Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 8 August 2018
Application of Molecular Markers SNP and DArT in Plant Breeding: A Review Paper
Authors: Tafere Mulualem Emrey
Pages: 86-92
Molecular markers (DNA markers) have entered the scene of genetic improvement in a wide range of horticultural crops. Among the major traits targeted for improvement in horticultural breeding programmes are disease and pest resistance, fruit yield and quality, tree shape, floral morphology, drought tolerance and dormancy. The development of molecular techniques for genetic analysis has led to a great increase in the knowledge of horticultural genetics and understanding and behavior of their genomes. These molecular techniques in particular, molecular markers, have been used to monitor DNA sequence variation in and among the species and create new sources of genetic variation by introducing new and favorable traits from landraces, wild relatives and related species and to fasten the time taken in conventional breeding. Today, markers are also being used for, genetic mapping, gene tagging and gene introgression from exotic and wild species.
Population Density Effect on Tillering, Biomass and Ground Cover of Two Green Manure Crops
Authors: Belay Garoma ; Lommen Willemien
Pages: 82-85
Winter rye and Lolium mix are the most commonly used green manure crops that can withstand the low temperature. Its growth is influenced by light interception and different cultural practices such as sowing density and addition of nitrogen fertilizer. The objective of study was to determine the effect of sowing density on tiller number, fresh biomass and ground cover by green leaf blades of two green manure crops for consecutive two years. Split plot design was used with two green manure crop as main factor and sowing density as sub-plot factors as three levels with six blocks. Analysis of variance showed significant (P <0.05) interaction between sowing density and two green manure crops in two years for tiller number, fresh biomass and ground cover (%) by green leaf blades. High number of tiller, biomass production and ground cover was observed for winter rye than Lolium in both years. Winter rye was more likely preformed for tiller number, fresh biomass and ground cover at 100- 200% sowing density. Therefore, further investigation is required for winter rye at 100 % and 200 % sowing density at different locations and economic visibility in order to recommend the optimum sowing density for farming community.