Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 1 Number 5 November 2015
The Management of Dystocia in the West Africa Dwarf Doe
Authors: Omamegbe J.O. ; Nwoha R. I. O.
Pages: 63-67
Dystocia is best treated by Caesarean section (CS) in the West African Dwarf (WAD) doe. However, this otherwise simple procedure is often associated with high mortalities of does and/or kids because certain simple and inexpensive measures are not taken in the handling of affected does during the period-operative period. This clinical discuss looks at these measures and how they may be effected in a routine farm/clinic practice.
Efficacy of Aqueous Neem Seed Extract in the Control of Green Peach Aphids (Myzus Persicae Sulzer) on Chili Pepper (Capsicum Annum L.)
Authors: Lawal, F. ; Aliyu, R.E. ; Adamu, A.K.
Pages: 57-62
The paucity of documented investigations on the effect of aqueous neem seed extract in the control of colour morphs of Myzus persicae necessitated the investigations of this study. Experiments were conducted to compare the efficacy of aqueous seed extracts of Azadirachta indica with Neemazal and Deltrin against Lemon and Dark green morphs of Myzus persicae. The effect of the extract on the aphid’s population and on plant biometrics was evaluated at three concentrations (viz 100%, 75% and 50% v/v). The effect of aqueous neem seed extracts were significant (P <0.05) compared to Deltrin and Neemazal. The efficacy of the extract in reducing lemon and dark green morphs of aphids increased with increasing concentration and duration of exposure. Lemon green morphs of M.persicae were most susceptible to the neem seed extract at all concentrations. At 168 hours after application of 100% aqueous neem seed extract, reductions in population of the morphs were 91.8% and 84.8% in lemon and dark green morphs respectively. However, this concentration was toxic as localized lesions were observed on the leaves of chili pepper.The application of 50% aqueous neem seedextract was non toxic and proffers an efficacious, ecofriendly, cheap and more effective method of control of the imminent pest.