Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 11 November 2018
Response of Sorghum Lines and Hybrids from the United States to Long Smut and Grain Mold
Authors: Louis K. Prom ; Ndiaga Cissé ; Ramasamy Perumal ; Hugo Cuevas
Pages: 152-156
Long smut and grain mold are fungal diseases that impact sorghum yield and quality. Long smut infection is most severe in the drier regions of Africa and Asia; whereas, grain mold is the most important disease of sorghum worldwide. In this study, 30 sorghum lines/hybrids were evaluate at the Agronomic Research Stations in Nioro, Senegal, West Africa. Seven lines/hybrids exhibited less than 10% long smut incidence, including AgriPro 2838, and AP 920 that were free of the disease, while NECS 2 had the lowest grain mold severity. The two hybrids AgriPro 2838 and AP 920 may possess genes for long smut resistance and could be utilized in breeding programs for long smut resistance.
Assessment of the Toxic Effect of Oily Drill Cuttings on Mangrove Littoral Periwinkle (Tympanotonus Fuscatus) of the Lagos Lagoon
Authors: Igwegbe A. N. ; Chukwu L. O. ; Ayo-Olalusi C. I.
Pages: 147-151
The acute toxicity of oily drill cuttings against the littoral mangrove periwinkle (T. fuscutas) of the Lagos Lagoon was evaluated in the laboratory bioassay. In this study, the result showed that the acute toxicity of oily drill cuttings based on immobility response of Tympanotonus fuscatus increased with time of exposure. The concentration that caused 50% immobility in the organisms at 24hrs, 48hrs, 72hrs and 96hrs were 3808.80ml/L 660.89ml/L, 302.28ml/L and 102.43ml/L respectively. The median lethal concentration of drill cuttings against T. fuscatcus decreased as the duration of exposure increased. The analysis of variance (ANONA) showed that there was significant difference (p< 0.05) between all the treatments at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of exposure. The significance of these result is the need to include bio accumulators such as T.fuscatus in monitoring programmes aimed at establishing the environmental level of such pollutant as oily drill cuttings in aquatic ecosystem.
Measurement of Radiological Hazard Indices in Cereals Grown Around Ririwai Tin Mine, Kano State, North Western Nigeria
Authors: Abdullahi M. A. ; Alhassan S. ; Obajemu O.
Pages: 141-146
Mining and mineral processing in Nigeria provides economic benefits of wealth creation and employment opportunities. However the industry is associated with a number of negative challenges among which is the health impact on miners and surrounding communities arising from mining processes. The process produced large volumes of tailings and waste that may contain naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs). Some of the NORMs are soluble in water and have the tendency to leach into water bodies and farm lands. This work measured the radiological hazard indices in cereals grown around Ririwai Tin Mine Kano State, North Western Nigeria using Direct Gamma Spectroscopy (NaI (Tl)), The results shows that the mean activity concentration in cereals samples were 59.99±2.76, 25.95±2.55 and 46.81±1.99 Bq/kg respectively for 40K, 226Ra and 232Th, the mean absorbed dose rate was 32.56±1.44nGyh, the mean committed effective dose for 40K is0.052±0.002 mSv/year, 226Ra has a mean committed effective dose of 0.980±0.100mSv/year while 232Th has a mean committed effective dose of is 1.508±0.064mSv/year The total committed effective dose in cereals is 2.540±0.150mSv/year. The risk estimated were Fatality cancer risk to population per year is 1.3410-4, Lifetime fatality cancer risk to population is 9.3810-3 , Severe Hereditary effect per year is 5.1010-6 and Lifetime Hereditary effects is 3.4010-4 . The values of all the radiological indices obtained in this study are relatively high due to high bioaccumulation of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th by the cereals, suggesting that their consumption could pose radiological health hazards.
Effect of Sowing Dates on the Productivity of Oilseed Citrullus Lanatus
Authors: Gore Bi Boh Nestor ; Gnamien Yah Gwladys ; Yao Kouakou Abessika Georges ; Akaffou Doffou S?lastique ; Zoro Bi Irie Ars?ne
Pages: 136-140
Finding a sustainable solution to the problem of climate change is the first step to reduce food insecurity and malnutrition in developing countries. In Côte d’Ivoire the oilseed Citrullus lanatus constitutes a source of income for farmers. The lack of knowledge on the suitable sowing dates of this plant engenders it low production. Thus to resolve this problem, some field trial were carried out in Gbokora (Daloa). An experimental design with three blocs randomized was set up. Experimentation consisted to realize a sowing during two growing seasons: season 1 (S1) and season (S2). For each season five sowing dates separated with two weeks were realized: Early 1 (E1), Early 2 (E2), Middle (M), Later 1 (L1) and Later 2 (L2). It emerges from this study that to improve the yield of this plant, the crop should be grown during the first season. In addition, planting must be done between mid-March and the beginning of April. This period corresponds to the beginning of the rainy season in the study area. However, if the farmers wish to produce the plant in the second growing season, they will have to wait until the beginning of August, which corresponds to the short rainy season.
Sensory and Physical Changes of Green Cubiu Fruits (Solanum Sessiliflorum Dunal, Solanaceae) During the Post-Harvest Period at Ambient Atmosphere
Authors: Moacir Couto de Andrade J?nior ; Jerusa Souza Andrade ; Suely de Souza Costa
Pages: 125-135
Cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal, Solanaceae) is an attractive fruit due, in part, to its exuberant appearance (e.g., great freshness, vivid colors, and large size). Besides, cubiu fruits are highly valued for their nutritional richness (e.g., soluble fibers such as pectin, vitamin C, potassium, and carotenoids). The objective of this study was to evaluate sensory and physical changes of green cubiu fruits during the post-harvest period at ambient atmosphere. Green cubiu fruits were randomly harvested and immediately taken to the laboratory of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The perfect fruits were then selected (n = 20), stored at ambient atmosphere (mean temperature of 29.24°C), and daily evaluated for (i) loss of weight, (ii) longitudinal (L) and transverse (T) diameter modifications, (iii) loss of freshness, and (iv) color changes. The duration of the experiment was defined by the total loss of freshness of all investigated fruits; thus, making their appearance potentially unfit for human consumption. The predominant shape of cubiu fruits was cordiform (1.17) throughout the experiment, i.e., yet suitable to easily peel. The loss of freshness started on the sixth post-harvest day at ambient atmosphere, being apparent in 100% of the fruits 17 days later (end of the experiment). Of importance, there was a statistically significant negative correlation between the temperature and the L/T ratio. The color changes started on the seventh post-harvest day at ambient atmosphere, but they were characteristically irregular, imperfect, and incompatible with three standard ripening stages of the fruit at the end of the experiment (i.e., eight fruits (40%) remained green, seven fruits (35%) reached the turning stage, and five fruits (25%) reached the ripe stage). No fruit reached the fully ripe stage. Harvested at the green stage, cubiu fruits remained attractive to consumers for five days at ambient atmosphere.
Characterization and Starch Properties of a Waxy Mutant in Japonica Rice Kitaake
Authors: Long Zhang ; Linglong Zhao ; Xiurui Zhang ; Lingshang Lin ; Cunxu Wei
Pages: 117-124
A rice waxy mutant M6 was generated from a japonica rice cultivar Kitaake through gamma irradiation. In this study, we characterized the mutant and analyzed its starch properties. The M6 with milky opaque kernels had lower seed length, width, and weight than wild type. The cavity in the center of starch granule might be responsible for waxy appearance of M6 mature kernels. Sequence analysis of granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) gene showed that there was a 23 bp duplication inserted into the exon 2, generating one stop codon. No GBSSI protein was detected in the endosperm of M6. The isolated starch showed similar ratio of short and long branch-chains of amylopectin between M6 and wild type, but the M6 starch had no amylose. Both the M6 and wild type had A-type starch, but the M6 starch exhibited higher relative crystallinity than wild type starch. Compared with wild type starch, the M6 starch had significantly high swelling power, gelatinization enthalpy and breakdown viscosity and low water solubility, gelatinization peak temperature, peak viscosity, hot viscosity, final viscosity and setback viscosity. The M6 starch had significantly lower resistance to amylase hydrolysis than wild type starch.