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Volume 4 Number 4 April 2018

Teaching Biotechnology: A Demand Still to be Fully Attended

Authors: Rafael Ferreira dos Santos ; Lilia Ribeiro Guerra ; Bruno Leal Alves ; Selma Ribeiro de Paiva ; Ana Lafet? Cabral ; Helena C. Castro ; Ana Joffily
Pages: 13-18
The computer skills present an economic role for all countries both individually and politically in the current globalized world. The development of these skills requests the modernization of scholar and academic educational spaces. This modernization is necessary as it may allow better opportunities for the new generations as well as instruments to face the current social and economic challenges. However, the technology alone does not guarantee improvements in education and will depend on the pedagogical strategies of teaching and learning including the use of it as supporting and teaching tools. On that purpose, the offering of new alternatives for the elaboration and development of new methodological strategies for teaching biotechnology, a strategic worldwide area, is very important. The analysis of online tools in science education showed that they are very concentrated in the areas of basic technological science (eg. physics, chemistry and biology). Despite the closeness, there are few biotechnology educational initiatives for producing didactical material for teaching this subject outside the online world. Some initiatives were found pointing teaching biotechnology as an area that still has to be explored and better attended in the educational area. In this work, we brief discuss these topics to stimulate the biotechnology educational subarea to produce more process and products for teaching this theme to the society.