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International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences

Online ISSN: 2414-2999
Print ISSN: 2415-5233

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 2 Number 10 October 2016

Anemia by Vitamin B12 and Latent Iron Deficiency

Authors: Aurelian Udristioiu
Pages: 55-59
The aim of this work is to illustrate a difficult diagnostic in vitamin B12 deficiency because of using of multivitamin preparations to a patient with unknown etiology of anemia. History Patient: a 70 year old engineer, following 8 years vegetable – dietary, was admitted to the county hospital, in neurology department, with diagnostic of poli-radiculonevrites, received in ward the treatment with milgama (containing 250 micro-gram multivitamin). After a lipotimia status the patient was transferred to cardiology department. Laboratory examinations showed in peripheral blood: Hb = 6 3 g/dl; Ht = 18.8%; RBC= 290.000/mm³; PLT. = 214000/mm³; WBC = 5300/³mm; Ret. = 3, 7%; Erythrocytes indices = normal values; ESR = 38 mm/h, moderate increase and serum iron decreased, 36 microgram/dl value. On blood smear in optic microscopy was registered: Band = 5% (with nucleus in ring!!!), differential count being normally with aspect flags on Coulter HMX Analyzer with 22 parameters: neutrophilia, lymphopenia, anemia. To  microscopic examination of slide from bone morrow, have occurred the hyperplasic series of erythrocytes ~ 45%, deficiency of erythropoiesis, poly-cromathopil and acidophil erythroblasts with megaloblastic character, large metamielocytes and giant band forms. Macrocytes and ovalocytes where also presented. Biopsy results from gastric mucosa showed lesions of chronic gastritis, non-atrophic epithelium. Conclusions: Megaloblastosis appears in some time with vitamin B12 deficiently in bone morrow but no in peripheral blood because of administration of multivitamin drugs, deleting haematological shape of megaloblastic anemia.