Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 9 Number 1 January 2023
Synthesis of Phenolic Compounds in Barley Seedlings Under the Influence of the Microwave Electromagnetic Field of Ultrahigh Frequency
Authors: E. P. Kondratenko ; O. M. Soboleva ; O. B. Konstantinova,
Pages: 141-147
Phenolic substances are involved in the processes of growth, morphogenesis, respiration and photosynthesis, are reserve and signaling substances, and have antioxidant properties. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) of variety Nikita was used in the experiments. In seven-day-old seedlings, phenolic substances were determined using reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis (RP HPLC) with an amperometric detector. The maximum number of phenolic compounds is registered in the chloroform extract of the endosperm of the microwave-treated grain, their number is 26 names of substances. The minimum number of individual substances is 10-11 and is found in samples of roots and sprouts of native seedlings, as well as roots of microwave-irradiated barley plants. The microwave treatment affected both the number of isolated substances and their amount in the extract. The most biochemically active anatomical part of a seven-day-old barley seedling is the endosperm: it contains significantly more substances of a phenolic nature, recorded by an amperometric detector, than in sprouts and roots. The microwave field significantly affected the amount of phenolic compounds with antioxidant properties in the endosperm. In relation to phenolic substances in the composition of barley seedlings, there is an organ-specific response, which is expressed in the difference in their quantitative and qualitative content. Individual phenolic substances are registered in all the organs of the seedling (roots, leaves, endosperm), and some have a certain localization. The total amount of phenolic substances with antioxidant properties increases after microwave treatment.
How to Cite: E. P. Kondratenko, O. M. Soboleva, O. B. Konstantinova, A. S. Sukhikh, 2023. "Synthesis of Phenolic Compounds in Barley Seedlings Under the Influence of the Microwave Electromagnetic Field of Ultrahigh Frequency." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 141-147.
Frequency of Isolation of Four Fungal Species Colonizing Sorghum Grain Collected from Six Lines in an Anthracnose-Infected Field
Authors: Louis K. Prom
Pages: 137-140
Sorghum seed mycoflora analysis from six lines grown in an anthracnose infected field was conducted in 2020. Seed samples were collected in July and August, and the frequency of isolation of four grain mold fungi was recorded. In July, seeds collected from SC748 exhibited the highest isolation of Alternaria alternata (40%) while 38% of seeds collected from SC1103-654 and 32% from SC1103-590 also were infected with the pathogen. In August, A. alternata was recovered in 34% of seeds from SC748 and SC265-375. Seeds obtained from RTx430 exhibited the lowest isolation of A. alternata in July and August. In July, Fusarium semitectum was most frequently isolated from BTx623 seeds, followed by SC1103-590 and SC1103-654. Higher recovery of F. semitectum was observed in August, with seeds collected from SC748 exhibiting 55%. In both collection periods, Colletotrichum sublineola was most frequently isolated from anthracnose susceptible lines RTx430 and BTx623 while the resistant SC748 had zero infected seeds. The highest frequency of isolation of Curvularia lunata was recorded from sorghum seeds collected from SC265-375 (20%), followed by SC1103-590 (6%) and 4% from SC748 seeds. This study showed that fungal species once present on the seeds are likely to persist during the growing season at various concentrations. And C. sublineola, causal agent of sorghum anthracnose seemed to be present on/in seeds of susceptible lines, while absent in seeds of the resistant line.
How to Cite: Louis K. Prom, 2023. "Frequency of Isolation of Four Fungal Species Colonizing Sorghum Grain Collected from Six Lines in an Anthracnose-Infected Field." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 137-140.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Combined Use of Humic Fertilizer and Herbicides in Spring Wheat Crops
Authors: E. P. Kondratenko ; O. M. Soboleva ; N. V. Verbitskaya, et. al.
Pages: 130-136
The use of herbicides is a necessity of modern agricultural production. Adaptogenic compounds, such as humic substances, will help minimize the harm from their use. There are few studies on the combined use of herbicides and humates, so the purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the combined use of humic fertilizer and herbicides in spring soft wheat crops and their effect on grain yield and quality indicators. The research was carried out in 2018-2020 in the Beregovoy agricultural production cooperative in the Kemerovo region of Russia. Variants of the experiment: 1. Treatment with Magnum Super herbicide, 10 g/ha + humic fertilizer “Healthy Harvest”, 1 l/ha. 2. Gorgon herbicide treatment, 0.17 l/ha + Healthy harvest, 1 l/ha. 3. Plugger herbicide treatment, 15 g/ha + Healthy crop, 1 l/ha. The high efficiency of treatment with the Plugger preparation together with the humic fertilizer “Healthy Harvest” was established. Two other drugs, Magnum Super and Gorgon, effectively reduced the infection of wheat crops with bedstraw, beautiful pikulnik, white goosefoot, Tatar buckwheat. Yield increase ranged from 1.8 t/ha (Magnum Super) to 2.9 t/ha (Plugger). Herbicides and humic fertilizer did not affect the content of raw gluten and increased grain vitreousness by 1-2%. Thus, the study proved the effectiveness of the combined use of herbicides and humic compounds on wheat crops.
How to Cite: E. P. Kondratenko, O. M. Soboleva, N. V. Verbitskaya, L. A. Filipovich, 2022. "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Combined Use of Humic Fertilizer and Herbicides in Spring Wheat Crops." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 130-136.
Isolation and Characterization of Arylamidase-Producing Pseudomonas Alcaligenes from the Water of Al-Asfar Lake, Al Ahsa Oasis, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Abeer T. Al Mousa ; Ashraf Y. Khalifa ; Munirah F. Aldayel
Pages: 122-129
Al-Asfar Lake is an important shallow lake that suffered greatly from anthropogenic eutrophication; therefore, it received considerable interest for economic and environmental purposes. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the presence of P. alcaligenes based on culture-dependent methods and detect this enzyme activity by the VITEK biochemical tests. The water sample was collected from the lake, serially diluted through sterile saline, and then inoculated and spread onto CHROMagar media and Mueller Hinton agar media. Then purified by the single selection of all different types of colonies by streaking to obtain well-isolated colonies The P. alcaligenes and the enzyme has been successfully identified with a probability of 95% by VITEK 2® COMPACT automated system after determining the Gram stain characteristic for the isolate under a microscope This study proved the existence of P. alcaligenes species that have never been reported previously in Al-Asfar Lake. Therefore, P.alcaligenes species can be an ideal candidate to take advantage of in pollutant biodegradation and to be invested in bioremediation applications to enhance environmental sustainability, in the future.
How to Cite: Abeer T. Al Mousa, Ashraf Y. Khalifa, Munirah F. Aldayel, 2022. "Isolation and Characterization of Arylamidase-Producing Pseudomonas Alcaligenes from the Water of Al-Asfar Lake, Al Ahsa Oasis, Saudi Arabia." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 122-129.
Proximate Composition and Mineral Profile of Some Agro-Allied By-Products Wastes in the Kingdom of Lesotho
Authors: Teboho Jobo ; Oluwabiyi Oluremi
Pages: 114-121
The study was carried out to investigate the feed value of four agro-allied by-products consisting of two tubers wastes namely; Irish potato peel meal (IPPM) and sweet potato peel meal (SPPM) and two fruits wastes namely, sweet orange peel meal (SOPM) and banana peel meal (BPM) as feed ingredients in livestock and poultry production in a temperate environment. Fresh fruits of banana and sweet orange and fresh tubers of Irish potato and sweet potato were purchased from the Maseru District in Lesotho. The tubers were rinsed and peeled, the peels of the fruits were removed and all the peels were separately shade-dried to attain about 10% moisture. Drying of Irish potato, sweet potato, and sweet orange peels lasted 48 hours, while for banana peels it lasted 72 hours. The peels were milled and stored in sealed plastic bottles prior to chemical analyses. Chemical analyses were carried out in triplicate to determine the proximate constituents, energy content, and mineral profile. The results revealed significant (P<0.05) differences in the proximate composition and metabolisable energy, among the peels without any sequence of variation. The dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF), ash, nitrogen-free extract (NFE), and metabolisable energy varied between 88.83% - 93.67%, 5.72% - 14.26%, 0.77% -7.83%, 5.67% - 11.67%, 3.50% - 15.00%, 52.33% - 70.94% and 2782.28 kcal/kg - 2834.14 kcal/kg, respectively among the peels. The mineral elements profile showed significant (P<0.05) difference among the peels in phosphorus which ranged from 0.64 g/kg - 2.49 g/kg, calcium 0.24 g/kg - 3.32 g/kg, magnesium 1.35 g/kg - 2.07 g/kg, potassium 0.77 g/kg - 64.13 g/kg, sodium 0.08 g/kg - 1.43 g/kg and chloride 0.36 g/kg - 0.68 g/kg without a definite sequence of variation among the different peels. The results obtained showed that the peels of Irish potato, sweet potato, sweet orange, and banana peel can be utilised as unconventional feed resources in poultry and livestock nutrition in Lesotho.
How to Cite: Teboho Jobo, Oluwabiyi Oluremi, 2022. "Proximate Composition and Mineral Profile of Some Agro-Allied By-Products Wastes in the Kingdom of Lesotho." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 114-121.
Determinant and Impact of Renewable Energy Utilization on Farm Productivity in South-South Nigeria
Authors: Anwasia Anthonia Ifeoma ; Anselm Anibueze Enete ; Ezeibe Adaku Bridget
Pages: 105-113
Nigeria is endowed with abundant renewable and non-renewable energy resources but despite this abundance, the country is currently facing inadequate supply and widening demand for energy. In this study, we examine how farmers’ use of renewable energy is related to their productivity in Nigeria. Since not all farmers are using renewable energy in the study area, it is important to separate them into 2 groups, “Users” and “Non-users” in order to estimate the productivity level of each group. Primary data was analyzed using an endogenous switching regression model (ESRM) with a sample size of 313 farm households. The result of the study indicates that renewable energy use increased agricultural productivity by 39%. The study also reveals that of the farmers surveyed, 75% are willing to use renewable energy. These results provide knowledge to stakeholders on the need to protect agricultural land and increase agricultural production and productivity through continuous use of renewable energy.
How to Cite: Anwasia Anthonia Ifeoma, Anselm Anibueze Enete, Ezeibe Adaku Bridget, 2022. "Determinant and Impact of Renewable Energy Utilization on Farm Productivity in South-South Nigeria." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 105-113.
Growth and Morphological Characteristics of Asp376Glu Mutation in AHAS-Resistant and-Susceptible Yellow Burrhead (Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau) Populations
Authors: Norazua Zakaria ; Muhammad Saiful Ahmad Hamdani
Pages: 97-104
Herbicides are considered the most effective weed management approach in the world. Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS, EC is widely used due to its advantages in crop selectivity, effectiveness to control broad-spectrum weeds and low mammalian toxicity has become one of the most popular herbicides used by farmers. The overreliance on the same herbicides over the years to control the weeds led to the evolution of herbicide resistance by several weed species, including Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau is among the resistant weed species in the rice fields of Southeast Asia. This species has been reported to develop resistance to bensulfuron-methyl (AHAS inhibitor). This study aims to determine the morphological characteristics of susceptible and resistant L. flava populations by comparing the growth and development of the plants. Results showed that the Asp-376-Glu mutation in the AHAS gene of the L. Flava-resistant population has exhibited significantly stronger (dry weight) or no significantly different impacts as compared to the susceptible population in the fresh weight, height, epicuticular weight, and leaf area. The insignificant differences were observed in the leaf structure and morphology of R and S plants which appears to have no possible fitness cost in the R population. This is the confirmation of the differences between the AHAS-resistant and susceptible populations that emphasizes the morphological characteristics that is crucial for herbicide application for controlling L. Flava populations.
How to Cite: Norazua Zakaria, Muhammad Saiful Ahmad Hamdani, 2022. "Growth and Morphological Characteristics of Asp376Glu Mutation in AHAS-Resistant and-Susceptible Yellow Burrhead (Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau)Populations." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 97-104.
Characterization of the Physicochemical, Functional, Granulometric and Mineral Properties of Néré (Parkia Biglobosa) FN, FW and FK Flours From Korhogo in Côte d'Ivoire
Authors: Niamke Arthur Michel ; Diarrassouba Gnoh Minata ; Djaman Allico Joseph
Pages: 85-96
The néré fruit is known in the north of Côte d’Ivoire for its seeds, which are used to prepare soumbara, and for its pulp, which is also consumed. Unfortunately, the nutritional value of the pulp is not known by the population and it is not processed by local industries. This study contributes to the valorization of néré fruits. After hulling, the pulp is dried in the sun, crushed, and sieved to produce three types of flour, depending on its origin. The flours from Niofoin, Waragniéré, and Kanoroba have been coded FN, FW, and FK respectively. The study of the physicochemical properties of the flours showed, depending on their origin, a moisture content of 5.4 to 7.6%, the average fibre content of 15.27%, high total carbohydrate content (81.05 to 84%), high energy value (360.4 to 369.13 Kcal/100g). The study showed the presence of antioxidants such as polyphenols (319.15 to 400.09mg/100g). Anti-nutrients like oxalates (7.42 to 10.81mg/100g) were found in low amounts. The study of functional properties showed a water absorption capacity of 199.54 to 207.55%, and an oil absorption capacity of 105.46 to 109.35%. The mineral study showed the presence of magnesium (0.05 to 0.076ppm), potassium (0.01 to 0.054ppm), calcium (0, 094 to 0.131ppm), iron (0.025ppm), copper (0.02 to 0.129ppm). The granulometric studies showed that the vast majority of the particles of the flours FN, FW, and FK, are smaller than 250 µm. The flours FN, FW, and FK contain macronutrients, high energy value, fibre, interesting functional properties, antioxidants, and minerals that are beneficial for the local populations and can be used by the food industries.
How to Cite: Niamke Arthur Michel, Diarrassouba Gnoh Minata, Djaman Allico Joseph, 2022. "Characterization of the Physicochemical, Functional, Granulometric and Mineral Properties of Néré (Parkia Biglobosa) FN, FW and FK Flours From Korhogo in Côte d’Ivoire." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 85-96.
Assessment and Forecasting of the Effectiveness of the Agricultural Company's Innovation and Foreign Economic Activity Strategy
Authors: Almazbek Dooranov ; Kateryna Doroshkevych ; Svitlana Cherkasova et. al.
Pages: 78-84
The current conditions for the functioning of enterprises that are participants in foreign economic activity are the result of active de-monopolization and liberalization in the sphere of the country’s trade relations in the international arena and require independent solutions to a wide range of problems, among which the issue of strategic management of their activities occupies a vital place. Based on the analysis of the theoretical basis for studying the subject of research, the authors proposed appropriate measures to assess and predict the effectiveness of the strategy of innovative and foreign economic activity of an agricultural enterprise. The authors proposed a procedure for a comprehensive assessment of the enterprise’s innovation activity strategy, which is based on forecasting the economic sustainability indicator of the enterprise and consists of 7 stages, which are described in detail. The authors tested the proposed procedure at an agricultural enterprise, which proved its effectiveness. The practical significance of the study is revealed through the possibility of using the proposed measures to manage an agri-enterprise’s innovative and foreign economic activity to improve it.
How to Cite: Almazbek Dooranov, Kateryna Doroshkevych, Svitlana Cherkasova, Oleh Skasko, Yuliia Malynovska, Yuriy Malynovskyy, 2022. "Assessment and Forecasting of the Effectiveness of the Agricultural Company’s Innovation and Foreign Economic Activity Strategy." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 78-84.
The Model of Increasing the Productivity of Lowland Rice Farming is Based on the Socio-Economic Factors of Farmers. In Kerinci Regency with a Partial Least Square Sem Approach
Authors: Saidin Nainggolan ; Yanuar Fitri
Pages: 70-77
This study aims to analyze the model of increasing the productivity of lowland rice farming based on the socio-economic factors of farmers in Jambi Province, this study was conducted at the rice production center in Kerinci Regency with a purposively selected Keliling Danau district research locus. This research uses primary data obtained directly from farmers with interview methods using questionnaires. The sample size of 75 samples. Sampling of farmers using the Simple Random Sampling method. Model analysis using the structural model SEM-Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the analysis showed that social factors had a positive and significant effect on access to institutions and allocation of production inputs while productivity had no significant effect. Economic factors have a positive and significant impact on institutional access, allocation of production inputs, and productivity. Institutional access and allocation of production inputs each have a significant effect on productivity. Social factors, economic factors with variables of moderation of institutional access or allocation of production inputs are positive and significant influences on the productivity of rice farming.
How to Cite: Saidin Nainggolan, Yanuar Fitri, 2022. "The Model of Increasing the Productivity of Lowland Rice Farming is Based on the Socio-Economic Factors of Farmers. In Kerinci Regency with a Partial Least Square Sem Approach." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 70-77.
Evaluation of the Quality of Fresh-Cut Mango, Mangosteen, and Rambutan Under Cold Storage
Authors: Luh Suriati
Pages: 62-69
Fresh-cut tropical fruit is a popular product because it is convenient, healthy, safe, and good quality. Fresh-cut fruits of different types produce different qualities during storage. Mango, mangosteen, and rambutan are three tropical fruits that contain nutrients that are good for health. The research design used a one-factor randomized block design, namely the type of fruit, with three replications. The physical characteristics of the whole fruit are to be processed and determined by their picking age, maturity stage, skin color, and texture. Fresh-cut mango preparation was carried out by peeling and cutting to a size of 4 x 4 x 2cm while mangosteen and rambutan only removed the skin. Fresh-cut mango, mangosteen, and rambutan were stored at a cold temperature of 7±1°C in a plastic box, and periodic observations of days 0, 3, 6, and 9. The quality attributes of fresh-cut fruit during storage that have been observed include acidity, vitamin C, moisture content, total dissolved solids, weight loss, texture, color differences, and browning index. The recommendation of this research is the removal of the skin followed by cutting the fruit as in the mango, the shelf life at cold temperatures is shorter than without cutting, such as mangosteen and rambutan. Fresh-cut mango at cold storage only lasts 3 days, while mangosteen and rambutans last up to 6 days.
How to Cite: Luh Suriati, 2022. "Evaluation of the Quality of Fresh-Cut Mango, Mangosteen, and Rambutan Under Cold Storage." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 62-69.
What Factors Influence Poultry Production in Sindhupalchok District of Nepal? A Poultry Farmers Perspective
Authors: Sabin Khaizu ; Niranjan Devkota ; Udaya Raj Paudel et. al.
Pages: 49-61
This study investigates factors influencing the poultry production of poultry farmers in the Sindupalchowk district by examining the potential disparities in performance among socioeconomic factors, farm inputs, and market access and technology adaptation that navigate poultry production. This study focused on the poultry farmers located in the Sindupalchowk district of Nepal gathering data from 156 poultry farmers located in the study area. This study augmented the simple regression model and estimates the factors affecting poultry production using an explanatory research technique. The empirical results established a significantly positive relation between farm area, feed used, and energy use, distribution channel with poultry production. The finding gives relevance to the concentration factors that affect poultry production among farmers in the Sindupalchowk district. The study identified major problems such as the high price of feed, the outbreak of diseases, lack of steady supply of electricity, lack of veterinary care and service facilities, inadequate availability of chickens, and lack of credit which should be mitigated early as possible with an interest to accelerate commercial poultry production in Sindupalchowk district.
How to Cite: Sabin Khaizu, Niranjan Devkota, Udaya Raj Paudel, Seeprata Parajuli, Surendra Mahato, Devid Kumar Basyal, Udbodh Bhandari, 2022. "What Factors Influence Poultry Production in Sindhupalchok District of Nepal? A Poultry Farmers Perspective." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 49-61.
E-Marketing of Agriculture Commodities: Challenges and Prospects for Marginal and Small Farmers in India
Authors: Damodar Jena ; Debasish Mohapatra ; Saswat Kumar Pani et. al.
Pages: 42-48
The existing agricultural market system borne operational inefficiency and is challenged with several problems which marginal and small farmers face. Due to a lack of infrastructure, storage capacity, connectivity, and alternatives to sell produce at a fair price, the government of India tried to connect farmers across the country through an electronic platform i.e. E-NAM in 2016. Prior to the government intervention in the electronic-platform domain, several Private initiatives have been taken through a business model such as ITCe-choupal, Ninjacart, and a few others. The electronic trading platform is an attempt to transform the market system. Rural producers need to connect with consumers and traders. The paper is based on two research questions: a) what is the state of e-marketing in India and Odisha and grey area if any?; b) What are the challenges and prospects of e-marketing in agriculture faced by marginal and small farmers? The paper has adopted a descriptive approach by reviewing the existing literatures, secondary reports, policy documents, and case studies. It was found that strengthening the institutional governance, bring innovation, and adopting risk among the farmers are the key important bases for the success of the institutions. It was also observed that lack of participation and awareness among the farmers, and lack of extension remains a bottleneck for the success of marketing institutions. The existence of E-NAM is at a nascent stage and it needs strong stakeholder support to function effectively.
How to Cite: Damodar Jena, Debasish Mohapatra, Saswat Kumar Pani, Sonali Patnaik, Nishith Ranjan Parida, Itishree Panda, Abdulkarem Daoun, 2022. "E-Marketing of Agriculture Commodities: Challenges and Prospects for Marginal and Small Farmers in India." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 42-48.
The Effect of the Labor and Capital Components on the Production of the Agricultural Sector in Jordan Using the Cobb-Douglas Production Function
Authors: Dr. Adnan Abdelkarim Thiabat ; Dr. Salameh S. Al-Nawafah ; Dr. Mohammad Nassar D. Almarshad ; Mosa Qasim al-Qaryouti
Pages: 32-41
The goal of mixing the four production elements: land, capital, labor, and organization is to achieve the most significant production at the lowest cost [1]; it can be said that work and capital are among the essential elements in the production process. Therefore, combining these two elements is one of the most critical decisions that determine productivity, especially in the Cobb-Douglas function; the agricultural sector is one of the most productive sectors in each country. The percentage of its participation in the local product varies from country to country. Still, the strategic importance in this sector is due to the verified food security. The agricultural sector in Jordan is less involved in local production, but it is the sector that is witnessing growth in all stages of the study; although this sector is suffering from marginalization, it still produces. The study focused on the intensity of the production elements and the yield stage in increasing or decrease reliability. The researchers reached some results: the agricultural sector in Jordan suffers from sluggish employment and persuasive unemployment, and the agricultural sector in Jordan is in decline. Therefore, they recommended restructuring workers in the agricultural sector and taking careful employment studies.
How to Cite: Dr. Adnan Abdelkarim Thiabat, Dr. Salameh S. Al-Nawafah,Dr. Mohammad Nassar D. Almarshad, Mosa Qasim al-Qaryouti, 2022. "The Effect of the Labor and Capital Components on the Production of the Agricultural Sector in Jordan Using the Cobb-Douglas Production Function." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 32-41.
Chemical Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oils and Polyphenolic Compounds of Lippia Graveolens from Different Mexican Localities
Authors: Bautista-Hernández Israel ; Vázquez-Aguilar Mireya ; Paz-González Alma D. et. al.
Pages: 20-31
Extraction of polyphenolic fraction and essential oils (EOs) from Lippia graveolens (Mexican oregano) leaves were explored using innovative and conventional extraction techniques such as ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) and steam distillation, respectively. The metabolites were further analyzed to evaluate their bioactivity as antioxidants and the identification of the chemical profile was performed using a UPLC-ESI-Q/TOF-MS2 and GC-MS. The antioxidant assays on EOs showed potential as inhibitors of lipid oxidation, and the polyphenolic fraction obtained higher inhibition activity against DPPH• radical. The lower IC50 for DPPH• radical corresponded to the phenolics from “San Pedro” with 545.40 ± 47.2 μg mL-1, and the higher inhibition of lipid oxidation appertained to EOs (99.06 ± 3.91%). Furthermore, the GC-MS tentative characterization identified sixty-one compounds for EOs, and UPLC-ESI-Q/TOF-MS2 showed six identified compounds, the tentative compounds englobe flavonoids, terpenes, sesquiterpenes xanthines, and dicarboxylic acid. The present study demonstrated that Mexican crops of L. graveolens possess essential oils and polyphenolic fractions with strong antioxidant activity, which might be useful in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
How to Cite: Bautista-Hernández Israel, Vázquez-Aguilar Mireya, Paz-González Alma D, Rivera Gildardo, Castro-López Cecilia, Rojas Romeo, Martínez-Ávila Guillermo C. G., 2022. "Chemical Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oils and Polyphenolic Compounds of Lippia Graveolens from Different Mexican Localities." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 20-31.
Do the Soil's Physiochemical Properties Fluctuate with Season and Soil Depth in the Ecological Critical Areas (ECA) of Sundarbans, Bangladesh?
Authors: Arifa Sharmin ; Mahmood Hossain
Pages: 9-19
The Ecological Critical Areas (ECA) of Sundarbans is located outside of Sundarbans Reserved Forest at 10 km extended landward, which is threatened to reach a critical state due to human activities. Aquaculture is the dominant land use in the ECA and the tree coverage is going to deplete at an alarming rate due to the deterioration of site conditions, which significantly influence the productivity of aquaculture and the establishment of the plantations on the dikes of the fishpond. The present study aimed to assess some static and dynamic soil physiochemical properties of the fishpond dikes located in the ECA of Sundarbans. Soil samples were collected from the western part (Satkhira district) of ECA of Sundarbans during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. The bulk density, pH, and electrical conductivity of the studied areas varied from 1.05-1.18 g/cm3, 7.30-8.54, and 1.05-2.13 ms/cm respectively. However, the concentration of available form of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sodium were 0.5-0.72 mg/g, 0.03-0.06 mg/g, 10.5-12.88 mg/g and 16.89-20.53 mg/g respectively. Some of these parameters showed significant variation among the zones, seasons, and soil layers. However, the stock of available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and organic carbon varied from 52.5- 84.96 kg/ha, 3.15-7.08 kg/ha, 1.10-1.52 t/ha, 1.77-2.42 t/ha and 173.47-199.43 t/ha respectively. As pond soil provides all the important nutrients with water, the findings of this study will help to take proper management interventions for the dike greening initiatives and productivity of fishponds in the ECA of Sundarbans.
How to Cite: Arifa Sharmin, Mahmood Hossain, 2022. "Do the Soil’s Physiochemical Properties Fluctuate with Season and Soil Depth in the Ecological Critical Areas (ECA) of Sundarbans, Bangladesh?" Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 9-19.
Heavy Metal Contamination Assessment of Agricultural Farm Land Around Dimension Stone Areas in South West and North Central, Nigeria
Authors: Jimoh B. O. ; Ogunmodede T. O. ; Adewole E. et. al.
Pages: 1-8
Heavy metals have been discovered to have a variety of negative effects on the food chain, the environment, and humans. Farmers in Nigeria cultivate the land for the production of indigenous food crops for human use. Various farmlands are encircled by a plethora of three-dimensional stones. Supare Akoko in Ondo State and Lokoja in Kogi State were chosen as case studies to look into the possibility of soil pollution as a result of dimension stone mining. Metals; Mn, Fe, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co, and Zn were analyzed in the soil samples collected over three seasons using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The examination revealed that the range of Mn and Fe readings were 0.94-3.86mg/kg and 631.54-898.06mg/kg, respectively, and were below the allowed limits. As was having values ranging from 0.01-0.08 mg/kg. Cd had a value of 0.01-0.09mg/kg, whereas Cr was below the limit, however acceptable limits vary by nation. Cu, Pb, and Ni concentrations were 1.21-9.15 mg/kg, 0.18-0.74 mg/kg, and 0.28-1.31 mg/kg, respectively, all below the indicated limit. Season one (S1) and season two (S2) samples had Co levels above the limit for Lokoja. Heavy metal concentrations appeared to rise as the year progresses, implying pollution impacts, a drop in agricultural yields. To avoid environmental issues, continuous monitoring and assessment of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) should be implemented.
How to Cite: Jimoh B. O., Ogunmodede T. O., Adewole E., Onasanya A., Ojo A., Boluwade E. A., 2022. "Heavy Metal Contamination Assessment of Agricultural Farm Land Around Dimension Stone Areas in South West and North Central, Nigeria." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 1-8.