International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences
Online ISSN: 2414-2999
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Print ISSN: 2415-5233
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 7 Number 4 October 2021
Ethnobotanical Study on Assessment of Indigenous Knowledge on Traditional Plant Medicine Use among People of Wonchi District in Southwest Shewa Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
Authors: Gadisa Melkamu Bulcha ; Kebebush Zepre
Pages: 87-97
Incomplete coverage of the modern medical system, shortage of pharmaceuticals, and unaffordable prices of modern drugs, make the majority of Ethiopians still depend on traditional plant medicine. Therefore, this study is aimed to assess the current status of indigenous knowledge of traditional plant medicine used among communities of Won chi District. Method: A total of 198 informants (27 key and 171 general) were selected purposively based on the availability of key informants and vegetation richness of the District. semi-structured interview, observation, and guided field walk with informants were data collection methods. Ethnobotanical scoring and ranking methods like informant consensus, paired-wise comparison, and preference ranking were used to analyze the collected data. The findings were displayed using tables and figures. Result: A total of 93 medicinal plant species were identified. Out of these,50 species (53.76%)were noted to treat only human ailments, 3(2.23%) species were used to treat livestock ailments and the rest 40 (43.01%) were used to treat both. Nearly two-thirds of the study participants have good knowledge about traditional plant medicine use. most medicinal plants were reported by elders (94.62%) than younger age group, traditional medicinal plant healers almost know all (96.77%), regarding religion waqefata (60.21%) know than other religion. More medicinal plants were reported by males (86.02%)than females, while regarding educational status illiterate (61.29%)know and mention more Medicinal plants than literate. Therefore, all stakeholders should work together in changing the current situation in order to sustainably benefit from traditional plant medicine.
Stunting and Its Risk Factors in Under Age Five Children in Ogun State, Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Tumilara Busayo Amoo ; Baukje de Roos
Pages: 76-86
Background: Nigeria has the second-highest prevalence of stunting in children under five in the world. Stunting can have long-term effects on development, performance, and productivity, and it is, therefore, important to assess who is most at risk so that interventions can be better targeted. The study aimed at assessing the prevalence of stunting in under age five children in Ogun State, Nigeria, and its relationship with age, sex, maternal education, household income, and residence type. Methods: We used cross-sectional secondary data from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey to assess the prevalence of stunting and establish if and how stunting is related to the children’s age, sex, household income, maternal education, and type of residence. We included data on age, sex, height/length, maternal education, household income, and type of place of residence of 274 children, aged 0-59 months. Stunting was calculated using the online version of the World Health Organization (WHO) Anthro Survey Analyser. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (v.25). Results: The prevalence of stunting was 23%. Stunting was significantly associated with age (p=0.001). The odds of stunting were significantly highest in children aged 36-47 months (OR 22.61, 95%CI: 2.81, 181.93) relative to other age groups. Stunting was not significantly associated with sex (p=0.079), maternal education (p=0.079), household income (p=0.183) or type of place of residence (p=0.299). Conclusions: Whilst the prevalence of stunting in children aged under five in Ogun State is lower than the average prevalence of stunting in Nigeria, it is still medium according to WHO classification. Intensive nutrition interventions should be targeted to children aged 3-5 years to reduce the stunting prevalence.