
Print ISSN: 2413-855X

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 5 Number 7 July 2019

Quality Improvement Practices and Compliance Performance of Selected Malaysian SMIs: Recommendations for the Trainers

Authors: Faizah Abd Majid ; Muhamad Kamal Sabran
Pages: 104-109
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/bmer.57.104.109
The study investigated the Quality Improvement Practices (QIP) of selected small medium industries (SMIs hereafter) namely the E&E manufacturers in Malaysia. The objectives of this study are to investigate the influence of the quality improvement practices (QIP) among Malaysian E&E manufacturers on their compliance performance. The quality improvement level of twelve QIP; seven soft factors and five hard factors, were determined in the study. Later, the improvement level of the QIP was compared according to the manufacturers’ size, ownership, length of operation, and ISO status. A quantitative research method, which involved the distribution of a set of questionnaires, was used in the study. Another important aspect of the research is to identify relevant soft and hard factors that need emphasis in future trainings by the QIP trainers. As the sole assessor of Product Certification compliance for the manufacturers in Malaysia, SIRIM QAS has the data on the Malaysian manufacturers’ compliance performances. Based on the data, it can be concluded that Malaysian SMIs are still struggling in implementing quality improvement practices. The data has yielded interesting findings related to the identified soft and hard factors that need further emphasis in future trainings.  The findings provided recommendations for future trainers of QIP.

Characterization of Government Entreprenurial Human Capacity Building and its Impact on Business Profile of Women Entreprenuers in Abia State, Nigeria

Authors: Iroegbu O. M. ; Ubuaru L. C.
Pages: 98-103
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/bmer.57.98.103
This study evaluated the extent of inclusion and participation of Women in Human capacity Building of a State in Nigeria. One hundred female business owners who graduated from skill acquisition centres of Abia state were randomly sampled to determine access to capacity building programmes, relevance of skills offered in programmes and type of business operation. Results showed that the 30% women affirmation policy as implemented by Abia State Government is an important factor in women entrepreneurial development. The Human Capacity building of Women entrepreneurs are tailored as stop gap. Even as petroleum producing state with strong financial base, her human capacity building strategies lack depth and are less consistent with entrepreneurial goals of women with tertiary level education. Irrespective of the state cosmopolitan status the human capacity building strategies are challenged by male dominated bureaucracy and cultural perception of female roles. A significant number (68% ) of women endorsed government policies. Seventy (70%) percent of women with tertiary education level viewed the skills offered in human capacity building as irrelevant to their training needs and entrepreneurial aspirations.Financial independence and Technology knowledge base influenced choice of business operations. The service sector was observed as the predominant choice of women.Empowerment support facilitation was suggestive of gender disparity in capacity building programmes.