The Journal of Social Sciences Research
Online ISSN: 2411-9458
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Special Issue
Special Issue 4 2018
Muslim Converts Personnel’s In Malaysian Armed Forces: Problems and Challenges
Authors: Burhanuddin Jalal ; Sayuti Ab Ghani ; Amnah Saayah IsmailExploring Factors Linking Value Co-Creation and Loyalty among Cooperative Members: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Jati Kasuma ; Rosmimah Mohd Roslin ; YusmanYacob ; Abang FhaeizdhyaContributing Factors of Good Corporate Governance and Employee Performance to Bank Performance
Authors: Nizar Alam Hamdani ; Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani ; Agus SupriyatnaAn Impact of Leadership Development Program on Training Transfer: The Roles of Training Motivation
Authors: Noor Azmi M. Z. ; Azman I. ; Norlaila Mazura M. ; Ahmad Azan R. ; Jessica Ong H. L.Online Scaffolding and Experts’ Trust: Knowledge Sharing of Organisation to Students
Authors: Darmalinggam P. ; Abdullah A. H. ; Raman M.Demographic Differences and Perceived Engagement among Islamic Banking Employees in Malaysia
Authors: Suraini Binti Saufi ; Noraani Mustapha ; Mohd. Zaki Zainal AbidinAnalysis of Malaysia’s Smart Cities’ Impact on Income, Expenditure, and Social Capital
Authors: Lee, Yvonne ; Mohammad H. J. S.Organizational Development Towards Excellent Management
Authors: Noor Azam Mahmad ; Norasmah Othman ; Mohammad Yusof Mohd NorDAZH Mobile Application Concept Testing: A Purchase Intentions of Café Business Entrepreneurs in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand
Authors: Adisak Suvittawat ; Thawatchai Petkaew ; Philawan PrasongsubConnecting Inward and Outward Internationalisation of Malaysian SMEs: A Learning Approach
Authors: Nur Izzati binti Mohamad Anuar ; Nik Malini binti Nik Mahdi ; Abdullah Al Mamun ; Dzulkifli bin Mukhtar ; Nursafeda binti Abd Rashid ; Symeon MandrinosAn Exploratory Study of Modeling as an Educational Tool for Adolescent Moral Development
Authors: Dare Ojo Omonijo ; Olusola B. Okunlola ; Oliver Onyekwere C. Uche ; Michael C. Anyaegbunam ; Jonathan A. Odukoya ; Elizabeth I. Olowookere ; Olusola Joshua Olujobi
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