Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 9 September 2018
Assessment of Total Colony Count in Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Sprouts Preserved Using Crude Extract of Biopreservatives During Storage
Authors: M. K. Ranasinghe ; S. Siddiqui
Pages: 99-104
The present investigation was conducted with the aim to determine effective application of natural antimicrobial compounds mungbean sprouts and to assess the microbial quality of treated sprouts in terms of total plate count (TPC). Mungbeans were treated right from the time of germination (pre-germination mode) or its sprouts were treated for 15 min (post-germination mode) with 0.1% sodium benzoate as chemical preservative (Control II) and with various bio-preservatives viz., 7.7% clove, 9.5% cinnamon, 7.9% garlic 7.9% ginger crude extracts. The un-treated mungbean served as control (Control-I). The sprouts were packed in plastic disposable cups and stored in dark at room temperature (20±3C) conditions and low temperature (7±1C) conditions. A significant decreased rate of growth in TPC of sprouts during storage was observed under various treatments, however, the effect was lesser in post-germination mode. In pre-germination mode, at both temperature regimes, the minimum total plate count was observed in clove, while all other treatments were showing equal effectiveness. In post-germination mode all the treatments were equally effective in reducing total plate count. In conclusion, 7.7% clove crude extract showed highest effectiveness in pre-germination mode while in post-germination all crude extracts of bio-preservatives showed equal effectiveness at both storage temperatures.
Resistant Starch Content of Thirty Eight Selected Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties of Sri Lanka
Authors: Walimuni Kanchana Subhashini Mendis Abeysekera ; Sirimal Premakumara Galbada Arachchige ; Sudhair James ; Subramaniam Sotheeswaran ; Dil Thavarajah ; Pushparajah Thavarajah
Pages: 93-98
Background: Rice is the staple food of half the world’s population including Sri Lanka. Resistant starch (RS) is the starch and starch degradation products that escape digestion in the small intestine by human digestive enzymes and reported to have wide range of health benefits. Rice consists of varying amounts of RS depending on the rice variety. However, RS content of Sri Lankan rice varieties has very limited studied. Objective: To evaluate the RS content of thirty eight selected rice varieties of Sri Lanka. Methods: Twenty seven new improved (NI) [Bg: Bathalagoda and At: Ambalanthota], two old improved (OI) and nine traditional rice varieties of Sri Lanka were used in this study. RS content of whole grain rice varieties were determined according to the Megazyme assay protocol with some modifications. Results: RS content varied significantly (P < 0.05) among the tested rice varieties and it ranged from 0.30 ± 0.02 to 4.65 ± 0.19%. RS content of NI, OI and traditional rice varieties ranged from 0.30 ± 0.02 to 3.11 ± 0.06, 0.55 ± 0.05 to 1.92 ± 0.40 and 0.44 ± 0.14 to 4.65 ± 0.19% respectively. Interestingly, mean RS content was significantly (P < 0.05) high in traditional rice varieties compared to NI and OI rice varieties. Further, rice varieties which showed > 3% RS contents were all traditional rices (except Bg 3-5, a new improved white rice variety). Among the rice varieties studied, a traditional white pericarp rice variety Suduru Samba (4.65 ± 0.19%) had the highest RS content, while NI white pericarp rice variety Bg 305 (0.30 ± 0.02%) had the lowest RS content. Conclusion: It is concluded that RS content varied among the tested rice varieties and especially Sri Lankan traditional rice varieties had the highest RS content. Thus, such rices may have the potential to utilize in developing value added novel functional foods and neutraceuticals for prevention and dietary management chronic diseases.