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Volume 2 Number 11 November 2016

Hakka Village: Chinese Most Treasured Tourist Attraction

Authors: Onukwube Alex Alfred Anedo
Pages: 189-194
This paper is about Hakka, a people whom some Chinese took as guests or foreigners in their mist but in the actual sense, they are Han Chinese from the north trying to escape from their pursuers. The paper traced what China was before now; how much the people have suffered due to wars and hunger. It made us to know the effect of these problems was Chinese migration to other nations of the world. This contributed to the foundation of what people now know as Hakka village in Fujian Province of P.R.C. The study had interest in showcasing how Hakka tribe, a rejected stone among the Chinese, has become a yielder of golden egg in Chinese economy as it contributes towards tourism in the southern part of China.