Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 9 Number 4 October 2023
An Economic Study of a Honeybee Breeding Project
Authors: Ahlam Ahmed Hassan ; Dalia M. Nasr El Batran
Pages: 553-565
Honey bee projects are characterized by a low capital required to start the project when compared to that needed for other projects. The capital cycle is relatively fast, as it reaches honey every 4 months, and produces and multiplies the by-products of honey bee breeding project, such as wax, royal jelly, trade in parcels, bee venom, bee glue (propolis), queens, medicines from bee products, pollination of fruit trees, increasing agricultural production, and other by-products. Accordingly, during the current study, the focus was on the feasibility study for the honey beekeeping project, where the focus was on a case study for the financial evaluation of syphilis cell apiary projects in Qalyubia Governorate as one of the projects that facilitate the joining of young graduates, and also as one of the small and micro agricultural investment projects that absorbed not a small amount of young graduates and absorbed a significant amount of unemployment currently existing in Qalyubia Governorate in Egypt, during the agricultural season 2021.-2-22. The problem of the study is that despite the multiplicity of benefits of honey breeding projects, these projects did not receive sufficient attention and awareness of guidance and economic from investors and decision makers. The research aims to seek to raise the economic efficiency of some existing agricultural investment projects in Qalyubia Governorate in Egypt, through financial and economic evaluation, as well as analysis of the sensitivity of honey production projects in light of some assumptions that aim to achieve the maximum possible economic efficiency, in order to give a clear picture to investors about the actual status of the project under study, a honey production project, in order to decide on judging the success of investment in the project so that the investor can invest his money as efficiently as possible. The published and unpublished data were obtained from the official authorities from several sources, the most important of which is the Small Projects Development Authority in Qalyubia Governorate. Many different sources have also been relied on to cover the elements of the research through studies, reports, bulletins and other sources related to the subject of the research. As well as the preliminary data through the number of 25 questionnaire forms as a sample, where a deliberate sample was selected to study the feasibility of honey bee breeding project, a case study of Qalyubia Governorate, as an example of small agricultural projects, and the choice was made for the spread of honey breeding apiaries in it as a place for study, which is that intentional sample that was relied upon with the owners of projects to raise honey bees, in addition to the Internet and specialized references to the subject of the study. The most important results were that this project achieves at the discount rate of 15% a positive net present value estimated at 140541.0868 pounds / year, as well as the ratio of discounted cash flows to discounted costs > 1 and the discounted profitability index for this project was estimated at about 1.44%, which is a value greater than the correct one. It means that each invested pound has generated a net return of 44 piasters, which exceeds the opportunity cost of this project, which is the interest rate on borrowing estimated at about 16%, which indicates that the project has the capabilities and ability to recover fixed capital, production costs (variable) and operating costs (depreciation, maintenance) that were spent on it. Therefore, the study recommends that these types of projects continue to be funded according to this criterion.
How to Cite: Ahlam Ahmed Hassan, Dalia M. Nasr El Batran, 2023. "An Economic Study of a Honeybee Breeding Project." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 553-565.
Economic and Developmental Returns of Information and Communications Technology in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Salah S. Abd El-Ghani
Pages: 540-552
Information and communications technology has become linked to the development of societies in our present era. It is considered one of the most important means of transferring developing societies to more advanced societies, and investments in the field of information and communications technology are increasing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and this in turn leads to many economic and development impacts that may be unspecified or unclear. Therefore, this study sheds light on the explanation of some of these effects. A standard model was used for the relationship between the dependent variable, which is the GDP of ICT, and the independent variables under study in Saudi Arabia for the period (1992:2022), and the standard model equation was estimated using the least squares method, and the autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) model to verify the existence of a long-term equilibrium relationship between... The independent variables and the GDP of ICT and verifying this relationship with the error correction model (ECM), where it was found that there is a positive relationship at the level between the ICT revenue variable and employment and the GDP of ICT, while the relationship was negative between them in slow periods (1, 2, 3) and in terms of 1%. There is a negative relationship between the employment variable and the GDP of ICT in slow periods (2, 3) and with a significance of 1%. There is a positive relationship at the level between the employment variable and the GDP of ICT with a significance rate of 1%. Therefore, the study recommends the following: paying attention to qualifying and training workers in the field of information and communications technology, encouraging more investments in the field of information and communications technology, and working to find a kind of geographical balance in the distribution of projects based on information and communications technology. Facilitating licensing procedures for companies wishing to invest in the field of information and communications technology.
How to Cite: Salah S. Abd El-Ghani, 2023. "Economic and Developmental Returns of Information and Communications Technology in Saudi Arabia." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 540-552.
Alleviation of Heat Stress Effects on Canino Apricot (Prunus Armeniaca, l.) by Using Shade Net
Authors: Saied Kamel Mohamed Abd El-Naby ; Yahia. Ibrahim Mohamed El-Naggar ; Amr. Abdelkhalek
Pages: 533-539
Rise in temperature prior to and during flowering can be detrimental to trees and occur irregularity of apricot varieties productivity. We could overcome the problem by using coloured shade net on the trees. Therefore, this work was done through two seasons to reduce the impact of temperature stress on the growth, productivity and quality of Canino Apricot trees grown in El Kanater Station of the Horticulture Researches at El Kalubeia province, Egypt. It can be recommended to use both of shade nets, which, improved the growth and led to an increase in the yield and preservation of a higher quality of the resulting fruits. A relative superiority was also observed for the use of black shade net.
How to Cite: Saied Kamel Mohamed Abd El-Naby, Yahia. Ibrahim Mohamed El-Naggar, Amr. Abdelkhalek, 2023. "Alleviation of Heat Stress Effects on Canino Apricot (Prunus Armeniaca, l.) by Using Shade Net." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 533-539.
Melatonin and Gibberellin Employing to Mitigate Heat Stress Effects on “Canino” Apricot
Authors: Saied Kamel Mohamed Abd El-Naby ; Yahia Ibrahim Mohamed El-Naggar ; Osama Abd El-Fattah Amin,
Pages: 524-532
The fruit yield of apricot trees may decrease as a result of temperature stress. Through improving growth, productivity, and fruit quality, some compounds may play a significant part in resolving that issue. Therefore, this study was conducted during two successive growing seasons (2017 and 2018) in order to lessen the effects of heat stress on the production and fruit quality of Canino apricot trees cultivated on the farm of the Horticulture Research Station at El Kanater El Khayreia, Egypt, by foliar spray of hormonal substances and antioxidants i.e. (melatonin “MEL” or gibberellic acid” GA3 “each at concentration (25 mg/L) at pre-dormancy stage. It could be concluded that spraying Canino apricot trees at pre-dormancy stage (August) with both of GA3 and MEL enhanced the vegetative growth, as well as it improved flower quality compared with untreated control during the two cultivated seasons, also, melatonin improved growth and fruit set, yield, and fruit quality, followed by gibberellic acid compared with Control.
How to Cite: Saied Kamel Mohamed Abd El-Naby, Yahia Ibrahim Mohamed El-Naggar, Osama Abd El-Fattah Amin,, 2023. "Melatonin and Gibberellin Employing to Mitigate Heat Stress Effects on “Canino” Apricot." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 524-532.
Comparative Morpho-Agronomic and Biochemical Profiling of Different Roselle Morphotypes Based on Their Growth and Yield Associated Attributes
Authors: Keya Akter ; Md. Ariful Islam ; Shishir Rasul, et. al.
Pages: 514-523
When introducing a new, promising crop to an area, farmers can be assisted in selecting the crops and varieties that are most suitable for commercialization by doing an assessment of the yield characteristics. Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa, as Roselle, is valued as a food crop for its great nutritional potential, vibrant pigment richness, and therapeutic significance. However, there is little information available because it is a very recent crop in Bangladesh. Finding the morphotype that performed the best given the yield characteristics was the study’s main goal. Green plant with green calyx (WC), light red plant with light red calyx (LRC), and deep red plant with deep red calyx (DRC) were the performed morphotypes of Roselle. A number of morphological (plant height, stem perimeter, branches & capsule features etc.) and biochemical (total chlorophyll, carotenoid and phenolic content) were evaluated. For their yield characteristics, all morphotypes were noticeably distinct from one another. While plant height was identical in both LRC and DRC, DRC performed better in terms of capsules number produced per plant (av. 273.00 plant-1 capsules weighing 1779.10 g). Shelling ratio (% calyx to capsule) was also greater in DRC (av. 41.90%) than other two morphotypes. Dry matter content was greater in stem with branches and leaf, irrespective of morphotypes. Mature leaves of LRC had significant levels of total chlorophyll (1.34 mgg-1FW). In our study phenolic content reduced as capsule size increased in WC but not in LRC or DRC. In contrast to the other three morphotypes, the deep red plant with deep red calyx (DRC) performed the best, according to our study.
How to Cite: Keya Akter, Md. Ariful Islam, Shishir Rasul,, 2023. "Comparative Morpho-Agronomic and Biochemical Profiling of Different Roselle Morphotypes Based on their Growth and Yield Associated Attributes." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 514-523.
Search for Toxic Trace Elements in Rosa rugosa Thunb. By Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis: Accumulation and Responses to Exposure
Authors: Kirill Tkachenko ; Alla Kapelian ; Elizaveta Varfolomeeva. et. al.
Pages: 503-513
Species of the genus Rosa L. are widely used in urban gardening, and they are of considerable interest as plants accumulating heavy metals in an urban environment. Literature data are ambiguous about whether these species accumulate trace and toxic elements. Its fruits are used as medicinal raw materials in folk and official medicine. The purpose of the study is to determine whether this type of wild rose accumulates toxic metals (as well as various macro- and microelements), if so, which ones and in which organs, and to what extent raw materials of the plant can be used. For the first time, multi-element instrumental neutron activation analysis at the reactor IBR-2 of FLNP JINR in Dubna, Russia, was applied to examine accumulation of major and trace elements in various organs of Rosa rugosa Thunb. (Rosaceae family), namely, roots, leaves, fruits and seeds. A total of 33 elements (Al, Ca, Cl, I, Mg, Mn, V, As, Br, K, La, Na, Mo, Sm, U, W, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Hf, Ni, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Yb, and Zn) were determined. Samples were taken in the summer-autumn period of 2020, both in the city of St. Petersburg and on the coast of the Baltic Sea, Russia. This research found no critical accumulation of trace and toxic elements in different organs of R. rugose, but revealed quite high accumulation of Fe and Co in urban transport highway area.
How to Cite: Kirill Tkachenko, Alla Kapelian, Elizaveta Varfolomeeva. et. al. 2023. " Search for Toxic Trace Elements in Rosa rugosa Thunb. By Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis: Accumulation and Responses to Exposure." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 503-513.
Citric Acid and Hydro-Priming and Exogenous Application Alleviate Salt-Inhibited Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
Authors: Md. Monir Hossain ; Jannatul Ferdush ; Kaya Akter.
Pages: 495-502
Salinity is a major barrier for seed germination, plant growth and production. Seed pre-treatment and exogenous chemical usage can effectively confer salt tolerance. We evaluated the potential of citric acid (CA) as priming and exogenous agents to ameliorate salt-inhibited germination and growth of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in this study. The seeds were primed with 0.5 mM and 1 mM CA, and soaked in distilled water (hydro-priming) for 30 min. In addition, untreated seeds were used for the control experiment. Finally, primed seeds were subjected to 100 mM NaCl stress. Our results demonstrated that salinity significantly reduced the germination percentage (GP), germination index (GI), germination energy (GE), seed vigor index (SVI), root length (RL), shoot length (SL), shoot–root fresh and dry weight, and plant height and increased mean germination time (MGT). The results also indicated that salinity stress considerably decreased the relative water content (RWC) and photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and carotenoids, and increased relative water loss (RWL). The CA- and hydro-priming improved the GP, GI, GE SL, RL, SVI, and growth of seedlings, and reduced MGT under salt stress. Data also demonstrated that the supplementation of CA enhanced RWC and photosynthetic pigments and lowered RWL in the state of saline condition. When compared to other treatments, pretreatment, and exogenous use of 1 mM CA was determined to be comparatively more effective at imparting the salt tolerance of Chilli.
How to Cite: Md. Monir Hossain, Jannatul Ferdous, Kaya Akter. 2023. " Citric Acid and Hydro-Priming and Exogenous Application Alleviate Salt-Inhibited Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 495-502.
Mushroom Media Waste and Goat Manure Application on Growth and Yield of Shallots
Authors: Rudi Priyadi ; Yugi R. Ahadiyat ; Yaya Sunarya. et. al.
Pages: 488-494
The objective of this study was to find out the growth and yield of shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) with the application of mushroom media waste and goat manure. A randomized block design was used with six treatments viz. without mushroom media waste and goat manure, 25 ton/ha mushroom media waste, 20 ton/ha mushroom media waste + 5 ton/ha goat manure, 15 ton/ha mushroom media waste + 10 ton/ha goat manure, 10 ton/ha mushroom media waste + 15 ton/ha goat manure, and 5 ton/ha mushroom media waste + 20 ton/ha goat manure, and repeated four times. The observed variables were plant height per hill, number of leaves per hill, number of bulbs per hill, wet weight of bulbs per hill, wet weight bulbs per plot, dry weight of bulbs per plot, and yield per hectare. The results showed that the application of 10 ton/ha mushroom media wastes organic fertilizer + 15 ton/ha goat manure gained 1.26 kg/plot, equal to 7.7 ton/ha. The application of mushroom media waste and goat manure had the potency to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers in supporting eco-friendly agriculture.
How to Cite: Rudi Priyadi, Yugi R. Ahadiyat, Yaya, Sunarya, et. al. 2023. "Mushroom Media Waste and Goat Manure Application on Growth and Yield of Shallots." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 488-494.
The Impact of Farmers’ Awareness of Visit to Health Care Centers on their Health Problems in Bangladesh
Authors: Abu Zafar Mahmudul Haq ; Sayeed Mahmud
Pages: 483-487
Farmers are the prime human resource for the economic development of a country. So understanding the health problems of framers and their communication with the health care centers are vital. In this regard, the study aims to identify the impact of farmers’ awareness of visit to health care centers on their health problems. The study was conducted in the Raozan sub-district of the Chittagong district of Bangladesh. The size of the sample was 126. The selection of the study site and the number of respondents were done purposively. Descriptive and quantitative analysis methods have been adopted to examine the study’s objective. The study found that farmers’ frequent visit to health care centers can reduce their occupational health problems. Furthermore, the personal protective equipment and age variables of farmers may also control the farmers’ occupational health problems. The majority of the sample farmers contacted the health care centers but still many farmers unaware to communicate with the health care centers. The study is concluded with fewer recommendations to formulate a health care policy of farmers by consolidating with the agricultural development in Bangladesh.
How to Cite: Abu, Z. M. H. and
Sayeed, M. 2023. "The Impact
of Farmers’ Awareness of Visit to Health Care Centers on their Health Problems
in Bangladesh." Journal of
Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 483-487.
Soil quality Change Following Compost and Farmyard Manure Application in Maize and Cassava based Agro-ecosystems of Mvomero and Masasi -Tanzania
Authors: John Constantine ; Mawazo J. Shitindi ; Kallunde P. Sibuga. et. al
Pages: 472-482
Soil quality is a major driver for improved crop production and sustainable food security. While crop response to soil applied organic amendments is widely studied, little has been done to establish the effect of such amendments on soil quality. Field experiments were conducted for two seasons (2019/20 and 2020/21) in Mvomero and Masasi districts to study the effects of compost (CP) and Farmyard manure (FYM) application on selected soil quality attributes. Both CP and FYM were applied on maize, and cassava plots at 0.0 t ha-1 (Control), 2.5 t ha-1, 5 t ha-1 and 7.5 t ha-1. Maize variety TMV-1 and Kiroba cassava variety were used as test crops in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Representative soil samples were collected before applying soil amendments and at the end of each season and analyzed for soil pH, Organic carbon (OC) and Extractable phosphorus (P). Assays of activities of ß-glucosidase and Phosphatase were performed on the samples as indicators of soil quality change. Results indicated that soil OC and soil extractable P increased with CP and FYM application rates at both sites. Activities of ß-glucosidase and Phosphatase increased in line with OC and extractable P, respectively. Application of CP or FYM at 5 t ha-1 and 7.5 t ha-1 resulted into statistically similar effects on soil OC, extractable P and activities of ß-glucosidase and Phosphatase. It was concluded that application of either CP or FYM at 5 t ha-1 can improve soil OC and P availability in degraded soils of Masasi and Mvomero, while activities of ß-glucosidase and phosphatase can serve to indicate such changes in soil quality.
How to Cite: John Constantine, Shitindi, M. J., Sibuga, K. P. and Angelika, H. 2023. "Soil quality Change Following Compost and Farmyard Manure Application in Maize and Cassava based Agro-ecosystems of Mvomero and Masasi -Tanzania." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 472-482.
Variation in Soil Physicochemical Properties of Different Land Use Types in Abakaliki, South Eastern Nigeria
Authors: Orji J. E. ; Igwe C. A. ; Osuji E. E., et. al.
Pages: 462-471
The effect of land use on soil physicochemical properties was evaluated in soils of Abakaliki, south eastern Nigeria. The four land use types selected are managed Gmelina plantation (MP), fallow land (FL), grass land (GL) and continuously cultivated soil (CCS). Soil samples (undisturbed and auger) were collected from three soil depths of 0 – 20 cm, 20 - 40 cm and 40 – 60 ¬¬_ cm for physicochemical properties analysis. Bulk density was significantly (P < 0.05) lower (1.33 – 1.50 gcm-3) in FL across the depths than other land use types. The pH of the soils was moderately to slightly acidic. Soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and available phosphorus were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in FL than others and followed the trend FL>MP>GL>CCS. The exchangeable acidity was significantly different among the land use type but was the highest in MF (2.20) and the lowest in (GL). Across the soil depths, 0-20 _cm recorded higher values for bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and available phosphorus compared to other soil depths. In all, FL, MF and GL recorded higher values for most soil properties studied, while CCS recorded lower values. There was a decline in most of the properties studied due to continuous cultivation.
How to Cite: Orji J. E., Igwe C. A., Osuji E. E., et. al., 2023. "Variation in Soil Physicochemical Properties of Different Land Use Types in Abakaliki, South Eastern Nigeria." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 462-471.
Brown Algae (Sargassum Subrepandum) from Egypt Exhibited High Nutritional Composition and Bioactive Constituent's Content: A Biological Application on Obesity and its Complications in Experimental Rats
Authors: Yousif A. Elhassaneen ; Hadeer M. Gadallah ; Amal Z. Nasef
Pages: 441-461
Obesity is a medical problem that increases the risk of other diseases and health problems known as complications of obesity. In view of the side effects that resulted from the use of drug therapy and surgical interventions in the treatment of obesity, some of which posed a threat to health, which called for the search for safe and alternative alternative/natural methods. Therefore, the current study was conducted with the aim of exploring the effect of dietary intervention using marine algae (Sargassum subrepandum) on obesity and its complications in experimental rats. Sargassum subrepandum powder (SSP) showed a high nutritional composition through its high of essential nutrients (carbohydrates, fiber, protein and ash), minerals (K, Na, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) and vitamins (A, C, B2, B3, B9, E). It also contains many of the following bioactive constituents: polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, tannins, terpenoids, triterpenoids, polysaccharides, anthocyanin’s and kaempherol, which resulted in high antioxidant activity. On the other side, biological experiment indicated that rats of the model obese group recorded 335.01 g i.e. increased by the rate of 115.60% when compared to the base line. Intervention with SSP by 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0% lead to significant (p≤0.05) decreasing on body weight of the model obese rats which recorded 108.06, 94.46, 77.28 and 73.18 %, respectively when compared to the base line. Also, SSP was effective in protecting against obese complications including inhibit liver disorders through liver serum enzymes-lowering activity, improvement of the serum antioxidant status (increase the glutathione fractions and decrease the formation of malonaldehyde and reactive oxygen species). The histological examinations of the heart and adipose tissue confirmed these results. In conclusion, we recommended SSP by a concentration up to 6% to be included in daily diets, drinks and food supplementation of normal and obese people.
How to Cite: Yousif A. Elhassaneen, Hadeer M. Gadallah, Amal Z. Nasef, 2023. "Brown Algae (Sargassum Subrepandum) from Egypt Exhibited High Nutritional Composition and Bioactive Constituent’s Content: A Biological Application on Obesity and its Complications in Experimental Rats." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 441-461.
Productivity Performance of Musa AAA Under Diferents Planting Densities and Two Cultivars (Grand Nain and Williams) in Banana Intensive Agrosystems in the Agneby-Tiassa Region, Côte D'ivoire
Authors: N’GUESSAN Patrick Henri ; KOUAME Konan Didier ; YAO Kouadio Jacques Edouard.
Pages: 427-440
The study was conducted on Agro-industrial farm of Brimbo, property of S.C.B, located in the Agneby-Tiassa region. The study aimed to contribute to the sustainable production of dessert bananas in Côte d’Ivoire through the development of new technical itineraries. The Grand Nain and Williams cultivars were planted in a block design with total randomisation, comprising eight treatments. During plant growth, the effect of density and cultivar on phytopathological parameters of Black Leaf Streak Disease and on growth and production parameters of the banana plant were evaluated. The results showed that planting density influenced the rank of YLS in both cultivars with the highest mean values at 1550 ; 1600 ; 1650 and 1700 plants/ha, with 7.0 ; 7.1 ; 7.0 ; 7.2 for Grand Nain and 7.2 ; 7.0 ; 7.1 ; 7.1 for Williams respectively. The height of the banana plants ranged from 216.9 to 227.1 cm in Grand Nain and from 228.6 to 237.0 cm in Williams. A significant difference was observed for the pseudotruncular circumference with values between 67.5 and 71.5 cm in the cultivar Grand Nain and between 70.6 and 75.5 cm in the cultivar Williams. NLF was significantly influenced by density and cultivar. The best bunch weights were obtained at 1900 plants/ha for Grand Nain and 22.6 kg for Williams at 1550 plants/ha. This study showed that the removal of immature lesion-bearing areas combined with planting density had varying effects on Black Leaf Streak Disease status, growth and productivity of banana plants of the Grand Nain and Williams cultivars.
Effects of Pesticides on Selected Vegetable Crops Grown in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State Nigeria
Authors: Odera Chukwumaijem Okafor ; Ifeanyi Charles Okeke ; Ifeoma Ibekwe,
Pages: 421-426
The study analyzed the effects of pesticides on selected vegetable crops grown in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State Nigeria. The pesticide Dichlorvos (DD Force) was used to treat sites planted with Amaranth, cucumber, and okra. Soil and vegetable samples were randomly collected after 30 days of incorporation and tested for traces of chloride and phosphate. The results of the analysis showed that amaranth, cucumber, and okra residue concentration exceeded the maximum residual limit. Chloride and phosphate residues exceed the Maximum Residue Limit in vegetable crops. The amount of chloride in the soil sample exceeded the Maximum Permissible Limit. The amount of phosphate in the soil samples was lower than the Maximum Permissible Limit. The fact that vegetables are often grown and used with pesticides to control pests requires caution. Therefore, it is recommended that there should be limits and controls on the use and production of pesticides.
How to Cite: Odera Chukwumaijem Okafor, Ifeanyi Charles Okeke, Ifeoma Ibekwe, 2023. "Effects of Pesticides on Selected Vegetable Crops Grown in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State Nigeria." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 421-426.