Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 10 Number 4 October 2024
Response of Green Faba Bean Yield: As Nexus of Water Deficit, P-Fertilizers, and Phosphorus Recovery
Authors: Mohamed E. A. Aboukota ; Hossam A. Sallam ; Mohamed A. M. Eid ; Mona H. M. Kenaw
Pages: 91-107
Water and fertilizer optimum management in agriculture is important in improving crop productivity, two field experiments were conducted in El-Qanater Horticultural Research Station, Qalubiya Governorate, Egypt, during 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 to study the response of (Vicia faba L.,) Giza 716 faba bean cultivar to three irrigation water levels 100 % of potential evapotranspiration, ET crop (I1), 80 % ET crop (I2) and 60 % ET crop (I3) of irrigation requirements, the effect of applying P-fertilizers no P-fertilization (P0); powdered calcium super phosphate (P1); granular calcium superphosphate (P2) and powdered rock phosphate (P3) all P-sources inoculated by B. megaterium. The obtained results could be summarized as follows: Increasing the applied amount of irrigation water from 3172 (I3) to 4229 m3 ha-1 (I2) and (P3) gave the highest values of all growth characters, except plant height and amount of pods/ plant in average values of both seasons. Moreover, the 80% ET crop (I2) and rock phosphate sources treatment increased yield values attributes, and NPK contents of seeds. Also, the highest values of Irrigation Water productivity (IWP) kg m-3 faba bean green pods and seed quality (protein %) occurred with 80% ET crop (I2) of irrigation water level and powdered rock phosphate (P3).
How to Cite: Mohamed E. A. Aboukota, Hossam A. Sallam, Mohamed A. M. Eid, Mona H. M. Kenaw, 2024. "Response of Green Faba Bean Yield: As Nexus of Water Deficit, P-Fertilizers, and Phosphorus Recovery." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 10, pp. 91-107.