Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 6 Number 4 April 2020
AMMI and GGE Bi-plot Analysis for Seed Yield and Oil Content of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Authors: Yirga Belay Kindeya ; Firew Mekbib ; Eyasu Abraha Alle
Pages: 58-67
Seventeen sesame genotypes were tested at ten environments in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia during 2014-2015 cropping seasons. Randomized Complete Block Designs (RCBD) with three replications was used in the study. According to the GGE bi-plot different sesame growing environments grouped into two mega-environments: The first mega-environment contained the favorable environments Dansha area with a vertex G4 and Sheraro area with winner G3 and the second environment included medium to low environments E2 (Humera-2), E4 (Dansha-2), E5 (Sheraro-1), E7 (Wargiba-1), E8 (Wargiba-2) and E9 (Maykadra) for seed yield. Three mega-environments identified for oil content: The 1st environment contained G12, G7 and G2 in the mega-environment group of Humera, Dansha and Gendawuha, The 2nd environment, Sheraro location contained G9 and the 3rd environment Wargiba, was containing G17. G1 (HuRC-4) identified as an “ideal” genotype and E1 (Humera-1) also identified as an ideal environment the most representative of the overall environments and the most powerful to discriminate genotypes. The multivariate approaches AMMI and GGEbi-plot were better for partitioning the GEI into the causes of variation. According to different stability models, G1, G7, and G3 were high yielder and the most stable both in terms of seed yield and oil content. Moreover, showed yield advantages over the released and local varieties. The stable genotypes recommended for wider areas while G14 and G4 were for specific favorable environments Sheraro and Dansha, respectively.
Market Gardening and Poverty Reduction in Jakiri Subdivision North West Region Cameroon
Authors: Tsi Evaristus Angwafo ; Nsaidzemi Eric Bime
Pages: 32-57
Poverty reduction has been one of the main objectives of major international organisations like FAO, World Bank, UNICEF and governments’ especially those of Africa. This study contributes to the fight against poverty through the analysis of market gardening as a strategy to poverty reduction in the Jakiri municipality. Data were collected through household interview, focus group discussion, interview of personnel of the ministry of agriculture and rural development, councils, religious heads and local chiefs) and field observations. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics, correlation and regression. The findings revealed that 73% of the market gardeners in Jakiri subdivision did not attend secondary school, lack skills to compete for jobs in urban areas. Agriculture particularly market gardening was their major source of income generating activity as more than 75% of the household income comes from market gardening. Also, more than 80% of what is produced is sold. Moreover, 90% of the gardeners in Jakiri subdivision think that if government could help them improve on their productivity their livelihoods will improve and this will take them out of poverty. There are high expectations that the income and the number of market gardeners will rise over time and space. This can be seen by the number of farmers involved and their earning where more than 70% earn from 1,000,000FCFA and above per year, an average of 83,334FCFA and above per month. Targeted marketing development strategies need to be followed by market gardeners and various stakeholders in Jakiri to better exploit the economic potential of these crops and at the same time maintaining its contributions to the local crop diversity.