Academic Journal of Chemistry
Online ISSN: 2519-7045
Print ISSN: 2521-0211
Print ISSN: 2521-0211
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2024
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Zirconium Oxide-Crystalline Cerium(IV)Hydrogen Phosphate/ Polybenzimidazole, Polyaniline, Polyindole, Polycarbazole, Nanocomposites
Authors: S. K. Shakshooki ; A. A. Jangher ; F. A. Elakari, et. al.
Pages: 11-20
Crystalline cerium (iv) hydrogen phosphate Ce(HPO4)2.1.33H2O(CeP), and nano particles zirconium oxide(nZrO2), of average size19.3nm, were prepared and characterized by chemical , XRD, FT-IR and TGA analysis. Mixing slurry aqueous solution of nZrO2 and CeP in 25:75 wt/wt% mixing ratios, respectively, lead to formation of novel zirconium oxide-crystalline cerium phosphate nanocomposite, [ZrO2]0.25[Ce(HPO4)2] Novel[nZrO2]0.25[CeP]0.75/ polybenzimidazole-, polyaniline-, polyindole-, and polycarbazole nanocomposites were prepared via in-situ chemical oxidation of their parent monomers. A possible explanation is part of CeP, in inorganic composite (nZrO2-CeP) was attacked by the parent monomers converted to cerium(III) orthophosphate(CePO4). The resultant nanocomposites were characterized by elemental (C,H,N) analysis , FT-IR, and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). From elemental (C,H,N) analysis. the amount of % in wt. of organic materials present in (nZrO2-CeP) nanocomposites found to be , for [polybenzimidazole(12..56%). polyaniline (16.50%) , polyindole (11.74 %), and polycarbazole (13.99 %)]. Electrical conductivity for resultant conducting polymers were investigated using DMSO solvent found to be in the range of semiconductors.
Elemental and Ecological Health Risk Assessment of Wastewater and Soils Collected During the Wet Season at Selected Industrial Sites in Kano Nigeria
Authors: Salisi Salisu ; Anhwange B. A. ; Peter Adie A.
Pages: 1-10
In this study, the elemental analysis of soils and effluents collected from selected manufacturing industries in Kano metropolis of Nigeria West Africa for the wet season of 2020 has been carried out using standard analytical methods, Analar grade reagents and approved calibrated equipment. All samples were analyzed in triplicates and the outcome values are presented as mean concentration in mg/kg. The mean concentration of heavy metals evaluated such as Co, Cd, Cr, Zn, Mn, Fe, Ni and Pb show mixed levels (excessive, moderate and normal levels) when compared to the recommended levels by NESREA. Contamination factor (CF) and contamination degree (Cd) was determined for investigated elements in all 58 samples. CF for Ni, Pb, Fe, Mn and Zn were all ˂ 1, implying no potential ecological risk contamination. Enrichment factor (EF) was calculated to determine anthropogenic input of metals in all the samples investigated. High enrichment factor for samples MW, MS, ADS, FS, PPS, MW, DW, PPW, MyW, DFS, DS, AS, LZS, 7upW, and DFW (67.2 % of the samples), The mean concentration of the metals is an indication of pollution was tested with a high implication outcome most likely, when samples are continuously emptied into the environment untreated. Safe to remind us that heavy metals are toxic with excessive human health risks.