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Volume 3 Number 12 December 2017

Evaluation Damage Caused By Rastrococcus Invadens (Willams. 1986) (Homoptera. Pseudococcidae) on Mango in Casamance (Senegal)

Authors: Amadou Fall ; Mamour Toure ; Fawrou Seye ; Raymond Demba Ndione ; Thierno Seydou Badiane ; Mady ndiaye
Pages: 114-119
Rastrococcus invadens Williams [1] (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) is an insect pest mango and many other fruit trees including citrus. Originated in Southeast Asia, this cochineal was identified at first in Senegal precisely Dakar in 1995. Since then it has spread throughout the country and particularly in one most productive area of fruit (Casamance). To evaluate damage of Rastrococcus invadens on mango tree, a study was carried out on farm in Diatock located in natural Casamance. This study took place between may and september 2016. In arm, we chose after study the four varieties mango most attacked namely "Kent", "Keitt", "Sewe" and "Bouko diekhal". For each variety, we harvested 10 non-infested and 10 infested fruits. These fruits are then weighed to determine weight average of infested fruits and non-infested fruits in order to evaluate the losses and yields obtained. The results showed that a loss of 37% for mangoes weight of sewe variety, 36% of keitt variety, 24% of kent variety and 16% of bouko diekhal variety. However, this damage is more pronounced on some varieties (sewe and keitt) than others. Attacks are more common in June, July and August. Local variety (sewe) and improved variety (keitt) are more sensitive than others.