International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences
Online ISSN: 2414-2999
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 2 Number 1 January 2016
An Uncommon Presentation of Filariasis
Authors: Waseem Raja Dar ; Najeebullah Sofi ; Imtiyaz Ahmad Dar ; Pervez Sofi ; Farhat Abbas
Pages: 1-4
Filariasis is a common healthcare problem in Tropical countries caused by nematodes of the order Filariidae. Typical clinical manifestations include a subclinical syndrome, Acute adenolymphangitis (ADL), Filarial fever (characterized by fever without associated adenitis) and Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE). Unusual manifestations include a subcutaneous nodule, filariasis of breast, lymphadenovarix in the axilla and others. Massive hemorrhagic pericardial effusion due to Filariasis is rare. Diethylcarbamazine is the treatment of choice.