International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences
Online ISSN: 2414-2999
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 9 September 2018
Comparison of Stress Level Among Single and Double Jobber Nurses
Authors: Mr. Sajid Iqbal ; Muhammad Arsalan Farooqi ; Zia Ullah ; Nadia Azim ; Shafia Bibi
Pages: 165-169
Objective: The aim of the study was to identify level of stress among nurses according to their job status. Background: Stress is highly associated with nursing profession. This stress is caused by several factors both personal and organizational such as educational level, gender, nature of work environment and work overload etc. These factors directly or indirectly expose nurses to a considerable level of stress. If a nurse works at two places, their stress level will predictably be much higher than that of those who work at a single place. Methodology: Quantitative analytical cross-sectional study design was applied in a private tertiary care hospital at Peshawar, Pakistan. Study population included all nurses working in the mentioned hospital. Universal sampling technique was used for double jobber nurses, while convenient sampling technique was used for single jobber nurses. An adopted questionnaire was used for data collection. Chi-square test was applied to analyze the data. Result: Among double jobber nurses, 23.33% had severe, 63.34% had moderate, and 13.33% had mild level of stress. On the other hand, there was no severe level of stress among single jobbers; only 20% had moderate and 80% had mild level of stress. Conclusion: The current study identified that level of stress was higher in double jobber nurses as compared to single jobber nurses. The study would have been more generalizable if more tertiary care hospitals were included for data collection.
Reality Shock: A Transitional Challenge Faced By Intern Nurses at Labasa Hospital, Fiji
Authors: Devina Gaundan ; Masoud Mohammadnezhad
Pages: 158-164
Introduction and Aim: Transition from being a student nurse to a full time registered nurse is a difficult phase in the lives of intern nurses. During this phase they face many challenges which influence their professional lives as well as their transitional experience. This study aimed to identify the transitional challenges experienced by intern nurses at Labasa Hospital, Fiji. Methodology: This qualitative study was conducted using a phenomenological approach. Data collection through semi structured in-depth interviews commenced after ethical approval was obtained. Each interview lasted between 40 to 60 minutes. The 22 participants were intern nurses of Labasa Hospital, Fiji who were either current intern nurses and had worked for more than 6 months or had completed internship within the past 5 years at Labasa Hospital and currently working as registered nurses within various units in the facility. Written consent was obtained from intern nurses who were willing to participate before the commencement of the interview on a one to one basis. The interview data was transcribed verbatim and interpreted thematically. Results: The intern nurses participating in the study were between the ages of 22 and 26 years old. Only one participant was 46 years old. 10 were current intern nurses while the remaining 12 had completed their internship and working as registered nurses. Reality shock is one of the challenges identified as a subtheme through thematic analysis in this study. The categories identifies under reality shock are role ambiguity, self-doubt, and work environment. Conclusion: The findings of the study identified reality shock as one of the many challenges experienced by intern nurses of today. There is an immediate need for healthcare providers and nursing leaders to recognize and address the reality shock in order to facilitate better transitional experiences for intern nurses. Easing the burden of reality shock will promote a healthy working environment as well as initiate better clinical outcomes.