Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 10 Number 1 January 2024
Perception of Peasant Management Methods for Chilli Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Production in Burkina Faso
Authors: WAONGO Lucienne ; KIEBRE Mariam ; OUEDRAOGO Jacques, et. al.
Pages: 42-49
In Burkina Faso, pepper is increasingly cultivated and is one of the vegetable crops with a high market value. However, knowledge about farmers’ management practices that could help in research questions on this crop are less available. The aim of this study is to understand farmers’ practices in chilli cultivation in Burkina Faso. A survey on chilli cultivation practices involving 384 growers was carried out in 20 of the country’s provinces, divided in three phytogeographical sectors. The collected data were subjected to descriptive and statistical analysis using EXCEL 2016 spreadsheet and R 4.1.2 software with the Rcmdr Package. The results showed that predominantly male growers (92.19%) practice monoculture of chilli (87.24%) over two seasons (winter and dry). The seeds were obtained through a selection at field level (80.91%) at least over two production seasons, and by purchase (55.18%). For 87.24% of the respondents, the crop is produced in small area (less than a quarter of a hectare). The main constraints in chilli production are the faint accessibility to chemical fertilizers and micro-credits, the attacks due to bio-aggressors, etc. These constraints limit the sector’s performance and deserve to be analyzed in order to find solutions to boost the production.
How to Cite: WAONGO Lucienne, KIEBRE Mariam, OUEDRAOGO Jacques, et. al., 2024. "Perception of Peasant Management Methods for Chilli Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Production in Burkina Faso." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 10, pp. 42-49.
Analysis of Effluent Management among Medium and Large Scale Agro-Allied Industries in South West, Nigeria
Authors: Ude Kingsley David ; Okoye C. U. ; Arene C. J., et. al.
Pages: 30-41
The study analysed effluent management among medium and large scale agro-allied industries in South west, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling techniques was employed in selecting 287 MLS agro-allied industries (MSAAI=222; LSAAI=65). Data for this study was obtained from primary sources using a semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive and relevant inferential statistics such as one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s chi-square test and ordinal Probit regression model were used for data analysis. The study revealed a minimum, maximum and average daily end of pipe volume of 430kg, 8000kg and 3084.21kg, respectively, for medium scale agro-allied industries and 520kg, 15,000kg and 3,534.72kg, respectively, for large scale agro-allied industries with an average proportion (53.6% and 49.0%) of medium and large scale agro-allied industries generating between 1001kg and 3000kg of effluent per day during agro-allied industrial processes. The result also indicated the quantity of end-of-pipe effluents recycled to be 436.08kg and 695.54kg for medium and large scale agro-allied industries, respectively which from the independent t-test statistics, there was a significant difference between the mean quantity of effluent recycled by medium scale agro-allied industries in comparison with the mean quantity of effluent recycled by large scale agro-allied industries (t=12.021; p<0.05). Based on comparing effluent treatment levels/systems between M&LSAI in South west Nigeria. The result revealed an average proportion (57.7%) of medium scale agro-allied industries to have disposed of their end-of-pipe without treatment, while 42.3% treated their end-of-pipe mainly through ponding or sedimentation (20.3%), aeration/membrane filtration (10.4%), chlorination and neutralisation or physicochemical treatment (4.5%) etc. By contrast, a very few proportion (15.4%) of large scale agro-allied industries disposed of their end-of-pipe without treatment, while majority (84.6%) treated end-of-pipe mainly through ponding or sedimentation (18.5%), aeration/membrane filtration (29.2%), chlorination and neutralisation or physicochemical treatment (15.4%) etc. The ordinal Probit regression model of socio-institutional predictors influencing effluent treatment level among M&LSAI in South west Nigeria showed significant variables viz: frequency of visit by waste management agency (-0.2605122 and -0.0849263); M&LSAI income (-1.94e-12 and 4.66e-14); membership of association (-0.7487836 and -0.5136997); and waste management satisfaction level (-0.2552832 and -0.1250288) respectively. The study recommended activities that increase industrial income, membership in associations and orientation on the anti-satisfaction with the status quo of effluent management to promote enhanced effluent treatment level/practices.
How to Cite: Ude Kingsley David, Okoye C. U., Arene C. J., et. al., 2024. "Analysis of Effluent Management among Medium and Large Scale Agro-Allied Industries in South West, Nigeria." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 30-41.
Performance Evaluation of 49 Rice Lines with Known Rice Blast Resistance Genes in Irrigated and Rain-Fed Areas
Authors: Abalo Itolou KASSANKOGNO ; Fatimata Hourétou DIALLO ; Adama ZONGO, et. al.
Pages: 20-29
Rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the major rice diseases in Burkina Faso with losses up to 77% under favorable disease conditions. For the management of this disease, the use of resistant cultivars remains the most economical, and most protective method for the environment. This study focuses on the evaluation of the resistance of 49 lines of rice resulting from crosses between popular cultivars of different countries of Sub-Sahara against blast. The experimental design used is a 7 x 7 Alpha lattice with 3 repetitions. The study was conducted in two rainfed sites (Farako-Bâ and Karfiguela) and two irrigated sites (Bagré and Tengrela) in Burkina Faso. The results showed that the rice genotypes developed the disease differently depending on their developmental stages and rice growing systems. In rainfed rice cultivation, 32 genotypes were resistant to leaf blast and 3 (AR-67, IR 130412 and CSR 36) were resistant to leaf and panicle blast. In irrigated conditions, 44 genotypes were resistant to leaf blast and 6 (TZLR-74, IR 133136-B, NERICA 4, NERICA 10, NERICA 11 and CSR 36) were resistant to leaf and panicle blast. The genotype (CSR 36) was disease resistant in both ecological conditions. The results of this study will make it possible to choose the best rice cultivars, tolerant or resistant to blast, and to identify the effective resistance genes in their genomes.
How to Cite: Abalo Itolou KASSANKOGNO. Fatimata Hourétou DIALLO, Adama ZONGO, et. al., 2023. "Performance Evaluation of 49 Rice Lines with Known Rice Blast Resistance Genes in Irrigated and Rain-Fed Areas." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 10, pp. 20-29.
Market Integration of Small-Scale Farms: Exploring the Bambara Groundnut Markets in Nigeria
Authors: Agbo Josephine Nkechi ; Okpukpara Benjamin C. ; Ude Kingsley David ; Udemba Klinsmann Uche
Pages: 11-19
The extent of uncertainty caused by price inefficiency and instability with reference to Bambara groundnut has made the subsector a dicey one. Markets that are not integrated may convey inaccurate price signals that might distort producers’ marketing decisions and contribute to inefficient product movement. The study analyzed the market integration of Bambara groundnut in South-east, Nigeria. The study population comprised all Bambara groundnut marketers in South-east, Nigeria. Out of the five states in South-east, Nigeria, two States will be purposively selected as the study area to establish the movement of prices between the two states to establish a fair comparison of prices between the producing zone and consumption zone. The choice of the two states was based on the predominance of Bambara groundnut marketers. A two-stage sampling technique was adopted in selecting 221 respondents that were interviewed for the study. Data for this study was poised from primary sources using a well-structured questionnaire, oral interviews and direct observations of Bambara groundnut marketers and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.- The results of the VECM showed that Enugu urban retail prices had a short-run influence of -0.057 although not signicant and a long-run significant influence of -0.2391 on Abia urban retail prices. The results of the VECM estimates for both short-run and long-run relationships indicated that the Enugu rural price of Bambara groundnut had short-run influences of -0.034023 and 0.0032032 with a long-run influence of -0.203230 on Abia rural price. The study recommended that to improve pricing effectiveness and market integration, it is necessary to encourage Bambara groundnut market price information in South-east Nigeria. The flow of information regarding Bambara groundnut prices, demand, and supply will improve both market integration and pricing effacing. The government should create regulations for information services.
How to Cite: Agbo Josephine Nkechi, Okpukpara Benjamin C., Ude Kingsley David, Udemba Klinsmann Uche., 2023. "Market Integration of Small-Scale Farms: Exploring the Bambara Groundnut Markets in Nigeria." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 10, pp. 11-19.
Endogenous Knowledges and Diversity of Amaranths (Amaranthus ssp) Grown in Burkina Faso
Authors: Ouedraogo Jacques ; Kiébré Mariam ; Sawadogo Pingawindé, et. al.
Pages: 1-10
The present study is an ethnobotanical survey on Amaranthus spp coupled with accessions collection carried out in ten (10) provinces of Burkina Faso. It aims at contributing to a better knowledge of the extent of the culture and the agricultural management modes of the cultivated species of Amaranthus spp. Ninety-nine (99) accessions were collected. The ethnobotanical survey showed that the cultivation of amaranth is clearly increasing (67.57%). Agro-morphological and organoleptic characteristics are used by farmers for cultivars identification. Thus, three main morphotypes (dark-green, light-green and red) with several variants were identified. Among these morphotypes, the morphotype dark green was cited by respondents in the ten provinces surveyed. In this study, a greater number of morphotypes were recorded in three provinces (Houet, Oubbritenga and Yatenga). Three (3) areas of use and fifteen (15) specific uses of the different organs of amaranth were reported by the 270 respondents. For 99.6% of the respondents, it is mainly used for human consumption (vegetable sauce, baag-benda, gnougou and couscous). Amaranth’s leaves are sold at on-farm level or in markets and yaar. The price of these leaves packaged in bags of 50 kg bags, varies from 1,500 to 2,500 FCFA.
How to Cite: Ouedraogo Jacques, Kiébré Mariam, Sawadogo Pingawindé, Kiébré Zakaria, Bationo/ Kando Pauline, 2023. "Endogenous Knowledges and Diversity of Amaranths (Amaranthus ssp) Grown in Burkina Faso." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 10, pp. 1-10.