English Literature and Language Review
Online ISSN: 2412-1703
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 6 Number 4 April 2020
Biblical Etymology of Prophet and Priest
Authors: James Xianxing Du
Pages: 54-63
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.64.54.63
Regarding the origin of language, Genesis claims that ancient languages were divinely diversified. This testimony presents systematic evidence for biblical etymology related to prophet and priest. Priesthood was pivotal in ancient culture, and religious worship is central to civilization. This testimony presents systematic and surprising evidence for relationship of prophet and priest to biblical etymology, indicating that the old testament culture and method of worship are extensively reflected by etymology of words.
An Analysis of Arvay’s Strategies for Love and Self-Actualization in Seraph on the Suwanee Based on Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory
Authors: Yan Liping
Pages: 48-53
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.64.48.53
Seraph on the Suwanee, the last novel of Zora Neale Hurston, criticized for deviating from resolving oppression, class, race and gender, shapes a white woman protagonist instead of a black woman protagonist. But actually, it depicts the story of Arvay’s attempts to reject both oppression and the mental submission to oppression just as the oppression and resistance of class and gender are greatly concerned in Hurston’s previous works. Arvay Henson, an oppressed and repressed white woman, motivated by a tenacious belief in her own intrinsic worth and in her rights to individual freedom and social respect, attempts to preserve her integrity through withdrawal, resistance in order to seek her love and her independence as well as her self-discovery. This thesis applies Need Hierarchy Theory proposed by an American psychologist Abraham Maslow to study Arvay’s strategies for meeting her deficiency needs and to analyze her persistent efforts for love as well as the satisfactions of her needs at different levels.
A Study of Semiotic and Linguistic Gap Between the Meaning and the Usage of Emoticons in Pakistani Society
Authors: Sehrish Saeed ; Dr. Muhammad Arfan Lodhi
Pages: 37-47
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ellr.64.37.47
Current research deals with the semiotic and linguistics gap between the actual meaning and the usage of Emoticons in Pakistani society. This study aimed to find out the gap between the meaning and the use of Emoticon and to examine the use and place of Emoticons as a form of language. This research also aimed to identify whether men or women tend to use Emoticons more frequently. To analyze the gap, a survey questionnaire was used having 45 questions as tool for collecting data from mobile phone users and 05 conversations have been analyzed using content analysis technique. According to the results, mobile phone users use Emoticons in their conversations without knowing what they mean, whether they have any referential or literal meaning or which conceptual categories they denote, they do not know the answers to all these questions. This research tried to give valuable suggestions in order to solve the problems of using Emoticons without proper understandings. On the basis of findings, it is suggested that Emoticons must not give false and fake expressions rather these Emoticons should prevent misapprehension and confusion and should be aligned with the receiver.