International Journal of Economics and Financial Research
Online ISSN: 2411-9407
Print ISSN: 2413-8533
Print ISSN: 2413-8533
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 12 December 2018
The Impact of Icts on Hospitality Sector of Tourism in Zambia
Authors: Francis Chama Mulubwa ; Syed Ali
Pages: 362-369
This study aimed to investigate the impact of mobile phone, land phone and internet (ICTs) on sales, market performance, room occupancy, profitability and credit facilities in the hospitality sector of tourism in the tourist city of Livingstone in Zambia. The study used multiple regression models to find out the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The study found that there was positive impact of ICTs usage on sales, marketing performance, room occupancy, profitability and credit facilities. The study found negative relationship between internet and profitability of the firm due to higher costs of internet access. The study suggested that the firms should work together as a pool to reduce internet costs, such as, the use of;;;;; etc.
Impact of FDI on Employment Generation: Nexus in Afghanistan
Authors: Mr. Riazullah Shinwari ; Prof. Bai Yongliang
Pages: 354-361
This study aims to analyze the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on new job creation, and pays attention to factors interrelated to employment by using the case of Afghanistan. Using time series data form 2003 to 2017, this paper explore the driving forces and reduction potentials of employment in Afghanistan with consideration for dynamic changes within the traditional OLS and standardize OLS model. The results show that exchange rate plays a dominant role in increasing employment in Afghanistan. And exports and inflation rate plays a dominant role in decreasing employment in Afghanistan. All variables are co-integrated and the analysis of the impulse response function and variance decomposition turns out to be synchronous. Furthermore, in the short run export and inflation rate are more critical in reduction potentials of employment in Afghanistan. Policies should be advised to control inflation rate and illegal export and improve the investment projects to attract more FDI into the economy for quick adjustment purpose in case of the shock to the system.