Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 2 Number 3 March 2016
Estimation of Sire,s Breeding Value by Animal Model and Conventional Methods for Milk Production in Crossbred Cattle
Authors: Geeta Lodhi ; C.V. Singh ; R.S. Barwal ; B.N. Shahi
Pages: 31-34
The records of 1198 crossbred cattle daughters of 102 sires maintained during 1966-2010 at Instructional Dairy Farm of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar were used to evaluate sires for first lactation performance traits. The data were analyzed to estimate the breeding values of sires using Derivative Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (DFREML), Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (Blup), Least Squares Methods (LSM) and WOMBAT. The highest breeding value of sires for first lactation milk yield was obtained by LSM (2779.19kg) and lowest by BLUP(2629.80kg) than average breeding value respectively. The estimated breeding values estimated by BLUP showed small genetic variation in compare toWOMBAT, LSM and REML method.The error variance estimated by BLUP was found lowest than the other methods. Product moment correlation among breeding values of sires estimated by different methods ranged from 0.566 (LSM with BLUP) to 0.997 (WOMBAT with BLUP ), where as rank correlations of breeding value of sires ranged from 0.566 (LSM with BLUP ) to 0.745 (WOMBAT withLSM).The higher rank correlations(0.566 to 0.745 )between different sire evaluation methods revealed that there was higher degree of similarity of ranking sires by different methods ranging from about60 to 75 percent. The BLUP method was found to be more efficient, accurate and stable with lowest genetic variation amongst all four methods of sire evaluation used in the present study.
Determination of Optimum Rates of N and P Fertilizer for Tomato at Mereb-lekhe District, Northern Ethiopia
Authors: Yemane Kahsay ; Alemat Embaye ; Guesh Tekle
Pages: 24-30
A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to investigate the response of tomato to rates of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers. The treatment consisted of factorial combination of four Nitrogen fertilizers rates (50 kg, 100 and 150 urea/ha) and four P rates (100,150 and 200 DAP/ha) arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Statistically significant and highest yield per plant was recorded at the highest rate of DAP (200 kg/ha). The significantly lowest yield was found at the zero level (with out DAP applied). The marketable yield in Q/ha of the rates is 939.96, 822.44, 731.1067 and 421.44 for 200, 150, 100 and 0 rates respectively. As the partiual budget analisis showed increasing rate of phosphorus and urea fertilizers increased profitability until 200 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha respectively.