Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 3 Number 3 March 2017
Pesticides Usage, Awareness, Practices and Health Effects among Farmers in Jere Bowl, Borno State, Nigeria
Authors: Abubakar M. ; Malah A. M. ; Bukar M. ; Gwana M. A.
Pages: 25-28
This study analysed farmers’ pesticides usage, awareness and health effects on the field. Information was obtained from 265 farmers through structured questionnaire and results were analysed using frequency and percentage to present the results. The results of this survey indicated 13 variety of chemicals were being applied heavily use as pesticides for control of different pests and diseases. As a result, farmers use pesticides without full understanding of their effects on human health 69.8%, this attributed to lack of agriculture extension services. Farmers behavior related to pesticides use showed that 30.2% ate and drinks during application, 15.1% do not wear protective cover and 11.3% smoke during pesticide application, this attributed to 35.8% of farmers are illiterate. Majority of the farmers showed different toxicity symptoms of sickness resulting from pesticides exposure. This study recommended that government and NGO’s should participate in minimizing health risks caused by the misused of pesticides.