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Volume 4 Number 10 October 2018

Benefits of English Vocabulary of Latin and Greek Origins for Learning Malay

Authors: Kazuhito Uni
Pages: 205-211
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/jssr.410.205.211
Latin is the dominant donor language to most modern European languages, which were in turn influential donor languages to Malay due to colonization between the 16th and 20th centuries. This study conducted a vocabulary survey to assess the benefits of using word categories of frequently used English vocabulary of Latin and Greek origins and their Malay equivalents for learning Malay as a foreign language. The Oxford 3000 list served as the primary reference of high-frequency English words and their Malay equivalents. Latin or Greek loanwords constitute approximately 10.6% of the most frequently used 3,000 Malay words and more than a half of these loanwords can be used with a similar pronunciation in Japanese. Therefore, this study concluded that knowledge of high-frequency English vocabulary of Latin and Greek origins could assist speakers of English and/or Japanese in learning Malay.

The Principles of Good University Governance at Islamic Muhammadiyah University of East Borneo

Authors: Anik Puji Rahayu ; Lambang Subagiyo ; Sestuningsih Margi Rahayu ; Hasbi Sjamsir
Pages: 200-204
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/tjssr.410.200.204
Good university governance is expected to increase the public image which leads to promote credibility and public participation in the role of university. The objectives of this research were to find 16 principles of Good University Governance at Islamic Muhammadiyah University of East Borneo. The quaitative approach with Case study type were used in this research. Key informan is Dean Faculty of health science, Dean secretary and head of study program. The others research Informan are Vice Quality assurance, Vice research and community service insitutes, and Lectures. The data were collected through depth-interview, participation observation, and document study. The data analysis were analyzed with interactive model by Miles and Huberman model. The research finding were : 16 principles of Good University Governance at Islamic Muhammadiyah University of East Borneo. There were nine  principles be done optimal have been implemented, namely transparency, fairness, efficiency, effectiveness, win-win situation, responsiveness, performance, productivity and quality culture, however there were seven principles less optimal. The seventh principles which had been implemented less optimally were independence, relevance, accountability, responsibility, performance and academic capacity.

Measurement Scale of Student Participation in Community Volunteerism

Authors: Mohd Yusri Ibrahim
Pages: 194-199
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/tjssr.410.194.199
University students are important personal in making, they are the citizens who will contribute to the well-being of a community. Therefore, students need to be more responsible, care caring and participate involved in community activities. However, nowdaysnowadays students were are found to be less involved in volunteerism, especially at the community level. In order to solve the problem, we need to identify the indicators need to be identified in order to measure the participation behaviours, and acting further steps actions can be taken to improve their engagement. This study was conducted to develop a scale to measure the participation among university students, and testing the validation of the measurement. Conceptualizing of this study was suggested There are 10 indicators for the conceptualization of this study to measure the variable of participation in community volunteerism. This cross-sectional survey by using questionnaires was applied distributed inon the east side of peninsular of Malaysia for to 150 respondents, and analyzedanalysed by the structural equation modelling (SEM) by AMOS. The suggested indicators were considered accepted as the measurement elements by observing on the regression weight for standard loading, average variance extracted (AVE) for convergent validity, square root of AVE for discriminant validity, composite reliability (CR) for reliability of items, and at least three fit indexes for model fitness. Finally, a measurement scale of volunteerism participation for students was successfully developed, and suitable to be used in areas of research, evaluation, training, campaign or any type of programme in order to improve students’ engagement with in community activities.

Assessment of New Urban Poverty of Vulnerable Urban Dwellers in the Context of Sub-Urbanization in Bangladesh

Authors: Sajedul Islam Khan ; Md Nazirul Islam Sarker ; Nazmul Huda ; A. B. M. Nurullah ; Md Rafiuz Zaman
Pages: 184-193
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/journal.7.410.184.183
The main purpose of this study is to examine how sub-urbanization creates poverty in the suburban areas of Bangladesh. The study focuses on the new urban poverty of the adjacent area of Dhaka where sub-urbanization is taking place. Data have been collected from the inhabitants of Savar municipality under Dhaka district in Bangladesh through semi-structured interview schedule. The paper reveals that the poor men face more extreme poverty and vulnerability than women in terms of their economic, cultural and social conditions. The study also explores that suburban poverty is mostly affected by the masculinization of poverty instead of the feminization of poverty. It contributes to understanding and analysis of the phenomenon of rapid urbanization in the developing country like Bangladesh and its social consequences as the formation of frequent suburban mess hall like slums and new forms of urban poverty. Finally, the suburban poor are largely dependent on their household, income, employment, medical facilities, and social networking. The paper also indicates that significant portions of the suburban dwellers are lived mostly in informal house and are living below the poverty lines.

Impact of Supply Chain Drivers on Retail Supply Chain Performance

Authors: S. M. Sohel Rana ; Abduallh Bin Osman
Pages: 176-183
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/journal.7.2018.410.176.183
Supply chain performance is a vital issue for making products available to the customers at affordable costs. The objective of this study is to identify the drivers of retail supply chain performance. For the purpose of the study, data were gathered from the respondents through a structured questionnaire survey. The collected data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique with smart PLS 2.0M3 software. Data analysis findings reveal that suppliers’ role, use of IT, inventory management, transportation management and coordination are the significant determinants of retail supply chain performance. The findings of this study bear deep significance both in practical and theoretical aspects.

Impacts of R&D Expenditures on High Technology Product Exports in BRICST Countries

Authors: Sevgi Sezer
Pages: 165-175
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/journal.7.2018.410.165.175
One of the best solutions for countries with foreign trade deficit and cannot increase total exports is to improve the added value of exported products. High technology products have the highest added value. The method to increase production and exports in high technology products is to increase R&D expenditures and qualified labor force available for the R&D sector. South Korea, for example, is one of the countries that significantly accelerate economic growth thanks to technology-intensive exports. South Korea, has recognized the importance of advanced technology-driven growth in its export-oriented economic growth strategy. South Korea has succeeded in transforming the composition of the manufacturing industry significantly over the years and transforming it from labor-intensive industry to capital-intensive and high-tech industries (Arslanhan and Ve Kurtsal, 2010). Again, China initially started with cheap and low quality products exports based on cheap labor. However, when China came to 2012, there were 170 automobile brands producing and exporting. There were advances towards the defense and space industry. In the same years, China has begun to take its place in the pharmaceutical industry with its advanced technology and mass production capacity (Ozsoylu and Algan, 2011; World Bank, 2012). On the other hand, India has significantly accelerated its economic growth through computer software, natural healthy life support products and remote call center services it offers to developed countries thanks to the individuals it sent for education abroad in the 1960s (Hindistan, 2012). Members of BRICST countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and Turkey drew global attention due to their economic growth performance in recent years. Economic performance of these countries affects the foreign trade volume and economic growth for the rest of the world. In the present study, impacts of R&D expenditures and the size of the qualified R&D labor force on high technology exports were investigated for BRICTS countries using panel data analysis for 1996-2014 period. We expected that the study findings would reveal a positive impact of R&D expenditures and qualified labor force in the R&D sector on exports in high technology products. The present study would contribute to the literature as it would draw the attention of developing countries to the significance of R&D expenditures and qualified labor force in the R&D sector.

The Role of Personality in Predicting the Effect of a Road-Safety Education Program on the Decrease of Reported Violations

Authors: Olimpia Pino ; Giuliano Giucastro ; Annalisa Pelosi
Pages: 158-164
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/journal.7.2018.410.158.164
This paper examines the roles of a road safety intervention and three personality traits in predicting drivers’ self-reported aberrant behaviours. Ninety-nine individuals recruited during their driver licence attendance are randomized in the experimental or control group. The intervention aimed at modifies knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. Six months later participants received the Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) designed to assess the differentiation between deliberate deviations from safe driving practices and mistakes due to misjudgements or lapses in attention. Compared with control group, participants in the intervention group reported significantly higher scores in learning questionnaire. Statistical analysis on DBQ data showed participants in the experimental condition reporting significantly lower errors and violations compared to controls. No personality trait predicted risky driving and no interactive effect emerged in measures of self-reported driving violations. Practical implications of the study are development of relevant instruments to establish effective components of educational program in order to perform a road safety education.

Stimulus-Response Theory: A Case Study in the Teaching and Learning of Malay Language Among Year 1 Pupils

Authors: Faridah Binti Nazir
Pages: 153-157
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/journal.7.2018.410.153.157
This paper is about Stimulus-Response Theory which sees human behavior as a reaction to the stimulus (stimulus to response). This theory also emphasizes the importance of rewards or incentives to stimulate and influence what and how pupils do things, including how they learn. Therefore, this study focuses on the acquisition of language during the teaching and learning of Malay Language among year 1 pupils in a primary school in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Teachers have applied this theory to train the pupils repeatedly using drill method. For example, when the teacher teaches the skills mentioned in the Malay Language syllables i.e. KV + KVK spelling pattern, the teacher will ask the pupils to repeat the pronunciation of the word a few times so that they can pronounce it properly. In this situation, learning depends on the pupils mastery of the mentioned syllables and the teacher will continue teaching the word built by the syllables which are taught earlier. Next, the pupils are asked to give examples of words constructed according to the KV + KVK pattern of syllables and the process are repeated until the skill is mastered well. Through participating observation method conducted in this study, it is found that the acquisition and mastery of a language is a learning process that needs to be practised repeatedly. Thus, the process of language teaching can be done in a more systematic way and will also improve the pupils memory. Thus, the findings also shows that, the acquisition of language using Stimulus-Response Theory encourages pupils to learn a language with continuous reward and reinforcement and the teachers do not have to take too long to explain the learning topics.

Attributes of the Humanist Director: The Exercise of Virtues as a Possible Scenario for the Constitution of the Humanist Enterprise

Authors: Daniel Lopez J. ; Patricio Vergara ; Maria Susana Roa
Pages: 146-152
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/journal.7.2018.48.146.152
In this article an introduction is made to the analysis of the humanistic attributes that the managerial manager should have, in his intentions to humanize the company, from the practice of the virtues associated with work -as causal factors-, fundamental to direct a socially responsible humanist company. For this purpose, re makes an introduction to the literature on the anthropology of the organization and the manager, as well as to the Thomistic categories of the virtues; to the anthropological approaches of the manager from Pérez and Chinchilla, and to the complementary views of other authors, which allow us to understand the constitutive dynamics of the humanist enterprise.

Axiological Aspects of Music Teacher’s Creative Potential Development in Modern Innovation and Educational Environment

Authors: Sydykova Rosa ; Dosbaganbetova Alena ; Kuzikeyev Renat ; Baijumanova Zhumabike ; Aitzanova Zhanna ; Asanbayeva Adalat
Pages: 140-145
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/journal.7.2018.48.140.145
The modern education system shows that "memorizing" does not lead to a necessary knowledge acquisition. In this regard, student-centered education becomes more relevant, as each student receives a required amount of attention and approach that will reveal his potential. However, there is no specific description of "creative potential". This article is an attempt to find meaning in "creative potential" from the standpoint of music teaching. Pressing problems in related scope of education actualize the problems of developing personal/creative potential and readiness for innovations contributing to their success in music teaching. In this regard, we have applied both general and pedagogical methods. We have also carried out a philosophical analysis. We have generalized pedagogical information provided by domestic and foreign specialists and formed an original comprehensive concept of creative personality. As a conclusion, it is important to shape the humanistic ideas about a person and positive attitude to the surrounding world and own ego in the subject of creativity. It is also important to teach how to find valuable reasons for one’s own existence and moral ways of self-realization. If one wants to develop own creative potential in a more effective way, he/she has to gain certain traits and abilities typical for a creative person.

Effects of Behavioural Rehearsal Technique on Test Anxiety Among Secondary School Students in Orlu Lga, Imo State, Nigeria

Authors: Chinyelu Nwokolo ; Ada Anyamene ; Nnanemere Gideon ; Juliana Akuezuilo
Pages: 134-139
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/journal.7.2018.48.134.139
Test anxiety is considered to be one of the most common and widespread emotions, with a large number of the student population suffering from excessive and overbearing levels of it. This study investigated the Effects of Behaviour Rehearsal Technique on Test Anxiety among co-educational secondary school students in Imo State. Five research questions guided the study and five hypotheses were tested at the level of 0.05 level of significance. The study was a quasi experimental research. The population for the study comprised one thousand one hundred and twelve students (1112). The sample for the study was seventy (70) students with test anxiety. Puposive sampling was used in selecting two schools in the area of the study. Test Anxiety Inventory was used in selecting thirty five (35) students each from the two sampled schools making it a total sample of 70respondents. Mean was used in answering the research questions, while analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used in testing the null hypotheses. The result revealed that behavior rehearsal technique was effective in reducing secondary school students’ test anxiety. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others that Behaviour Rehearsal technique should be utilized by Guidance Counsellors in reducing test anxiety among secondary school students in the state and the nation in general.