The Journal of Social Sciences Research
Online ISSN: 2411-9458
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 5 Number 2 February 2019
Changing Dynamics of Talent Management: Analyzing the Impact of Business Environmental Factors
Authors: Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed
Pages: 583-595
Talent management process makes sure that the organization has sufficient supply of talented employees to meet the organizational goals. However, this aspect is important for organizations especially in the wake of the ever-changing business environmental factors such as political, social and economic factors. To undertake a critical examination of the changing dynamics in the field of talent management, the following research focuses on an analysis of the impact of political, economic and socio-cultural changes on the talent management process in oil and gas companies in GCC. As such, the main objective of the research is to undertake an analysis of the practices of talent management adopted in the oil and gas sector in GCC region and analyze the changing dynamics of the Talent Management process to suggest strategies to manage talent to improve the industry performance. Despite the advanced in the human resource management field, the talent landscape in the GCC region faces challenges in the talent management process such as talent acquisition, talent retention, and talent development. The following research focuses on the use of an empirical quantitative approach towards data collection and interpretation of the obtained data. The research advanced three hypotheses, which are tested in the research. The findings of the research provide evidence that the economic, social and political factors have a significant influence on talent management practices in this region. And it is important to consider the business environmental factors in managing talent by aligning organizational strategy with talent management strategy of the company. The implantation of technology by means of Artificial intelligence, HR analytics and automation will reduce the dependency on more employees and improving the value of HR in the organization by enlightening organizational performance and productivity with few talented employees in line with dynamic business environmental factors.
Socio-Economic Factors Responsible For Adoption of Alien Fish Species by Fish Farmers in Bangladesh
Authors: Md. Hashmi Sakib ; Arif Reza ; Md. Safiul Islam Afrad ; Sang-Go Lee
Pages: 577-582
Adoption of alien fish species for aquaculture has become a common practice in Bangladesh. In this study, the socio-economic factors responsible for alien species adoption by fish farmers in Bogra District of Bangladesh were investigated. Data on adoption and socio-economic factors were collected from randomly selected 110 fish farmers. A multiple regression model was used to determine the factors influencing the adoption of alien fish species. The majority of the respondents (62.7%) belong to the moderate adoption category. The results showed that socio-economic factors such as commercialization, social participation, innovativeness, knowledge significantly affected fish farmers decision to adopt alien species. A stepwise regression analysis reveals that farmers knowledge on aquaculture is the deterministic factor regarding adoption. The trend of adopting alien fish species is not a concern limited to the study area, rather it reflects the general scenario of the aquaculture industry in Bangladesh. Therefore, socio-economic studies on alien fish species adoption could be helpful in forecasting future trends and formulating management strategies.
Impact of Medical Insurance Contracts Elements on the Profitability of Hospitals
Authors: Dr. Mohyedin Hamza ; Dr. Tarek Almbaidin ; Emad Al-Rabi
Pages: 569-576
This study aims at identifying the impact of the elements of medical insurance contracts on the profitability of hospitals- a case study. To this end, the researchers collected the financial statements and the analytical reports of medical claims and the determinants of the origin of these claims (the actual deduction) from the accounts of the Islamic Hospital as well as the contracts and agreements signed between the Islamic Hospital and insurance companies showing the agreed contractual deduction on the hospital services, (The Medical Laboratories Department, Radiology Department, Pharmacy Department, Medical Procedures Department, and Medical Supplies Department) for the period 2006-2016. A set of appropriate statistical methods were applied through the SPSS program. The study results show that the study variable has, to a large extent, an impact on the profitability of the Islamic Hospital. The study provided a set of recommendations, mainly: establishing a division of medical approvals and audits that coordinates between the insured and the insurance company to guarantee the veracity of medical procedures.
Factors Influencing Material Weaknesses in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting in Malaysian Property Companies
Authors: Erlane K. Ghani ; Mazni Zulkifli ; Rahayu Abdul Rahman
Pages: 559-568
This study examines the factors influencing material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting among the companies in the property industry in Malaysia. Specifically, this study examines six factors namely firm age, firm size, financial health, financial reporting complexity, rapid growth and corporate governance. Using content analysis on the annual reports of 80 property companies, this study shows that only firm size has a significant influence on the material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting. Other factors however, show no significant influence on the material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting. The result in this study indicates that small companies tend to have material weaknesses in internal control due to them having limited resources in building effective internal control. These companies generally could not afford to spend on expertise such as internal auditor or consultant to assist in improving and strengthening internal control. The findings of this study shed some lights to the regulators and practitioners on the factors influencing material weaknesses in the internal control over financial reporting. Of consequence, this would reduce information asymmetry between the insiders and outsiders of a company and thus, increasing the quality of financial reporting.
A Perspective of Service-Dominant Logic on Customer Participation: A Meta-Analysis Approach
Authors: Thu-Huong Pham ; Wann-Yih Wu ; Phuoc-Thien Nguyen
Pages: 551-558
Customer participation (CP) has received a special interest in service research. It is one of the most important aspects of services which can improve outcomes for customers and service providers. Through their participation, customers play a significant role on the service process and its outcomes. Different studies have investigated CP issues from different angels. Specifically, most of previous studies has focused on the influential factors of CP, the consequential and moderating factors are largerly ignored. However, previous studies have yet to explore an integrative framework of customer participation with multiple antecedents, consequences and moderatorsIn this study, meta-analysis was conducted by collecting data from previous studies using customer participation as its main topic. The results from meta-analysis suggested that customer participation has a positive effect on customer citizenship behaviors (i.e., recommendation, helping customers, and providing feedback), while service-dominant orientation, personality and subjective has positive effect on customer participation. Eleven hypotheses are proposed in this study. It is expected that the results of this research can enable us to get better understanding about antecedents and consequences of customer participation. The results could be very helpful for academicians to further validate the research model and could also be very useful for professionals to design and implement their service strategies.
Study of Islamic Thought in Islam Malay Archipelago: Social Studies, Intellectualism and Contextual Cultures
Authors: Ris’an Rusli
Pages: 543-550
This study aims to explore Islamic thougt in Islam Malay archipelago which is seen from social studies, intellectualism and contextual culturales approaches and aspects that illustrate some of the developments that occur and will describe the social and political conditions underlying the birth of this thought. This type of research is literature review, namely a series of studies relating to library data collection methods, or research whose object of research is explored through various library information. The nature of this research is descriptive analysis, namely the regular breakdown of data that has been obtained, then given an understanding and explanation to be well understood by the reader. This research finding is globalization will be a threat and is considered to still threaten the Malay identity if we are not able to understand Malay identity correctly in an inclusive Malay context. Culture is essentially an endless effort of society to respond to challenges. While nationality, is a statement of will to be one nation. Therefore, the concept of open culture requires that the Malay people not only have to open themselves and accept the entry of external cultural elements that are considered positive, but also must be strong and capable in preventing the entry of destructive elements.
Bridging Audit Expectation Gap in Nigerian Deposit Money Banks through the Application of Forensic Audit Techniques
Authors: Iriemi Jude Osauemi ; Okafor Regina G.
Pages: 535-542
There is a gap between the expectations of end users of audited financial statements of deposit money banks and the quality of audit reports produced by statutory auditors. This study evaluated the application of forensic audit techniques as an effective strategy for bridging this expectation gap. Survey research design was employed; questionnaires were distributed to 4 different groups of respondents residing in Abuja namely: staff of Federal Inland Revenue Service, potential investors in selected deposit money banks’ shares, shareholders of the selected deposit money banks and representatives of corporate customers of the selected deposit money banks with head-office in Abuja. Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, Zenith Bank Plc, First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Union Bank of Nigeria Plc and Diamond Bank Plc were selected for this study in Abuja, Nigeria. Judgmental sampling technique was used to determine a sample size of 80 from the aggregate population. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used in analyzing the data collected. The results from all the hypotheses tested confirmed that the inclusion of forensic audit techniques (investigative, financial, regulatory and value for money) as integral part of the statutory audit process can significantly reduce the expectation gap between the quality of statutory audit reports and end users’ expectations of deposit money banks audited financial statements.
Budget Hotels’ Online Guest Reviews Regarding Customer Satisfaction
Authors: Albattat Ahmad ; Alsardia Khaled ; Al-Laymoun Mohammad ; Alyaa Atikah Ahmad Jais ; Razali Ibrahim
Pages: 522-534
The tourism industry is an industry that uses services as its products, yet the services themselves are intangible. There are many different aspects to the tourism industry and one of them is accommodation, which includes hotels. Most hotels face similar issues in their operations and business, and technology is one way to listen and respond to complaints from guests. Technology has helped many industries to grow and flourish in the modern age. The tourism industry is one of the industries that relies heavily on technology. Hotels use technology for reservations, payments, room smartcards, taking orders at restaurants, and many other things. Travel search engines are the main reference for guests, other than the official website of the hotel. This paper aims to study the factors and level of customer satisfaction in a budget hotel in Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, based on guests’ online reviews. This research was conducted by analysing the secondary data gathered from booking websites. Using the data selected from the travel search engine, it is hoped that the findings can measure the level of customer satisfaction at this budget hotel and provide methods of improvement for future business operations.
Juxtaposing Art and Personality Development Through the Convergence of First Nations: A Reading of Drew Hayden Taylor’s Girl Who Loved Her Horses
Authors: Samjaila T.H. ; Gayathri N.
Pages: 515-521
The aim of this paper is to examine the present psychic issues experienced by First Nations / native children that hinders many young individuals which lead to major issues in the present-day society. First Nations children encounter many physical and psychological hurdles in their lives, and such obstacles either cripple their personality development or help them channelize their inherent potential. Hence, the study focuses on Drew Hayden Taylor’s play, Girl Who Loved Her Horses, which stages the difficulties that are faced by the native children, and how they overcome it positively. The critical intervention of this paper is limited to the protagonist, Danielle, a girl who resorts to drawing horses in order to give vent to all the distress that stifles her life. It also emphasizes on the significance of the horse in the lives of native people whose lives are embedded with the non-human being, respecting the cosmic forces that governed their lives. The paper finds that art plays a significant role in shaping Danielle’s personality which otherwise would have been stunted on account of the inaffable living conditions of the First Nations.
Mutual Funds Hitches and Outlook: An Empirical Study
Authors: Dr. Haresh B. Barot ; Dr. Poonam Chhaniwal
Pages: 507-514
A lot of structural changes and innovations have occurred both at international and national financial system. Simultaneously, household savings and investment attitude and preference have increased. Emergence of new financial institutions and instruments came into existence to cater the needs of public. Mutual Funds are one of the ideal avenues available to investors. The growth of Mutual Funds industry is comparatively higher than other industries in India. But compared to global outlook, the share of Mutual Funds industry does not touch even 5 percent (Anonymous). Indian investors prefer to invest more in traditional avenues as compared to Mutual Funds. All this, in aggregate, heightens researcher concern that why Mutual Funds could not succeed in India? With this background, an attempt is made in this research to study the perceived problems and perspectives of retail investors for investment in Mutual Funds.
Feeding Habit and the Health of Undergraduate Students: Evidence from Nigeria
Authors: Ogadimma Arisukwu ; Dolapo Olaosebikan ; Abiola John Asaleye ; Festus Asamu
Pages: 498-506
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between feeding habit and the health of undergraduate students and to also ascertain the level of awareness of students on the nutritional value of food consumed followed by what necessitate their choice of food and how it affect their health. A stratified and simple random sampling method was adopted. Five research questions were raised in the study. Data was collected using a well-structured questionnaire (distributed to 220 students of Landmark University Kwara State, Nigeria out of which 200 were returned for analysis) along with an in-depth interview. The research design was descriptive survey. The theories used for this research are the rational choice theory and social learning theory. The major finding of the research shows there was a significant relationship between feeding habit and the health of students. There was no relationship between the cost of food and the feeding habit of students. The result revealed that (86.5%) of students’ choice of food was based on availability. The effect of feeding habit on the health of students indicated lack of retention (49.5%) while illnesses such as stomach pain, stooling, ulcer and food poisoning were the common reported cases. In conclusion, it was recommended that students should consume food based on its nutritional benefits and not just based on availability. Also the Nigeria government should drive the goal of agrarian revolution in order to meet the food need of the country at a cheaper rate.
Rural Bank Financial Performance: Evidence from Indonesia
Authors: Dwi Prastowo Darminto
Pages: 491-497
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of managerial ownership level, compliance level of accounting standard implementation, and assurance quality on financial reporting quality. This study also measures the influence of the variables of financial reporting quality, managerial ownership level, and risk management quality on rural bank financial performance. The method used in this research is the verificative research method with the survey approach, statistically processed by using PLS-SEM, with the aim to obtain the facts about the phenomena that occur and to seek information on the actual and systematic financial reporting quality and its impact on the rural bank financial performance. The findings of this study indicated that the compliance level of accounting standard implementation significantly influences financial reporting quality. The variable of managerial ownership level and assurance quality insignificantly influence financial reporting quality. The variables of financial reporting quality, managerial ownership level, and risk management quality also have insignificant influence on the rural bank financial performance.
Measuring and Comparing the Desired and Actual Service Quality of Pakistan International Airline
Authors: Muhammad Farooq ; Saeed Muhammad ; Valliappan Raju ; K. Ramanathan Kalimuthu ; Abdul Qadir
Pages: 484-490
Service quality is a critical component in any company’s performance. Bad service creates a lousy brand image in the eyes of customers which is difficult to remove. Pakistan International Airline (PIA), a well-known airline in Pakistan is receiving criticism from its passenger’s regarding service quality. However, there are very few studies focusing on the improvement of service quality of PIA. In this research, the authors have identified the critical components of customer satisfaction with the help of Parasuraman service quality model. The authors have identified the desired and actual quality gap. The study concludes that reliability and empathy are the top most essential components of customer satisfaction. There is a significant difference in all desired and actual components of service quality. The components which PIA needs immediate improvement are its ability to provide dedicated services and better food quality during flight.
Does Accounting Conservatism Mitigate the Operating Cash Flows Downside Risk?
Authors: Amneh Hamad ; Mohammad AL-Momani ; Hamzah Al-Mawali
Pages: 472-483
The aim of this study is to investigate whether the two types of accounting conservatism (conditional and unconditional) mitigate the risk of falling operating cash flows in the presence of cash holdings of Jordanian companies for the period from (2005–2014) for a sample of (160) companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). By using the principle components analysis method in the SPSS system to generate a composite measure for the measurement of the conditional conservatism (CC_CM) consisting of three measures: negative accruals (CC_NACC), current accruals to total accruals (CC_CACC), and accounting conservatism to the good news (CC_ACGN). As well as to generate another composite measure for the measurement of the unconditional conservatism (UC_CM) consisting of three measures: total accrual (UC_TACC), book to market (UC_BTM) ratio, and skewness (UC_Skew). In order to measure the downside risk of operating cash flows, we used the root lower partial moment of operating cash flow (RLPM_OCF). We find that two types of accounting conservatism are significantly positively effect on cash holdings. In addition, we conclude that there is a significantly negatively indirect effect for accounting conservatism on downside risk of operating cash flows in Jordanian companies that have cash holdings. It means that the increasing of the accounting conservatism leads to the increasing of cash holdings, which leads to mitigate the operating cash flows downside risk.
Green Intellectual Capital and Firm Competitive Advantage: Evidence from Malaysian Manufacturing Firms
Authors: Naimah Ahmad Yahya ; Roshayani Arshad ; Amrizah Kamaluddin ; Rahayu Abdul Rahman
Pages: 463-471
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between green intellectual capital and firms’ competitive advantage in Malaysia. More specifically this study examines the impact of four dimensions of green intellectual capital; green human capital, green innovation capital, green organisational capital and green relational capital on firms’ competitive advantage. Using survey as a method to collect data from 224 managers of manufacturing firms in Malaysia, the result shows that green intellectual capital and its dimensions, specifically the green innovation capital, green organizational capital and green relational capital have significant and positive relationship with firms’ competitive advantage. Overall, the findings highlight the importance of green intellectual capital as a valuable business resource which in turn enhances firm performance and competitiveness.
Identifying the Most Critical Factors to Business Intelligence Implementation Success in the Public Sector Organizations
Authors: Asma I. Magaireah ; HidayahSulaiman ; Nor’ashikin Ali
Pages: 450-462
The BI is a new trend in public sector organizations that requires investigating the critical success factors (CSFs) which would provide a sound guidelines for determining the criteria to be considered during BI implementation. However, there is no sufficient empirical evidences that provide better understanding of the CSFs for the BI implementation in public sector organizations. This paper aims to identify the CSFs for BI system in the context of public sector organizations. This study adopts a mixed method approach using survey research method and qualitative interview using Jordanian public sector organization case. The findings of this research revealed that top management support, clear vision and strategic planning, team skills, user participation, organizational structure, user access and development technology are the most critical factors to BI implementation success in the public sector organizations. The findings of this study could assist the practitioners in the public sector organizations in planning, managing and implementing their BI projects properly by focusing on those CSFs of BI systems that provide them a better understanding to address issues and concerns related to BI implementation.
Characterizing Naturalized Epistemology of Science Possessed by Korean Pre-Service Elementary Teachers
Authors: Myeong-Kyeong Shin
Pages: 444-449
This study aimed at exploring how pre-service teachers possessed naturalized epistemology of science. The epistemology of science has been major topics of investigation in science education research targeting pre-service and in-service teacher education. How science works including scientific investigation for achieving science knowledge was well known item in school science. The role of scientific epistemology would play in science classroom. Therefore improving teachers’ perspectives and designing advanced teaching-learning sequences along them have been substantial parts of the science education reform. Such efforts have been active when a new epistemological position emerged such as naturalized epistemology. Through this research Korean pre-service teachers’ understanding of the naturalized epistemology was explored. The questionnaire to explore pre-service teachers’ epistemological beliefs was adopted majorly focusing on naturalized epistemology of science knowledge. They were administrated to forty per-service elementary teachers. The questionnaire is composed of items using a Likert scale. According to the finding, Korean elementary teacher candidates in this study had more agreement for naturalized epistemology than for traditional one.
Behavioural Components of Online Shopping Among Consumers of Malaysia
Authors: Kastury Gohain ; Seethaletchumy Thambiah ; Manah Chandra Changmai
Pages: 436-443
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the literature of why people are becoming fond of online shopping nowadays. Surprisingly, online shopping has become much easier since some brands have started to display their designs on phone applications or website which makes the work easier and saves time of consumers. People nowadays like to spend their free time by surfing the internet no matter anywhere and anytime. For many respondents, the online shopping has almost become an addiction. The purpose of this study is to explore the extent to which the online shopping is preferred by the consumers and the factors which motivate them to engage in online shopping. In this empirical research, it has specifically put an emphasis to identify the factors which influence the consumers to do online shopping. The purpose of this research also is to investigate the factors that influence the consumers to become addicted with online shopping. The study also unveils importance of time saving, ease of use and accessibility as factors influencing consumers to become addicted with online shopping. Therefore, today it is true that consumers have become addicted with shopping through websites due to ease of availing it.
Benefits of Vocabulary of Latin Origin for the Learners of Swedish and Danish
Authors: Kazuhito Uni
Pages: 431-435
Latin and Greek are primary donor languages to Swedish and Danish, which do not belong to the Romance but Germanic languages. The present study conducted a vocabulary survey to examine the advantage of frequently used Swedish and Danish vocabulary of Latin or Greek origin and their English equivalents for learning Swedish and Danish. The Oxford 3000 list was used as the primary reference of high-frequency English words. As a result, 556 loanwords of Latin or Greek origin are included in the most frequently used 3,000 Swedish and Danish words and approximately 430 loanwords can be used with a similar pronunciation in English. Therefore, the present study concluded that knowledge of most used Swedish and Danish vocabulary of Greek or Latin origin could help speakers of English learn Swedish and Danish.
Inheritance Rights of a Child Born From a Surrogate Mother According to Indonesian Law
Authors: Yessenia Honandar ; Shanti Hendrata ; Fiona Pelafu
Pages: 424-430
Throughout the lives of human beings, starting from one’s birth to their death, one may see that rights and obligations are always present. The issue of inheritance comes up at the end of a person’s life. The division of one’s inheritance is a complex matter, especially when it comes to the right to inherit for a child that is born from a Surrogate Mother. Surrogacy procedures are a form of Assisted Reproductive Technologies that aids married couples who are unable to have an offspring naturally due to health issues or abnormalities, and therefore must be assisted by these treatments. There are two different types of Surrogacy, namely Traditional Surrogacy and Gestational Surrogacy. Traditional Surrogacy is legally allowed in Indonesia, but there are no laws that specifically regulate Gestational Surrogacy; there are however, laws that imply the prohibition of it being practiced as a method of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. According to Indonesian laws, a child born from Gestational Surrogacy is considered either an illegitimate child or a child born from adultery, thus creating a problem regarding their inheritance, for the child will be unable to receive inheritance from their parents, even though the intent of Gestational Surrogacy is to have a child for the intended parents to raise as their own. This article will discuss the legality of Gestational Surrogacy as well as the issue of inheritance for a child born by the procedure; this includes regulations that tackle the issue and hopeful solutions for the issue at hand.
Foreign Expatriates on Board and Financial Performance: A Study of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
Authors: Wisdom Okere ; Damilola Felix Eluyela ; Adedoyin Ishola Lawal ; Ibidunni Oyebisi ; Oluwasegun Eseyin ; Olabisi Popoola ; Toluwalase Eniola Awe
Pages: 418-423
Due to the recent financial scandals, there has been a growing need and debate amongst researchers on variables to strengthen the corporate governance of a firm. This study examined the relationship between foreign expatriates on board and financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Applying panel methodology for the period of 2008 to 2016 as well as other econometric analysis such as descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and Hausman test, the findings revealed a positive but insignificant relationship exist between foreign expatriates on board and financial performance of sampled deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study recommends that banks should ensure that they have an appropriate number of foreign directors on their board who have diverse skills and wealth of experience in order to make their performance on the banks significant. Also, developing countries who don’t have access to foreign directors can train their local directors in foreign countries so as to gain access to the benefits of global knowledge and experience.
Economic Transformation in Bangladesh and the Income Velocity of Broad Money: An Econometric Analysis
Authors: Ms. Sharmina Khanom
Pages: 408-417
This study has undertaken an econometric analysis of economic transformation and income velocity of broad money. To find out the relevant determinants of income velocity of money this paper used time series data on year basis. This paper focus to discover the key determinants of the velocity of money in Bangladesh using the Augmented Dicky Fuller (ADF) unit root test to inspect the stationary, Engle-Granger residual-based cointegration approach to demonstrate the co-integrating association among variables. The main conclusions of this paper are: (i) relationship exists between the velocity of money and financial development. Other important variables that determine GDP growth show a negative relationship with the velocity of money but maintain a positive relationship with the deposit interest rate. Finally, this study concludes by giving some policy recommends for Bangladesh with respect to the velocity of broad money and the monetary policy.
The Image of Laurence in the Novel Simone de Beauvoir "Magic Pictures"
Authors: Svitlana Kryvoruchko ; Tatiana Fomenko
Pages: 400-407
Self-determination of a woman is important for her self-realization at the beginning of the XXI century. A modern woman successfully combines two careers. She presents herself as a specialist and wife / mother. French writer S de Beauvoir drew attention to this in her novel "Magic Pictures" in 1966. Her heroines make it possible to understand the psychological problems of women. The classification of archetypes of goddesses in accordance with the stereotypes of modern women was applied. This concept logically complements feminist criticism and helps to investigate the way the archetypes of the goddesses are manifested in the images, respectively, "feminine", "feminist" and "female" concepts. This will contribute to the clarification of the parable in the works of S. de Beauvoir. S. de Beauvoir uses psychoanalytic approaches to distinguish conscious and unconscious in heroines of literary works, and great attention is paid to unconscious motives and feelings. The writer distinguishes psychoanalytic symptoms, conditions of women to display their personal "psychodrama", which is reflected in literary conflicts. S. de Beauvoir interprets conflicts as external and internal. During the analyses of the writer’s works we also differentiate the conscious and unconscious in her heroines, observe conflicts between men and women, between generations, between the desires of one person, in order to understand better the "mental" state, which promotes character’s development as an existant. The writer made an extremely important artistic and aesthetic contribution into the creation of "feminine" artistic images, which reveals the archetype of Aphrodite, that through the issue of choice introduces the idea of the importance of "love", deprives of feelings and the status of the "Оther" as an inferiority complex, reaching the level of self-realization of an existant.S. de Beauvoir explores the phenomenon of literary existentialism as a problem of choice which a character has to face and contributes to its evolution. S. de Beauvoir’s creation of influential characters, according to "feminine" concept, achieves the highest resonance in the mid ХХ century and extends to the beginning of ХХ–XXI century.
The Character of Biology Teaching Practices: Pedagogical Hiatuses and the Implications for Continued Professional Development
Authors: Eng Tek Ong ; Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh ; Nurulhuda Abd Rahman ; Laili Farhana Md Ibharim
Pages: 389-399
This study was conducted to characterise the Biology teaching practices in a teacher education institution so as to inform us the existing practices which could then be compared with the aspired practices, uncovering the pedagogical hiatuses. This study employed a form of implementation study using classroom observation. A total of three lessons drawn from a Biology course within the Bachelor of Education (Biology Major) by a lecturer in one Teacher Education Institution were observed over a one-semester period. A psychometrically-supported Observation Checklist comprising 50 items or indicators that spread across six principles was utilised in the observation whereby observers checked in terms of presence or absence of each indicator during the classroom observations. In terms of coverage of aspired teaching practices which met the quartile rule (i.e., practices which were observed more than one-fourth or 25% in the overall observations), the findings indicated that lecturers fully ensured constructive instructional alignment (100%), fostered intellectual excitement (66.7%), provided quality spaces, technology and resources (57.1%), nurtured good values, attitudes and behaviours (45.5%), nurtured a climate of inquiry and critical reflection (42.9%). Nevertheless, the characterised teaching practices indicated that the lecturer did not offer adequate diverse learning environment (20.0%). This study provides the characterisation of evidenced-based practices, uncovering the pedagogical hiatuses which could be subsequently addressed by various means such as the providence of continuous in-service courses. Empowering lecturers pedagogically will produce quality teachers which in turn, produce quality students.
Determinants of Inflation Sources in Iraq: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model
Authors: Mohamed Khaled Al-Jafari ; Hatem Hatef Abdulkadhim Altaee
Pages: 381-388
Most economists agree that the emergence of substantial inflationary pressure in Iraq was due to the monetary growth arising from large increase in the money supply by government to finance enormous budget deficit. This was true especially during the comprehensive sanction imposed on the country between 1990 till 2003. Others point out to exchange rate depreciations as another cause to inflation. Such controversy about the causes of inflation in Iraq has necessitated studying this phenomenon quantitatively. Our main contribution is to assess empirically the effects of money supply, exchange rate, and import on inflation in Iraq over the period 1995–2015. Using the ARDL bounds testing approach, we estimated the long-run effects of those variables on real inflation. In addition, we attempt to draw attention to the impact of changes in global prices on the phenomenon of inflation in Iraq. It is analyzed that money supply, exchange rate and import, changes inflation to 0.59, -0.85, and 0.11 percent points respectively by one percent rise in long-run. The Error Correction model with a negative sign remained statistically significant with the approximately 34% speed of adjustment to restore the equilibrium in the long-run, which was convergent quickly.
Backgrounds for Improving Resource Management of Agricultural Enterprises Based on Economic Diagnostics of Biofuel Consumption
Authors: Tatiana Korpaniuk ; Yana Ishchenko ; Natalia Koval
Pages: 367-380
The research paper deals with the formation of new scientific decisions regarding the improvement of the processes of resource management of agrarian enterprises on the basis of economic diagnostics of biofuel consumption. In the course of the research, the essence of the research paper is revealed and the features of the use of tools of economic diagnostics in relation to a particular energy resource as the basis for substantiation of effective management decisions concerning resource management of a modern agricultural enterprise are described. The research methodology is based on the system approach, the identification of causal relationships (deduction, induction) and the synthesis of factors that influence the implementation of the development potential and improvement of resourcing for the operation of modern agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. The research paper systematically presents the processes of providing agricultural enterprise with fuel resources as an element of the resource management system, which focuses on the direction of biofuel consumption, its economic diagnostics, the identification of problems, prospects of use and developmental prerequisites. It is shown that structured integrated economic diagnostics of biofuel consumption by agricultural enterprises as part of a certain system, action algorithm, to a large extent positively influences on the success of application in practice of the tools of resource management of these enterprises, increasing the soundness of managerial decisions in this area. This contributes to a more efficient organization of the processes of the agrarian enterprises of Ukraine, giving an opportunity to respond adequately to the variability of the market environment and create the preconditions for the long-term development.
Leveraging Communication Skills Through the Usage of Smart Phones Among the Students
Authors: Dr. V. Sivakumar ; Dr. A. Iyappan ; S. Leelapriyadharsini
Pages: 360-366
Recent advancements in smart phone technologies have created unique opportunity to learn and teach. Critics used to focus the drawbacks of mobile addiction and its consequences which on other side suggest going back and rejecting the technology advancement. When it comes to the usage of technology, going back is not a solution. At the same time using technology as a learning tool is not just a cool new thing. More than quarter of the student population in higher education has an access to smart phones and the number continues to rise every year. The next generation of students needs to meet and surpass the expectations of next generation educational standards. This will happen with a tremendous effort from both the sides of students and faculty alike to learn and use technology effectively. This paper reports on recent research undertaken at an Indian state university in order to understand the awareness level and influential rate of useful mobile application to leverage the communication skills among the student community. A survey questionnaire was developed and deployed based on the literature study and the data collected were analyzed quantitatively. Upon analysis, these data validate that students are well aware of mobile learning applications but the usage differs as those practices are not encouraged as a part of formal learning.
Action Research in Teaching English for Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties in Higher Schools
Authors: M. Zh. Tussupbekova ; M. A. Idrissova ; B. G. Smagulova ; N. K. Kazhikenova ; Zh. M. Konyratbaeva ; B. Abduali
Pages: 354-359
This article presents the theoretical and practical part of using the action research in teaching English for students of non-linguistic specialties in higher schools. Action research is a new process of research in Kazakhstan education that presents conducting of research by action researchers who share their findings with others in teaching. Our daily life connects with action research in order to investigate, make analysis and evaluate our work. The term action research has become particularly popular in education, especially in teaching foreign languages. Different approaches can be applied to improve the process of learning in it. Action Research is a great opportunity for creative teachers to develop different skills of students. The main purpose of this paper is to study basic concepts of action research, develop a model of action research process in teaching English, and determine the effectiveness and advantages of action research in teaching English for students of non-language specialties.
The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Enthusiasms for Business Persistence: A Case Study of Small and Medium Enterprises at Chaiyaphum Province, Thailand
Authors: Adisak Suvittawat
Pages: 348-353
The objective of this research is; finding the relationship between entrepreneurial passion and enthusiasm variables for business persistence which produces effect on enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and persistence of business for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Chaiyaphum Province, Thailand. This research found that enthusiasm for entrepreneurship consists of commitment to the product or service, with a mean value of 3.38 and S.D.=1.26; enthusiasm for competition with a mean value of 3.53 and S.D=1.11, passion for entrepreneurship with a mean value of 3.60 and S.D=1.12, enthusiasm for opportunity with a mean value of 3.51 and S.D=1.14 and enthusiasm for development with a mean value of 3.56 and S.D=1.22. There is a correlation between persistence of business and, commitment to the product or service (r=-0.245**), persistence of business and enthusiasm for competition (r=-0.075), persistence of business and passion for entrepreneurship (r=-0.33), persistence of business and enthusiasm for opportunity (r=-0.032). Commitment to the product or service, enthusiasm for competition, passion for entrepreneurship and enthusiasm for opportunity, have a correlation with persistence of business. The entrepreneur who has an enthusiasm for entrepreneurship keeps a persistence of business.
Will Natural-dying Batik SMEs Compete in Asian Economic Community?
Authors: Lesta Karolina Br. Sebayang ; Sri Utami ; Deky Aji Suseno
Pages: 343-347
Being claimed as playing vital role for economic development in Indonesia, Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) still has many challenges to be aware of. Some of them are the the free market of Asean Economic Community and the competitiveness of the SME compared to other similar products. One of the outstanding SMEs is Batik SME in Central Java. Recently, Batik has been becoming popular due to its natural dying used. As people have been discussing a lot about this kind of Batik, this research focuses on analysing its competitiveness to ensure whether the natural-dying Batik can compete with other similar products in this very competitive world, especiall ASEAN market. To understand their position of competitiveness, this study elaborated its profile so that it can be better known its existence to inform other related stakeholders. To find their competitiveness, the research collected primary data using primary and secondary data. Questionnaires distribution and interview to ten Batik makers were conducted. The the data were analysed using SWOT descriptive analysis and Internal and External (IE) Matrix after IFAS was used. From the data analysis, it was found that the natural dying Batik is very potential to develop by using certain strategis. Based on the formulation of alternative strategy using Internal and External (IE) Matrix, natural dying Batik SMEs in Semarang city is at the position of Quadrant 1. The strategies that are recommended to use are Strength-Opportunities (S-O). These strategies suggest natural dying Batik SMEs to take all available opportunities by expanding their market and developing the products.
Revitalization of Vocational High School Roadmap to Encounter the 4.0 Industrial Revolution
Authors: I. Made Sudana ; Delta Apriyani ; Sita Nurmasitah
Pages: 338-342
Vocational High School has an essential role in preparing the competent workers for the industry. To encounter the 4.0 industrial revolution era, Vocational High Schools must be able to keep up with developments by revitalizing a roadmap so the graduates have in line competencies with the industry’s needs. The revitalization of the Vocational High School roadmaps is inseparable from the principles of 2013 curriculum, the improvement of teacher’s quality competencies through training in the industry, and the application of student-centred learning models, such as; Project Based Learning (PrBL), Problem Based Learning (PBL) that emphasizes on ability for innovation and creativity, the improvement of education personnel’s competence, and the collaboration with business and industrial world. The fulfilment of eight Indonesia National Education Standards (NES) has become absolute. The finding of this study are four main aspects as the basic of vocational road maps revitalization, namely; (1) synchronizing the curriculum with industry, (2) revitalizing the quality of teaching staff and education personnel, (3) revitalizing facilities and infrastructure, (4) optimizing cooperation with industry, and (5) strengthening soft skills competence.
Implementation Management of Traffic Ethics Education Policy Among High School Students in Indonesia
Authors: Utami Dewi ; Sugi Rahayu ; Suparmini
Pages: 325-337
Number of students as road accident victims due to human factors has been significantly increased every year. This research aims to examine the implementation management of traffic ethics education policy among high school students. This study employed mixed method, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research method. The population and sample are SMA students who ride motorcycles for their daily mobility. The sampling technique used is Multi-stage proportionate random sampling. By using Isaac and Michael formula, a minimum sample of 291 respondents was obtained. Data were collected through questionnaire, interviews, observation, focus group discussion (FGD) and documentation, while analysis was carried out in descriptive quantitative method. The research result showed that the traffic ethics education policies have been implemented well in Yogyakarta by applying well communication, disposition and bureaucratic. However, the lack of resources such as the absent of national curriculum on traffic ethics education (TEE), lack of safety road trainings for teachers and lack of families support, have limited the effectiveness of TEE in building students attitudes on using road and maintaining safety riding.
Capital Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence From Food Processing Industry in Malaysia
Authors: Salawati Sahari ; Noradilah Abdul Rahim ; Michael Tinggi
Pages: 317-324
Despite numerous debates on the relationship between the capital structure and the firm performance, there is still lack of study focusing on the food processing industry, which is considered a nation contributor towards the economic growth especially in developing countries. Therefore, this study attempt to obtain empirical findings on the relationship between the capital structure and the firm performance among the food-producing firms in Malaysia for the year 2007 to 2016. The panel data analysis in this study has found that all variables in this study have a significant relationship towards firm performance. This study could contributes in such a way to fill the gap in the literature with regard to the study on capital structure and performance by highlighting such issue to the processing firm in Malaysia.
News Framing Analysis of the Health Crisis of 2017 in Turkey
Authors: Elif Sesen ; Seyhmus Dogan ; Perihan Sıker
Pages: 308-316
Crises pointing to a situation that creates confusion in normal living conditions have the potential to adversely affect people and societies. Health, which is one of the areas with high probability of crisis due to its structure, is a matter of concern to almost all members of society. The media, the primary source of the public in crisis situations, has an important role in defining and framing health problems. The news frames preferred by the media can affect public opinion about who will be responsible for the crisis, from whom to expect solution. In this study, which aims to show how the crises in the health field are reflected in the newspapers in the example of Turkey in 2017, news contents have been analyzed according to the news frames revealed Valkenburg et al. (1999). The study results show that the most preferred frame for health crisis news is the responsibility and the least preferred frame is the economic frame.
Flood Risk Perception and Land Use Change Analysis in Flood Affected- Communities: A Case Study of Temerloh, Malaysia
Authors: Md. Ishtiaque Haider Ishty ; Ahmad Aldrie Amir ; Nor Diana Mohd Idris ; Mohd Raihan Taha ; Mohammad Imam Hasan Reza
Pages: 298-307
Floods are one of the most common natural disasters worldwide. In Malaysia, floods cause significant economic damage and loss of human life. The frequency and magnitude of floods are increasing due to climate change and related anthropogenic activities. This study surveyed 280 respondents living in the Temerloh district which is in the midstream zone of the Pahang River Basin. This paper highlights their flood experience and identifies the cause of floods from the view of lay people. Results show that respondents are experienced in flood and flood-related damages. However, their perception of the causes of floods focused on natural causes while ignoring anthropogenic activities such as land use changes. To identify the land use changes, we used a classified shapefile for the years 2000 and 2010 from the Department of Agriculture, Malaysia and used overlay procedure in ArcGIS 10.1. Within the ten years, significant land use changes took place which could increase future flood risks. This paper argues that a grassroots approach to solving flood-related problems is essential. Accordingly, policymakers and decision-makers should involve the local community in the decision making which may develop their flood risk perception and awareness about sustainable land use.
Creative Self-Efficacy, Innovative Work Behaviour and Job Performance Among Selected Manufacturing Employees
Authors: Nor Hazana Abdullah ; Eta Wahab ; Alina Shamsuddin
Pages: 291-297
Organizations worldwide strive to achieve superior organizational performance through innovativeness. Consequently, job performance and innovative work behaviour are the pillars of organizational performance. Although the empirical evidence on the effect of creative self-efficacy (SCE) on innovative work behaviour (IWB) and job performance (JP) is consistent, there is lack of study on the direct relationship between IWB and JP. Therefore, this study explores the effect of creative self-efficacy (CSE) on innovative work behaviour (IWB) and job performance (JP) and the relationship between IWB and JP. This study used multilevel data where CSE and IWB were self-assessed by 186 employees while their respective JPs were assessed by their immediate superiors. Partial Least Square SEM was used to assess the measurement models and the path analysis. CSE is found to be a significant predictor of both IWB and JP while there is no significant relationship between IWB and JP. This finding has significant managerial implication in the context of human resource management. Integrated HR strategies are required to ensure that both JP and IWB could work in tandem by improving employees’ creative self-efficacy.
Adolescent’s Perception of Father’s Leadership Style in the Family
Authors: Salasiah Hanin Hamjah ; Izzah Nur Aida Zur Raffar ; Rosmawati Mohamad Rasit ; Zuliza Mohd Kusrin
Pages: 284-290
A father’s leadership style plays an important role in educating their young and building a happy family. Generally, there are three types of leadership styles for a family, authoritative (democratic), authoritarian (control) and laissez faire (permissive). Nevertheless there are some fathers who fail to properly lead their families and do not have the capacity to be exemplary towards their young due to their nature being coarse, ill-tempered, inconsiderate, irresponsible, unconcered or indifferent, autocratic, dislike for discussion with their young and so on. Therefore, this research is conducted to study adolescents’ perception of their father’s leadership style. It is designed as a survey study with questionnaire as the main research instrument. Research respondents total 454 form four students randomly selected from five schools in Hulu Langat district of Selangor. Data obtained from questionnaires are descriptively analyzed using SPSS version 22. Research results find that item ‘my father gives me freedom to choose my own friends so long as they invite me to goodness’ scored the highest mean value ( mean=3.53), followed by item ‘my father gives me the freedom to choose my own ambition and career with his guidance‘ (mean=3.51). These findings show that authoritative leadership is more used by fathers in this research. The implications of this research may assist fathers to strengthen their leadership style in bringing up their adolescents to build their potential for excellence.
Accreditation in Tourism and Hospitality Undergraduate Education in the ASEAN context: the Case of Thailand from the Ted Qual Perspective
Authors: Jorge Arnanz ; Kanokkarn Kaewnuch
Pages: 275-283
One of the most important developments in tourism and hospitality education in the last decades has been the implementation of institutional and programmatic international accreditation systems to support and ensure the competitiveness and excellence levels of the education centres and the study paths they offer. Institutions in the ASEAN region can (and should) opt for these international accreditations if they aim to take profit of the various advantages they offer, but how prepared are its centres nowadays to obtain these types of certifications? In order to answer this question, the aim of this paper is to examine and critically analyse the present situation of tourism and hospitality undergraduate programs in Thailand, as an example of the ASEAN context. To carry out this evaluation, a questionnaire was directed to executive staff at the institutions offering undergraduate international programs in Thailand, and to the alumni of those institutions, based on the guidelines of the UNWTO TedQual certification. The findings of this research show that despite the overall positive result (form the perspective of both the alumni and the university staff) there are some aspects which are subject to improvements in order to enhance the performance of the programs and their possibilities of being certified with international accreditations in tourism and hospitality.
The Moderating Effect of Shariah Governance on Financial and Maqasid Shariah Performance: Evidence from Islamic Banks in Indonesia
Authors: Lia Dahlia Iryani ; Winwin Yadiati ; Eddy Mulyadi Supardi ; Iwan Triyuwono
Pages: 264-274
The aim of this research is to assess the effect of financial performance to Maqasid Shariah performance with shariah governance as a moderating variable. Financial performance can be measured based on three criteria: firm size (FS), return on asset (ROA) and asset structure, while Maqasid Shariah performance is measured by zakat, infaq, shadaqoh and awqaf (ZISWAF) and qordhul hasan (QH). Shariah governance (SG) is measured by the proportion of independent board of commissioners’ members, board size, audit committee, and shariah supervisory board. The data in this study are the secondary data from Islamic Banking Financial Report (IBFR) of 2012-2016. This research employed a quantitative approach with panel data regression using E-views 9.0 software. The method for the data analysis used factor analysis. The results show that the effects of FS and ROA on Maqasid Shariah performance are significant, and the implementation of shariah governance is generally proven to play a significant role in moderating the effect of FS and ROA on Maqasid Shariah performance. The better the implementation of SG, the stronger the predictability of Maqasid Shariah, and shariah governance has a positive effect on Maqasid Shariah.
Nutrition Food Labels on Consumers Purchase Behaviour: A Triangulation Approach
Authors: Dr. Anand Shankar Raja M. ; Anisha N. ; Divya
Pages: 241-263
The research paper is about the efforts taken by the marketers in the new century to market the products with the most attractive term “Nutrition food labels”. Nutritional labeling is the practice of providing nutritional information on the labels of food packages. Since nutrition label introduces the product to the distributor or target consumer by providing them with all the information regarding the product. The main aim of a marketer is to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, because once if a customer is satisfied it automatically increases customer loyalty and has a positive impact on the firm’s profitability position. Our research would help the other researchers to understand the factors that will lead to final purchase identifying the factors that will influence the consumer in making their final purchase decision. The variable matrix proposed with regard to nutritional label would help the researchers in figuring out the measures that would intensely gain the awareness of making use of food labels. Further it would help other researcher to conduct similar studies in different geographical locations across the globe. Other variables can be included along with the variables identified in our study; researchers can also come up with a new study considering this study as a base paper. It is important to assign weights to most discussed variable and then to finalize the variable matrix and hence the researchers have used Dedoose software to analyze the literature review and to find the most promising variable which can be used for the present study. Moreover, lifestyle has a major impact on the consumers brand preference by giving importance to nutritious content. The researchers have concluded that the nutritious labeling descriptions should be considered by the consumers which will help them to maintain a balanced diet but are the consumers aware of the consequences of consuming the wrong product with false information. This mixed approach method has provided insights on quantitative and qualitative approach.
Models in Enhancing English at Work for Private Enterprise Officers in Bangkok Metropolitan
Authors: Pattaraporn Thampradit
Pages: 233-240
In the world of high competition markets and businesses, understanding what practices need to be proposed and implemented to enhance their officers to use English at work successfully is essential. This research is, therefore, designed to explorethe models in using English at work for PEO (private enterpriseofficers) in Bangkok metropolitan, Thailand; and to develop the models in enhancing the PEO English at work. The sample was180officers with different positions, years of experiences, education levels, and genders, from variousprivate enterprises in Bangkok, Thailand. The implemented questionnaires and semi-structured interview were analyzed using statistics programs with the hypothesis testing of 0.05 level of significant. The results revealed interesting indicators for administrators/business owners and/or pedagogical/training instructors to be serious concerned if they would like their enterprises to strive for global business success. Additionally, the implications derived from the study wereidentified. Finally, the recommendations not only for administrators/business ownersand/or pedagogical/training instructors, but also for the future research were offered.
Degree of Urgency and Progression Predictive Model for Dialysis using Hybrid System
Authors: August Anthony N. Balute ; Melvin A. Ballera ; Shaneth C. Ambat ; Menchita F. Dumlao ; Dennis B. Gonzales
Pages: 219-232
Machine-learning and data mining techniques using hybrid system were used to accurately predict the development of diseases such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Acute Renal Failure (ARF). In this study, Random Forests Decision Algorithm, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Model and K-means Clustering Algorithm were used to predict the degree of urgency and progression of dialysis from patients’ electronic medical records. The use of such algorithms will provide a predictive model for forecasting the urgency level and CKD stages, clustering by gender, age, CKD stages and urgency level to anticipate adverse events that will help medical practitioners in the efficiency and accuracy of detecting the severity of the kidney disease. 20,000 instances were divided into training and testing data, wherein the data was able to label the urgency and progression of dialysis. Apart from this, the stages of CKD and urgency level were forecasted using ARIMA Model. The extracted pattern from the historical and current data predicted the urgency and progression of dialysis, thus a prototype software implementation was also proposed. The experimental results of the study show that 99 percent (%) of the prediction on the degree of urgency and progression of dialysis model deemed accurate, paving way to a better clinical decision-making process of nephrologists using a rule-based system from the important attributes of the patient’s electronic medical records which will also help improve a patient’s quality of life.