International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences
Online ISSN: 2414-2999
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 3 March 2018
Functional Gait Rehabilitation in Older Adults after a Fall With Hip Fracture: A Systematic Review
Authors: Dathini H. ; Kever R. T. ; Markus U. l Habu Haruna ; Ahmadu Inuwa
Pages: 31-41
Background: There is a global raise in the rate of fall among older adult, often than not, this fall result in severe effect such as hip fracture. Despite effort to rehabilitate this age group after hip fracture, about 50% hardly regain their pre-fracture functional state thereby impairing activity of daily living and their quality of life. Aim: This review aims at evaluating the effectiveness of different strategies of rehabilitation in the promotion of functional gait recovery after hip fracture among older adults. Data Sources: Literature searches were conducted on CINAHL, MEDLINE, SportDiscus and web of science in addition to manual search. Study Selection: Studies were selected based on the inclusion criteria by two independent reviewers. Data Extraction: Data were extracted presented on a spread sheet. Thematic approach was used in analysing the findings because of the heterogeneity of the studies. Result: It was found that 12 weeks intervention as a follow up to usual care comprising of twice a week exercise regimen conducted at home and as out-patient centre each lasting 40 to 90 minutes per session was found to be a promising strategy in rehabilitation after hip fracture among older adults. The strategy was found to improve mobility, balance and muscles strength and power. Furthermore, compliance to treatment regimen was found to be improved in short term interventional studies supervised by a trained physiotherapist. Conclusion: Based on findings, it could be concluded that outcomes were improved with the interventions. However, there is need to verify this claims in relation to appropriate exercise suitable for different cultures.