International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences
Online ISSN: 2414-2999
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 6 Number 4 July 2020
Modeling COVID-19 Cases in Nigeria Using Some Selected Count Data Regression Models
Authors: Samuel Olorunfemi Adams ; Muhammad Ardo Bamanga ; Samuel Olayemi Olanrewaju ; Haruna Umar Yahaya ; Rafiu Olayinka Akano
Pages: 64-73
COVID-19 is currently threatening countries in the world. Presently in Nigeria, there are about 29,286 confirmed cases, 11,828 discharged and 654 deaths as of 6th July 2020. It is against this background that this study was targeted at modeling daily cases of COVID-19’s deaths in Nigeria using count regression models like; Poisson Regression (PR), Negative Binomial Regression (NBR) and Generalized Poisson Regression (GPR) model. The study aim at fitting an appropriate count Regression model to the confirmed, active and critical cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria after 118 days. The data for the study was extracted from the daily COVID-19 cases update released by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) online database from February 28th, 2020 – 6th, July 2020. The extracted data were used in the simulation of Poisson, Negative Binomial, and Generalized Poisson Regression model with a program written in STATA version 14 and fitted to the data at a 5% significance level. The best model was selected based on the values of -2logL, AIC, and BIC selection test/criteria. The results obtained from the analysis revealed that the Poisson regression could not capture over-dispersion, so other forms of Poisson Regression models such as the Negative Binomial Regression and Generalized Poisson Regression were used in the estimation. Of the three count Regression models, Generalized Poisson Regression was the best model for fitting daily cumulative confirmed, active and critical COVID-19 cases in Nigeria when overdispersion is present in the predictors because it had the least -2log-Likelihood, AIC, and BIC. It was also discovered that active and critical cases have a positive and significant effect on the number of COVID-19 related deaths in Nigeria.
Job Satisfaction and the Associated Factors Amongst Nurses In Southeastern Nigeria: Cross Sectional Study
Authors: Njaka Stanley ; Oko Constance Chioma ; Njaka Chibueze
Pages: 57-63
Background: Job satisfaction is a significant indicator of the way nurses feel about their profession, the efforts to perform their professional duties, or otherwise abandons it willingly. Method: cross-sectional research design approach was used to assess the job satisfaction and the associated factors among 300 hundred nurses. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and kruskal wallis test for association between the socio-demographic variables and job satisfaction at significance level of 0.05 Result: About 1/3 of the respondents (31%) reported gross dissatisfaction with their job, 0% reported being well satisfaction while (68.7%) respondents reported moderate satisfaction with their job. Across items on the scale, gross dissatisfaction was noted on key managerial factors and the salary of the workers. Job satisfaction was associated with specialty (p<0.018), gender (P<0.002) and age (P<0.000) of Nurses. Conclusion: majority of the respondents were moderately satisfied with their job but grossly dissatisfied with salary and administrative roles like communication flow.
Effective and Simple Methods of Preventing the Transmission of Viral Diseases
Authors: A. Taqaddas
Pages: 46-56
Viral infections have always been of major concern in communities, health care settings and medical fields including radiotherapy and Radiology. Recently corona virus infection has attained global attention in the wake of covid-19 outbreak and consequently highlighted importance of viral prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to control and treat viral disease. In view of the recent events, the author reviewed the current and past literature to discuss contagious versus infectious viral transmission, as well as simple and effective ways of preventing the spread of viral diseases in community and health care setting so that this information can be used for preventing viral transmission at all levels. The article is written for a wide variety of audiences i.e. scientific and medical communities policy makers and general public.
Global Impacts and Nigeria Responsiveness to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Isaiah Nnanna Ibeh ; Seyi Samson Enitan ; Richard Yomi Akele ; Christy Chinwe Isitua ; Felix Omorodion
Pages: 27-45
The Coronavirus Disease – 2019 (COVID-19) is officially now a pandemic and not just a public health emergency of international concern as previously labelled. Worldwide, the new coronavirus has infected more than 4.9 million people and leaving more than 300,000 people dead in 188 countries. As countries of the world get locked down in an effort to contain the widespread of the virus, experts are concern about the global impacts of the pandemic on individuals, countries and the world at large. Millions of people are currently under quarantine across the globe. Many countries have responded by proclaiming a public health emergency, closed their borders and restrict incoming flights from high risk countries. This has grossly affected the travel plan of many. Several international programs, conferences, workshops and sporting activities are either postponed or cancelled. As the number of confirmed cases continues to escalate across the globe, hospitals seems to be running out of medical supplies, hospital spaces and personnel. Health workers are being overwhelmed by the numbers of people requesting for testing and treatment. Many of such health workers have been infected with the coronavirus and even lost their lives since the fight against COVID-19 started. Public health experts are also concerned about the huge medical wastes coming from the hospitals at this time and the adverse effects associated with improper management of such medical wastes, both at the hospital and community levels. The pandemic has also impacted negatively on the global economy. There have been serious crises in the stock market, with gross fall in the price of crude oil resulting in inflation and economic hardship among the populace. Many are currently out of job and as a result, the level of crime, protest and violence have continued to escalate in different parts of the world. The deaths of loved ones due to the coronavirus has left many emotionally traumatized. Nigeria, like other African countries is not spared of the ravaging effects of the pandemic, even as the government take strict measures to contain the virus. No doubt, this is very challenging, but the country is capable of surmounting the virus with the needed help from her international partners and cooperation from the citizenry. But if we as a people, remain complacent and continue with business as usual, without taking measures to flatten the curve, the disease will escalate too quickly beyond our capacity to handle and our health system will be overwhelmed and may collapse eventually. We cannot therefore afford to be complacent in our response to containing the pandemic.