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Volume 4 Number 7 July 2018

Creating Learning Guideline for Nurses Caring for Patients Safety Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization

Authors: Lamiaa Ismail Keshk ; Samia Eaid Elgazzar
Pages: 101-109
Background: Cardiac catheterization is considered as the gold standard practice for the recognition and diagnosis coronary heart disease. The hazard physically and emotionally occurs from this procedure can disturb the patient’s perception of their health. Nursing care is vital in survival and avoids the patients from post cardiac catheterization problems. So the competence of nurses about knowledge and practice regarding patient care after cardiac catheterization is very crucial. Aims: the aim of this study to investigate the effect of creating learning guideline for nurses caring for patients safety undergoing cardiac catheterization. Methods: A quasi experimental research design was conducted. The study was conducted at the Cardiac Catheterization intensive care, cardiac care and emergency units at general Port Said hospital in Port Said city – Egypt. Subjects:  A purposive sample of 51 nurses was working in those departments. Tools: two tools were utilized. Tool I: consisted of the following: Part 1:  Socio-demographic data of the nurses. Part II: nurses’ knowledge about cardiac catheterization. Tool II: Nursing care after cardiac catheterization to providing patient safety. Results: The study revealed that the majority of nurses have a highly satisfactory level of knowledge and performance regarding patient safety on cardiac catheterization post implementation the learning guideline than pre learning guideline. It was reflected positive correlation between nurses qualification, experience and knowledge regarding patient’s safety at post learning guideline with significant difference regarding experience.   While, there was a strong positive correlation between the performance of studied nurses and their qualification regarding the post learning guideline implementation with significant. Finally, positive correlation between performance and knowledge regarding patient safety at post learning guideline implementation. Conclusion: it can be concluded that learning guideline considerably improved the nurses’ level of knowledge and performance regarding Caring For Patients Safety Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization. Overall knowledge score between pre learning guideline and post learning guideline was found to be significant. While, total performance score between pre learning guideline and post learning guideline was found to be not significant.  Therefore, the learning guidelines are recommended for educating these nurses to promote knowledge and performance regarding patient safety to decrease hazards following cardiac catheterization.

The Usage of Because of-Words in British National Corpus

Authors: Bei Yang
Pages: 92-100
Synonymy is an important yet intricate linguistic feature in the field of lexical semantics. Using the 100 million-word British National Corpus (BNC) as data and the software Sketch Engine (SkE) as an analyzing tool, this paper explores the collocational behavior and semantic prosodies of near synonyms in virtue of, owing to, thanks to, as a result of, due to and because of. The results show that these near synonyms differ in their collocational behavior and semantic prosodies. The pedagogical implications of the findings are also discussed.