English Literature and Language Review
Online ISSN: 2412-1703
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Print ISSN: 2413-8827
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 3 Number 5 May 2017
The Impact of Task-Based Language Teaching on the Development of Learners? Language Proficiency and Thinking Skills in L2 Classrooms
Authors: Xiaorui Huang
Pages: 46-52
Task-Based Language Teaching, an analytic approach focusing on form, with a task-based syllabus starting with output and putting emphasis on learning outcomes, may have a positive impact on the development of learners’ language proficiency and thinking skills in L2 classrooms. By implementing a TBLT approach which is free from the limitation of synthetic approach focusing on forms and analytic approach focusing on meaning, L2 learners can benefit from its efficiency promoting both in communication competence and linguistic awareness. In addition to the advantage of TBLT approaches, a task-based syllabus, as one of the typical backward design, focusing on output or learning outcomes, are more effective in enhancing learners’ language proficiency than that in other syllabuses focusing on input or process. Moreover, learners’ thinking skills can be achieved in a task-based syllabus integrating language proficiency with thinking skill tasks.
From Conventional to Technology-Assisted Alternative Assessment for Effective and Efficient Measurement: A Review of the Recent Trends in Comparability Studies
Authors: Monirosadat Hosseini ; Seyyed Morteza Hashemi Toroujeni
Pages: 35-45
There is no doubt that using computers in language testing as well as in language learning has some advantages and disadvantages. Despite the widespread use of computer-based testing, relatively few studies have been conducted on the equivalency of two test modes especially in academic contexts. However, some institutes and educational settings are going towards using computerized test due to its advantages without doing any comparability investigation beforehand. Perhaps because they mostly believe that if the items are identical, the testing mode is irrelevant. As the use of computerized test types is rapidly expanding, we need appropriate use of technology as a facet of language learning and testing. Regarding this accelerating development in computerized tests in language testing, further investigations are needed to ensure the validity and fairness of this administration mode in comparison with traditional one. This study provides a brief discussion on the importance of substituting CBT for PPT and necessity of doing comparability study before this transition. It presents the significance of the study followed by an illustration of the background of the comparability studies of CBT and PPT.