English Literature and Language Review
Online ISSN: 2412-1703
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 4 Number 1 January 2018
Strategies in Primary School Vocabulary Teaching
Authors: Jinxiu Jing
Pages: 13-15
Vocabulary teaching is supposed to be an extremely significant part in language teaching in Primary school, which is always neglected prevalently. In this paper, the author discusses problems and strategies to cope with current vocabulary teaching issues, so as to offer some solutions for teachers in primary school English teaching.
On Strategies of Promoting Students? Intercultural Communicative Competence from Multimodal Perspective ---Taking 21st century Practical College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking As an Example
Authors: Ye Zhou
Pages: 9-12
Traditional College-English teaching focuses on skills, rather than humanity. Thus, College-English teaching seeks quick success and instant benefits, and students cultivated in this way definitely lack communicative competence as well as international outlook, failing to meet the demand of comprehensive English talents in modern society. The combination of language teaching and culture teaching with the help of multimodal pattern to cultivate students’ intercultural communicative competence is the key to changing College-English teaching from the instrumental to the humanistic. This paper focuses on how to use multimodal teaching mode in intercultural communication teaching to efficiently promote the students’ intercultural communicative competence on the basis of 21stCentury Practical College English Viewing, Listening and Speaking.
Investigating English Listening Strategy Use of Middle School Students
Authors: Deng Xinyao ; Liu Lingling
Pages: 1-8
In recent years, research on learning strategies has become the new domain in the area of the second language acquisition (SAL). In view of the above, the study based upon the definition and classification of O’Malley & Chamot and Oxford, discusses the condition of junior students’ listening strategies use and the impact on listening understanding. Through this research, we can see that the students with better listening score are better at self-supervising, training and listening techniques. I suggest that teachers should encourage and train the students to use the listening strategies to improve their ability. The final goal is encouraging students to self-evaluate and self-direct, and lay the foundation of life-long learning.