Academic Journal of Life Sciences
Online ISSN: 2415-2137
Print ISSN: 2415-5217
Print ISSN: 2415-5217
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 8 Number 1 March 2022
Conceptual Profile of Vibrio Species and the Associated Physicochemical Dynamics of Some Aquatic Reservoirs in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria
Authors: T. Sampson ; K. O. Moro ; L. P. Peekate
Pages: 1-7
Vibrio species are autochthonous in the aquatic environment, and are among the leading causes of waterborne disease outbreaks. The ecological prevalence of Vibrio spp. is however influenced by the environmental dynamics of the reservoir system. The study was therefore aimed at assessing the physicochemical as well as seasonal factors that influence the prevalence of Vibrio spp. in some communities in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State. A total of 28 water samples collected in two seasons, were subjected to bacteriological and physicochemical analysis, using standard procedures. The data obtained from the study showed that the physicochemical parameters were within WHO permissible limits except for pH which had mean values within the acidic range and varied between 5.51±0.32 during the wet season, and 5.78±0.79 during the dry season. Statistical analysis of the data obtained however showed that there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the conductivity values with respect to location, sample type (boreholes and wells) and season, TDS, Salinity and pH were however, significantly different (p < 0.05) with respect to location only. The study on the prevalence of the Vibrio spp. in the water sources showed a prevalence rate of 29.16% in the well water samples compared to the borehole water samples with 25% mean prevalence rate. The prevalence based on location further showed that Inyorong Community had the highest prevalence rate of 50%, followed by Ngo Community with 37.5% prevalence rate, while Ukwa Community had the lowest prevalence rate of 12.5 %. Also, assessment of the seasonal prevalence of the bacteria revealed the occurrence of the isolates was 37.5% and 16.6% in the wet and dry season, respectively. The presence of Vibrio spp. in these communities in Andoni Local Government Area is of a public health concern. Regular surveillance alongside preventive measures is therefore recommended for the prevention of cholera related disease outbreaks.