Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 10 Number 2 April 2024
AquaCrop Model for Evaluation of the Water Productivity of Bread Wheat has Affected Modern Irrigation System and Water Salinity in Sandy Soil
Authors: Mehasen, S. A. S. ; Mansour, H. A.
Pages: 71-81
AquaCrop is a very famous model in the world for evaluating the crop water productivity. FAO has developed the AquaCrop model as a leading and powerful scientific tool for simulating the response of different field crops to managing quantitative and qualitative irrigation. Two field experiments were carried out during winter seasons 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 at the Research and Production Station, National Research Centre, El-Nubaria, El-Behira Governorate, Egypt. to evaluate yield and yield component for two bread wheat varieties (Giza 171 and Misr 1) under sprinkler and drip irrigation systems with using four concentrations of water salinity irrigation. A split-plot design with three replications was used. Wheat were randomly distributed in the main plots while, while water salinity treatments occupied the sub-plots in both seasons. Results found that the simulated and observed values of water productivity were rather well in agreement for the salinity water levels treatments SWLT. This means that differences in canopy cover CC, yield and water productivity of bread wheat crop had significant effect on the calibration results. There is an inverse relationship between the water productivity and salinity water levels treatments and bread wheat varieties, while a direct correlation was found between water productivity and irrigation systems. It could be concluded that using sprinkler irrigation systems with S1 and S2 of SWLT and Misr 1 varitey, and drip irrigation system with S1 and S2 of SWLT and Misr 1 varitiey. the maximum of water productivity due to that there is a direct relationship between the study factors, the characteristics of the canopy cover growth and yield of the bread wheat plants, the more measured values will be simulated by the Aquacrop model.
How to Cite: Mehasen, S. A. S. ; Mansour, H. A., 2024. "AquaCrop Model for Evaluation of the Water Productivity of Bread Wheat has Affected Modern Irrigation System and Water Salinity in Sandy Soil." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 10, pp. 71-81.
Efficacy of Using Chemical Inducers and Biological Agents to Control Strawberry Leaf Spot Disease on Chemical Components and Enzyme Activity
Authors: Faten M. Ahmed ; Mohamed I. Elian ; Ali M. Koriem ; Alaa Ewais
Pages: 59-70
Strawberry plants are subjected to many pathogens. Fungal diseases of strawberries are important worldwide and occur in all parts of the plant, including leaves, crowns, and fruits. The results of the bio-agent experiment indicated that Trichoderma harzianum was the most effective in reducing the growth of Alternaria alternata and Botrytis cinerea in vitro, the main causes of leaf spots in strawberry plants. The inhibition zone was observed and mycelium of T. harzianum invaded the colony of the tested pathogens. The importance of the biochemical study of defense reaction in the physiology of disease resistance was accepted. The activity of total, free, and conjugated phenols as well as peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and catalase enzyme activities were determined in resistant and susceptible strawberry cultivars. All the total, free, and conjugated phenols increased in resistant cultivars (Fortuna and Winter Star) and decreased in susceptible cultivar (Festival). Oxidative enzymes, like the increased activity of enzymes that appear mince of new polypeptide protein, have become models in the study of plant disease resistance. The higher content of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and catalase enzymes in resistant cultivars, were noticed compared with those in susceptible ones. It was found also that, the chemical inducers increased total phenols in resistant and susceptible cultivars i.e., potassium di-phosphate, ferrous sulphate, and oxalic acid. Inducer resistance also caused an increase of free phenols than the control. However, conjugated phenols accumulated faster after using chemical inducers in the leaves of the resistant cultivars, than the susceptible ones.
How to Cite: Faten M. Ahmed, Mohamed I. Elian, Ali M. Koriem, Alaa Ewais, 2024. "Efficacy of Using Chemical Inducers and Biological Agents to Control Strawberry Leaf Spot Disease on Chemical Components and Enzyme Activity." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 10, pp. 59-70.
Farmer Preferences Regarding Andean Fruit Crops Across Six Municipalities in the Department of Nariño, Colombia
Authors: Pedro Alexander, Velasquez-Vasconez ; Astrid Viviana, Santacruz Benavides ; Wilson Giovanny, Enríquez Rueda
Pages: 50-58
Understanding the dynamics of crop choices in different regions is critical to designing effective strategies for sustainable agriculture and rural development. The experiment was carried out in six municipalities in the Andean region of the department of Nariño, Colombia. The correspondence analysis was used to explore the association between the preferences of farmers and cultivated fruit species. On farms of 90 fruit growers, seven Andean fruit crops were planted, including Solanum betaceum, S. quitoense, Physalis peruviana, Passiflora pinatistipula, P. ligularis, P. edulis, R. fruticosus. At the end of the experiment, a structured survey was carried out to ask the producers which crop they preferred to implement on their farm, and which one produced the worst experience. In addition, a general diagnosis of the main phytosanitary problems they had throughout the cultivation period was carried out. Arboleda and Sandoná farmers demonstrate a distinctive inclination towards S. betaceum, while Ipiales exhibits a preference for P. peruviana. Conversely, La Florida, Providencia, and El Peñol distinctly favor S. quitoense, with widespread acceptance for R. glaucus and P. ligularis. Farmers do not have a preference for planting P. pinatistipula in Ipiales. S. betaceum was intensified Anthracnosis and Potyvirus-related issues, affecting crop periods and fruit quality. S. quitoense faces altitude-dependent pathogen susceptibility, while R. fruticosus contends with downy mildew. Passion fruit confronts Fusarium sp., gray mold, and dieback. Tailored interventions are crucial for sustainable agriculture amidst diverse challenges. This research contributes valuable insights for informed agricultural planning and regional development policies.
How to Cite: Pedro Alexander Velasquez-Vasconez, Astrid Viviana Santacruz Benavides, Wilson Giovanny Enríquez Rueda, 2022. "Farmer Preferences Regarding Andean Fruit Crops Across Six Municipalities in the Department of Nariño, Colombia." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 10, pp. 50-58.