Journal of Agriculture and Crops
Online ISSN: 2412-6381
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Print ISSN: 2413-886X
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 5 Number 11 November 2019
Value Chain Analysis of Sesame the Case of Bench Maji Zone, Southwest Ethiopia
Authors: Engida Gebre ; Kusse Haile ; Agegnehu Workye
Pages: 226-236
This study was analyzed value chain analysis of sesame in Bench Maji Zone of Southwestern, Ethiopia. It was specifically aimed to address the research gaps by, identifying the major value chain actors and mapping the value chain, and identifying major factors affecting market outlet choices of sesame producers in Meinit Goldya and Guraferda Districts. For addressing these objectives the study used both primary and secondary data obtained from field survey and desk review. Multistage random sampling technique was used to draw 270 sesame producers. Descriptive statistics and econometric method of data analysis were used to analyze the data. The major value chain actors for sesame marketing in the districts were producers, wholesalers, rural collector, cooperatives, broker/commission agents, retailers, local consumers, ECX, exporters and non-governmental organizations. The multivariate probit model results indicated that Years of experiences, Coop membership, household size, Education level, Land under sesame, Quantity supply, participating in training and distance to nearest market significantly influenced sesame producer’s choice of market outlet. Depending on results of this study recommend that strengthening farmers sesame cooperative and enhancing the financial capacity of cooperative, improving accessibility of Transport services and developing infrastructure, improving farmers’ knowledge through adult education as well as their experience sharing with other sesame producing farmers, improving productivity through strengthening supportive institutions(extension service provider) motivating sesame producing farm household to participate different training. Therefore, those important socioeconomic and institutional factors which are mentioned above must take into account to improve the productivity of sesame in the study area.
Leaf Gas Exchange Attributes and Quality Performance of Kacip Fatimah (Labisia Pumila Blume) Under Different Sources of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers
Authors: Nurrul Akmar bt Rosni ; Hawa bt Jaafar ; Nur Harapan bt Mohd Ghazali
Pages: 218-225
An experiment was designed with Randomized Complete Block Designed to investigate the effects of organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer at 90 kg N/ha on growth and leaf gas exchange in two varieties of Labisia pumila at 15 weeks after transplanting (WAT). In this study total biomass and photosynthesis (A) were significantly (P≤0.05) different among all factor. The results indicated that chicken manure enhanced the net photosynthetic rate (11.10 µmol/m²/s), stomatal conductance (0.40 mmol/m/s) and transpiration rate (5.30 mmol/m²/s) of L.pumila significantly after 31 weeks of planting. Chicken manure and Gobi indicated higher accumulation on total phenolic and total flavonoid compared to NPK green and control. Organic fertilizers (chicken manure and Gobi) were positively influenced the leaf gas exchange and growth of L.pumila as compared to the NPK green and control. This study proved that organic fertilizer can produce a quality of L. pumila compared to NPK green. Based on the principle of organic fertilizer which is slowly release from organic fertilizer will limit the nutrient availability for plant growth and allocate more carbon to produce secondary metabolites.