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Business, Management and Economics Research

Online ISSN: 2412-1770
Print ISSN: 2413-855X

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 4 Number 12 December 2018

Analysis on the Trade Characteristics of Commodity Structure between Shaanxi Province and the Belt and Road Countries

Authors: Wang Tao ; Ren Xuguang
Pages: 178-184
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/bmer.412.178.184
In September 2013, China proposed the strategy of “One Belt, One Road” for the first time. According to this context, a comprehensive analysis of the import and export commodities between Shaanxi Province and the Belt and Road countries was carried out. The analysis found that mechanical and electrical products of Shaanxi Province took up the largest volume of trade, which had a rapid growth, was followed by light industry and medicine and other products with stable growth. Shaanxi Province, with coutries along “one belt one road”, shared a relatively high trade volume of agricultural products, mechanical and electrical products, mineral products and light industrial and pharmaceutical products, compared to the small one of software and cultural products.

Performance Ratio Analysis and Management Effectiveness

Authors: John Nkeobuna Nnah Ugoani
Pages: 171-177
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/bmer.412.171.177
Key performance ratios indicate the underlying level of performance and health of the enterprise. Therefore, understanding the components of the final accounts and their performance ratios is important because of the crucial nature of ROE. Even though PRA represents one of the best ways to compare the performance of a business and its peers in the same industry it could be highly distorted due to taxation challenges, hidden gains or losses as well as the issues of window-dressing. Generally, ratios look at the path an enterprise appears to be moving towards as well as its recent performance and current financial situation so as to guide management actions with the aim of enhancing ME. The exploratory research design was used for the study. There were 66 participants in the study and data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The multiple method of data generation made it possible for data of the study to be compared and contrasted with each other. Data were analyzed through descriptive and regression statistical methods. The result showed a strong positive correlation between PRA and ME. The study was not exhaustive; therefore, further study could examine the relationship between PRA and Trade Debt in Nigeria as a way of helping firms chart a way of meeting their debt obligations. On the basis of the result of this study it was suggested that management of companies should institutionalize effective PRA mechanism adequate enough to track performance at regular intervals.

Logistics Flexibility Effect on Manufacturing SMEs Competitiveness

Authors: Cid Leana Morales ; Gonzalo Maldonado- Guzmán ; Sandra Yesenia Pinzón Castro
Pages: 161-170
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/bmer.412.161.170
Currently, firm’s dynamics urges management strategies to meet globalized market requirements. This study analyzes the impact of Logistics Flexibility on Competitiveness of Mexican manufacturing SMEs. By using the structural equations modeling and path diagram techniques, it shows the effects of the relationship hypothesized. Managerial significance of results strengthens decision taking and public policy making, providing essential information to managers, owners and human capital of firms’ internal capacities and allocation of their strategical resources.

Youth Capacity Building in Enugu State: The Role of Entrepreneurship Development

Authors: Joy Nonyelum Ugwu ; Eneh everist O. ; Dan Igwegbe
Pages: 154-160
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/bmer.412.154.160
This study undertook an empirical view towards analyzing the role youth capacity building can play in entrepreneurship development. This study took a descriptive approach in its design and covered a sample of 519 rural entrepreneurs drawn from selected rural communities across the three geo-political zones of Enugu state using purposive sampling technique. Data was gathered using a five point likert scale questionnaire and was analyzed with chi-square test using the 23.0 versions of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The data analysis was based on the 413 questionnaires that were validly filled and returned by the respondents. The study noted that capacity building is not a choice; it is a fundamental route to youth entrepreneurship development. Hence, giving hand-outs or even equipment without needful entrepreneurial knowledge is no longer fit to pass as youth capacity building. It was therefore concluded that for sustainable entrepreneurship development especially among the youths in Enugu state, there is need for well structured and functional capacity building programmes. The paper recommends that; to ensure consistency and relevance of capacity building in the act of entrepreneurship development, states must institutionalize capacity building, Governments should invest in and leverage on existing educational institutions to advance and reduce the cost of entrepreneurship development oriented capacity building and that there is need to invest massively on innovation biased capacity building programmes.