International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences
Online ISSN: 2414-2999
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 3 Number 9 September 2017
Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal in Smoked Trachurus Trachurus Sold in Yenagoa, Bayelsa state, Nigeria
Authors: Lovet T. Kigigha ; Loveth Odemi Ebieto ; Sylvester Chibueze Izah
Pages: 62-69
This study investigated the health risk of heavy metal in smoked Trachurus trachurus sold in Yenagoa, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. The fish samples were purchased from Tombia Junction market in Yenagoa metropolis, Nigeria. The samples were dry-ashed, digested and analyzed using atomic adsorption spectrometry. The daily intake and target hazard quotients were computed following standard procedure. Results showed mean manganese, copper, chromium, zinc and iron 0.865mg/kg, 0.085 mg/kg, <0.001mg/kg, 12.98mg/kg and 37.20 respectively. Manganese, iron and zinc concentration were above recommended level for fish food as specified by Food and Agricultural Organization/ World Health Organization and Median international standard. Target hazard quotient were <1 for both children and adult apart from iron and zinc that were high in only adults. This is an indication of potential health concern of iron and zinc in adult that consumes the smoked Trachurus trachurus sold in the study area.
Estimation of Stature of the Annang Ethnic Group of Nigeria Using Knee Height
Authors: Udoh U. G. ; Peter A. I. ; Thomas D. F. ; Johnson E. I.
Pages: 55-61
This study was to determine the mean stature, mean knee height and the correlation between stature and knee height among adults of the Annang ethnic group of Nigeria. It was also aimed to find a regression equation to predict stature from knee height in adults of the Annang ethnic group of Nigeria. A total of 400 people (216 males and 184 females) between the ages of 18 and 50 participated in this anthropometric study. These participants were randomly selected from the eight local government areas of Akwa Ibom state which make up the Annang ethnic group. Verbal consent was obtained from each individual. Stature and knee height were measured using standard anthropometric techniques. Pearson’s coefficients of correlation and regression equations were calculated using Minitab statistical package for stature and knee height. The mean and standard deviation for stature in this study was 165.29±9.98 and 160.36±9.09 for male and female respectively and that for knee height was 53.600±3.343 and 51.441±3.493 for male and female respectively. The knee height showed a significant linear correlation(r) with stature. (r=0.576 and r=0.400, (p<0.05) for males and females respectively. The following equations were derived to predict the stature (S). In males S= 73.1 + 1.72 knee height (cm), in females S= 107 + 1.04 knee height (cm). ). The results from this study showed that the male had significantly higher figures in all parameters than their female counterpart, thus indicating the existence of sexual dimorphism in these parameters among the Annang ethnic group of Nigeria. The result from this study is comparable to studies done in other ethnic groups and may be relevant in further anthropometric or forensic studies as it concerns the Annang ethnic group.