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Academic Research Publishing Group - ARPG is an academic publisher of open access peer reviewed journals. It publishes all relevant research papers in relevant journals including economics, business management, social sciences, education and english literature, medical science, technology, agriculture science, life science, math, engineering, computer and electronics, biology and physics science etc. All our journals are international and published every month.

Call for Papers

Respected authors are invited to submit their quality and original manuscripts for possible publication in the following journals. These journals are published by ARPG. Read More

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Open Access
Academic Research Publishing Group (ARPG) is an open access publisher of peer reviewed international journals. It provides free access to its users to the full text of articles. All our publications are free access and easy to track on just single click. ARPG provides instant visibility of the published manuscripts after they are accepted after peer review. All our journals are open access, which means that all contents are freely available without charge to the users. The users are allowed freely to read, copy, download, print, search and distribute the full text of the articles. They don’t need any prior permission from the publisher and the authors.The modest open access publication costs are usually covered by the author’s institution or research funds. ARPG Open access journals are not different from traditional subscription-based journals; they undergo the same peer-review and quality control process as any other scholarly journals.

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Academic Research Publishing Group publishes its work open access under license Creative Commons licenses to ensure the complete open access availability of the published work.

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