The Journal of Social Sciences Research
Online ISSN: 2411-9458
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Special Issue
Special Issue 3 2018
The Issue of Ensuring Economic Growth in Russia and Innovatizing the Russian Economy
Authors: Irina Aleksandrovna Mandych ; Olga Vladimirovna Krasnyanskaya ; Anna Viktorovna Bykova ; Sergey Egorovich Hodak ; Ekaterina Pavlovna PetukhovaVoting Behavior of the Middle Class in the Moscow Megapolis
Authors: Yuriy Nikolaevich Mazaev ; Svetlana Sergeevna Novikova ; Dmitrii Vladimirovich Gilev ; Vadim Andreyevich Steklov ; Ekaterina Vladimirovna KolokoltsevaFuzzy Optimization Models for Project Portfolio Rolling Planning Taking into Account Risk and Stakeholder Interests
Authors: Lev Solomonovich Mazelis ; Konstantin Sergeevich Solodukhin ; Aleksandr Dmitrievich TarantaevSocio-Economic and Demographic Motivators of the Life Quality of Rural Population in the Russian Federation
Authors: Marina Vladimirovna MuravyovaA Study of Satisfaction with Education for Master’s Degree and an Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Choice of the Field of Study
Authors: Evgeniya E. Nakhratova ; Natalia F. Bondaletova ; Polina V. Palekhova ; Alexandra I. ZotovaOptimizing Variability of Approaches to Regulatory Financing of Higher Education Services
Authors: Natalia Nikolaevna Natocheeva ; Yuri Alexandrovich Rovensky ; Yuri Yuryevich Rusanov ; Tatiana Viktorovna Belyanchikova ; Anna Anatolevna StaurskayaManagement of Intellectual Capital Development of an Organization Based on the System Contradictions Between its Elements
Authors: Olga Vyacheslavovna NedoluzhkoEconomics Entrepreneurship of the Female Business Operators in the East Coast Region: The Profiles Analyses
Authors: Norasibah Abdul Jalil ; Norimah Rambeli @ Ramli ; Norsamsinar Samsudin ; Nurhanani Romli ; Emilda HashimRules for Thin Capitalization as a Deoffshorization Tool in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Authors: Lyudmila PoppLabor Migration in the Region: Assessment, Forecasting, Approaches to Management
Authors: V. F. Potudanskaya ; N. V. Borovskikh ; E. A. KipervarOn The Assessment Peculiarities of the Authorities’ Activity in the Field of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development in the Territory of the Russian Federation: Evidence from the Republic of Tatarstan
Authors: Maria Igorevna Prygunova ; Elvira Gumarovna NikiforovaState Policy in the Area of Implementation of Innovations in Industrial Production
Authors: Konstantin Yurievich Reshetov ; Natalya Sergeevna Khoroshavina ; Victor Ivanovich Mysachenko ; Vyacheslav Yurievich Komarov ; Mikhail Ivanovich TimofeevApproaches to Ensuring the Sustainability of Industrial Enterprises of Different Technological Levels
Authors: Dmitriy Grigorievich Rodionov ; Evgenii Alexandrovich Konnikov ; Olga Anatolievna KonnikovaStandardization of Interregional Economic Relationships As a Tool for Fostering Integration Processes In the Russian Economy
Authors: Victor Grigorevich Rostanets; Tatiana Ivanovna Zvorykina ; Anatoliy Vasilevich Topilin ; Alexei Igorevich Kabalinskii ; Irina Sergeevna Androshina
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