International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences
Online ISSN: 2414-2999
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 3 Number 10 October 2017
Epidemiological Characteristics of Snake-Bite Victims in Gadarif Hospital, Eastern Sudan
Authors: Saeed M. Omer ; Mohamed A. Abdallah ; Suad Abdallah ; Khalid M. Ali ; Khalid Eltayeb ; Tajeldin M. Abdalla ; Gamal K. Adam ; AbdelAziem A. Ali
Pages: 76-79
This was a prospective cross sectional hospital based study included 117 patients with a definitive history of snake bite and clinical features consistent with the pres¬ence of fang marks at the emergency department, Gadarif Hospital, Eastern Sudan from 1st January 2015 to 1st January 2016 to identify the epidemiological factors of snake bite. The majority of these 117 patients were adult (86.3%) and male gender constituted 85.4%. Most of the patients were of rural residence (65.8%) and were involved in farming related activities (68.3%). A relatively high proportion of snake bite episodes happened in the afternoon times (53.9%) and half of the cases were reported during August (18%) and November. (12.8%). Lower limbs were involved in maximum number of the cases (83.7%). The reported systemic reaction included: swelling (100%), sweating (100%), hypotension (54.7%), nausea (51.%), vomiting (47.8%), local bleeding (13.6%), hymoptysis (1.7%) and neurotoxic symptoms (0.8%). In this study, there were ten (8.5%) deaths; 7 had grade 3 and the other three patients had grade 4 envenomation. In conclusion Snake bites is a real medical threat in Eastern Sudan; thus, it is very important to educate the native people to increase awareness about the risk of snake bites in particular among male, farmers and during the period from August to November.
Iron Status Audit Among Women of Reproductive Age Attending a Tertiary Hospital in South- East Region of Nigeria: A Frontier for Achieving Millennium Development Goals
Authors: Eledo B. O. ; Okamgba O. ; Allagoa D. O. ; Onuoha E. C.
Pages: 70-75
Anaemia in pregnancy is one of the major public health problems in developing countries. Out of 630 women Studied 150 representing 23.8% were found to be anaemic (Hb12g/dl). The prevalence of iron deficiency among the anaemic pregnant group was 8.7% with more pregnant women suffering from iron deficiency than non-pregnant women. Values of iron status were higher in the 1st trimester than 2nd trimester but tend to rise again in the 3rd trimester with no significant association existing with iron status and parity. The 8.7% prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia found in this study is considered significant. Furthermore, 10% and 3.8% of the anaemic and the control respectively were observed with high serum ferritin values) Other causes in pregnant subject with high serum ferritin values are recommended for further studies, pregnant women should be screened for iron parameters during and after antenatal care to prevent its consequences. To achieve millennium development goal on reducing child mortality come year 2020 more pragmatic steps need to be taken in our health institutions.